Were Adam and Eve the first people?

In this thread thread you alluded to the idea that I was mistaken to bring up the Quran as a source for the idea that Adam and Eve were not the first-ever, human beings.
If this is so, can you explain why?

I said you need not inject it into the argument; it is extraneous—Lilith↗ suffices.

Additionally, the Qur'an is off the timeline, sixteen hundred years after Gen. 3.20; six hundred years after the beginning of the Christian usurpation. Remember, at this point in our story you're dealing with an argument against a caricature of an approximately Christianist godhead in re a Jewish myth to be judged according to a definition that did not exist three thousand years ago for a word in a different language that had not yet, at that time, emerged into existence.


Hammer, Jill. "Lilith, Lady Flying in Darkness". My Jewish Learning. (n.d.) MyJewishLearning.com. 6 December 2018. http://bit.ly/2BJo04p
One of the Summarian poems ( assuming for a moment its not a con which I believe of everything really) talks about flying craft and other stuff that makes you wonder just how early scifi started.
We still see flying craft today, they're called UFOs.....:eek:
We still see flying craft today, they're called UFOs.....:eek:
I photographed one the other night.
And so did another guy in my astronomy forum.
It could not have been man made as it was in the Earths shadow and we could not identify it as an asteroid...which it probably was ... but so far a genuine UFO☺ see if you can find it it is about the width of a star but 3 to four times as long...in a single fram it would just look like another star but the streak shows it was moving over the time of that hroup of captures.....2018-12-04 18.00.34.jpg
Your work is becoming *spectacular*.............:rolleyes:

I'm an old Ansel Adams fan. Love the gray shadings of night pictures,

On my screen, some faint yellow shadings become visible. Am I imagining?

Question: In colored views are the colors used representative of the actual wave lengths (frequencies) emitted by radiant cosmic phenomena or just illustrative of the shape and size?
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Am I imagining?
I dont know. That image was one of many and was to be thrown out...the circle around the star is off center showing a problem in the optical path...anyways I was not happy with any them...I cropped some to get the photo I posted of the Horse Head the other day... and I cant remember if the one above was coloured but probably not.
In the colored views are the colors used representative of the actual wave lengths (frequencies) emitted by a radiant cosmic phenomenon?
Short answer is yes. Images are taken in red blue and green basically and colours assigned to O S and H channels...but I am still sorting all that out.
The Garden of Eden that God built for Adam was the "hanging gardens of Babylon"?
Who built Babylon? God?
What? Go back and reread my post. I suggested that the gardens of Babylon served as the inspiration for the story behind Eden. The Torah, according to the text, wasn't written down until the time of Ezra. After the fall of Babylon by the Persian Empire. I have no idea what you mean by asking if God built Babylon.
The length of this Thread & the amount of nonsense it contains boggles my mind.

The first concept to recognize is that much (if not all) of the Bible is mythology, not supported by any evidence.

The fossil record contains facts & indicates quite a few series of of creatures starting with early primates. One of those series led to modern Homo Sapiens. Others led to gorillas, baboons, chimps, et cetera.

That fossil record is contrary to the story of Adam, Eve, & the Garden of Eden relegating the Biblical account to to the level of mythology.
Remember, at this point in our story you're dealing with an argument against a caricature of an approximately Christianist godhead in re a Jewish myth to be judged according to a definition that did not exist three thousand years ago for a word in a different language that had not yet, at that time, emerged into existence.
It's not a caricature. (The subject of the argument).

Any definitions at issue here are more or less current ones of English words, the oldest dating from the writing of the King James Bible.
And Jan is not "dealing with an argument". Jan doesn't do that. Jan is setting up and using pretexts. The caricatures involved here are part of Jan's contribution to the thread - useful pretexts for Jan,

and for you.
The length of this Thread & the amount of nonsense it contains boggles my mind.

The first concept to recognize is that much (if not all) of the Bible is mythology, not supported by any evidence.

The fossil record contains facts & indicates quite a few series of of creatures starting with early primates. One of those series led to modern Homo Sapiens. Others led to gorillas, baboons, chimps, et cetera.

That fossil record is contrary to the story of Adam, Eve, & the Garden of Eden relegating the Biblical account to to the level of mythology.
The fossil record is fine and dandy Dinosaur. It can teach us a lot about evolution. But you will never find anything in the fossil record that lends any knowledge to the evolution of human thought and knowledge. This is where ancient text come into play.

The fossil record can not tell us how civilization started. The fossil record can not tell us how cultures assimilated. This is the domain of Textual Criticism. I can only speak for myself but I have treated this topic as mythology using the text that myth is based on.

Yes, the fossil record teaches us a lot about biology. The textual record, which is being discussed here, teaches us about culture. Both are worth examining because both led us to where we are today.
I can only speak for myself but I have treated this topic as mythology using the text that myth is based
I now think I see where you are coming from.
Looking inward I realise I reject religion as crazy without fitting it into the overall picture.
It has been and still is so intertwined in our culture I get that but I guess because I dont like its place I tend to ignore the roll it holds and has held.
I enjoy your posts.
I photographed one the other night.
And so did another guy in my astronomy forum.
It could not have been man made as it was in the Earths shadow and we could not identify it as an asteroid...which it probably was ... but so far a genuine UFO☺ see if you can find it it is about the width of a star but 3 to four times as long...in a single fram it would just look like another star but the streak shows it was moving over the time of that hroup of captures.....View attachment 2270

Nice pic Alex. :eek::)

There’s hope for you yet Milad! :p

The length of this Thread & the amount of nonsense it contains boggles my mind.

Just chill man.

The first concept to recognize is that much (if not all) of the Bible is mythology, not supported by any evidence.

You’re an atheist.
As l

That fossil record is contrary to the story of Adam, Eve, & the Garden of Eden relegating the Biblical account to to the level of mythology.

How doing know?

@ Dinosaur​

Sorry man!
I meant to write; How do you know?

My fingers are too big for my phone.

Don’t even go there Beer w/straw! :cool::p

Thank you Jan. That is only a partial luminance stack (it needs to be combined with red, green, blue and hydrogen alpha stackes to make a complete image. I only posted that one to show the "UFO"... Were you able to find the "UFO" in the flame nebula? It looks like a long star.

Not according to the doctors

I see a spooky shadow space monster with a seahorse on its right hand.
Great picture though.
Love to see more.

Just keep taking the meds, you can’t go wrong. :D
