Were Adam and Eve the first people?

Gen 7:21-24
21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:

22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.

23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.

24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days.


It looks to me that she IS the origin of all humans alive today according to the scriptures. Unless Noah was not her direct descendant ... you're not saying that are you?

Do you think that the biblical meaning of “earth” applies to the planet earth?

Do you know the difference between “earth” and “ world”, as portrayed in the bible?

Can you explain the difference from a biblical perspective?

In my experience conversations do not work this way. Are you saying that the scriptures lie when it says all living things on the surface of the ground, other than Noah and those on the ark, died?
How could they have been the first people, when the bible informs that Hod created mankind in the same day Adam was created?
Hod? Is that God's dumber brother who no one ever talked about?
How could Cain have met his wife?
?? By meeting her. Maybe they met in one of those really nice orchards.
Who was Cain afraid of?
God. Because he cursed him. Read Genesis for more information.
Do you believe that Cain married his sister?
Sure. Quite common in the Bible. Abraham married his half-sister Sarah. Amram, father of Moses, married his aunt Jochebed. David’s son Amnon had sex with his half-sister Tamar. When humanity starts from two people you don't really have much choice.
I posted remarks similar to the following to this or some other Thread.

The Biblical Adam & Eve story is a myth & is not close to being an actual account of the origin of Homo Sapiens.

The fossil record shows the following facts of evolution (not the only examples)

A set of related fossils starting with Eohippus & ending with the modern horse.

A set of related fossils starting with early primates & ending with modern Homo Sapiens.
Darwin & perhaps others explained the above by the mainstream description of evolution.

To refute the notions of Darwinian evolution, one must provide a better explanation for the above facts of evolution.
In my experience conversations do not work this way. Are you saying that the scriptures lie when it says all living things on the surface of the ground, other than Noah and those on the ark, died?

No. But it begs the question, which ground?
But, conversations can work this way, especially if you’re trying to really understand something.
Does the bible state that mankind descended from Noah? As far as I can tell, it doesn’t. But if it does , then obviously I have to accept that it does.
So. Does it?
If not, then why make the assumption that it does?

Hod? Is that God's dumber brother who no one ever talked about?

That was a typo mate. But you knew that.
It offered up the opportunity to dodge the question. Didn’t it?

But just in case I’m mistaken, here’s the question again.

How could they have been the first people, when the bible informs that God created mankind in the same day Adam was created?

It is purely a religious claim, that cannot be corroborated by any scripture, let alone the bible.
Corroboration of religious claims is irrelevant - the claim is written down in the English language Bible in English. You can read it for yourself.
It means Eve is the Mother to all living, but not in the biological sense. So yes she is mother to aardvarks,
In context: the aardvarks came first, then Eve, then from Eve the rest of humanity (at least, the Flood survivors). The translator knew that. The man who wrote the sentence believed that all human beings living today descended from Eve. Had he believed anything else, or expressed any other belief in his writings, he would have been murdered by theistic authorities.
Yet you pretend to accept that the scriptures show that “Mother of all living” doesn’t mean what it says.
Scriptures don't show what their English translations mean. It's the other way around. One assumes literacy - unless dealing with an overt Abrahamic theist, in which case one assumes deception instead.
It cannot, and does not mean all humans are descendants of Eve.
It can, and does.
(Which is where the poetical or metaphorical sense of Eve as the mother of the living world, an idiomatic English usage, comes from, for example - the humans named the beings of the world, were given dominion over them, in this story. Their original mother is - in that sense - the mother of all they did and all they do, including that).
If you cannot read biblical(classic) hebrew nor aramaic,
can you be a biblical literalist?
And Biblical (Classic) Greek, of course.
Why not? Pick your translation, go for it. It's not like there's an original to compare with.
That's the most common kind - review Jan's posts, for example.
And Biblical (Classic) Greek, of course.
Why not? Pick your translation, go for it. It's not like there's an original to compare with.
That's the most common kind - review Jan's posts, for example.

Ok so basically we rely on translations of translations(...?)
so a "translation literalist"?

Pick one you like and pretend that it is accurate?

To the best of my knowledge, Job is the oldest book of the bible and has never been fully translated into any modern nor ancient language.
And, there is a recent claim that the first "bible" may have been written 12,000 years ago(during the time of gobekli tepe?)
Which could place translating the original, whose meaning and the meaning of the words used, lost in the mists of time?
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Does the bible state that mankind descended from Noah? As far as I can tell, it doesn’t. But if it does , then obviously I have to accept that it does.
So. Does it?
If not, then why make the assumption that it does?
All we have to go on is the text. You have not given any textual backing to your position.

Gen 5
Adam begat Seth
Seth begat Enos
Enos begat Cainan
Cainan begat Mahalaleel
Mahalaleel begat Jared
Jared begat Enoch
Enoch begat Methuselah
Methuselah begat Lamech
Lamech begat Noah
Noah begat Shem, Ham and Japheth

Then everyone except Noah, his sons and their wives dies. (EDIT: Enoch too was spared because God "took him")

Gen 7:22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.

What part of the text supports your point of view?
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