What are the lost tribes of israeil and etc....?

There were 12 tribes or in modern English, provinces / states, which comprised the whole state of Ancient Israel under monarchy.

After the Babylonians took Israel and the Jews into captivity, 10 of the 12 tribes were exiled from their land and taken into captivity. At that point the two remaining northern tribes merged and those not taken into captivity fled. At the end of captivity from Babylon only one tribe really returned, Judah. Which at that time had absorbed a individuals from other tribes. Those not exiled became called Israel, those who were returning were called Judah. Eventually those of Israel were lost and only Judah remained as primarily the Tribe of Judah with a mix of people from other tribes as well. Those of Judah became the last tribe existing from the 12, and thus those decedent from the other 11 tribes are lost.

Those decedent from Judah are today called Jews.
rumor has it..
dunno who is who..

etc etc..
There were 12 tribes or in modern English, provinces / states, which comprised the whole state of Ancient Israel under monarchy.

After the Babylonians took Israel and the Jews into captivity, 10 of the 12 tribes were exiled from their land and taken into captivity. At that point the two remaining northern tribes merged and those not taken into captivity fled. At the end of captivity from Babylon only one tribe really returned, Judah. Which at that time had absorbed a individuals from other tribes. Those not exiled became called Israel, those who were returning were called Judah. Eventually those of Israel were lost and only Judah remained as primarily the Tribe of Judah with a mix of people from other tribes as well. Those of Judah became the last tribe existing from the 12, and thus those decedent from the other 11 tribes are lost.

Those decedent from Judah are today called Jews.


Israel split into two nations 10 northern tribes formed one nation and the other ones Judah and Benjamin formed the southern one called Judea.

The 10 lost tribes where dispersed after the kingdom was attacked by the Assyrians. This had nothing to do with the Babylonians.

The 10 tribes never came back to their nation and it is not clear who are the descendants of those 10 tribes today.

What are referred to today as Jews are only of the two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, who lives in the southern kingdom of Judea.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
rumor has it..
dunno who is who..

etc etc..

Huh? Please explain this post..Preferably without ad hominem.

And PLEASE don't answer my question with a question...That gets old.

What Chipz said, seems pretty spot on to me.
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What are the lost tribes of israeil and etc....?
and blablabla

Fairy tales

In medieval Rabbinic fable the concept of the ten tribes who were taken away from the House of David (who continued the rule of the southern kingdom of Judah) becomes confounded with accounts of the Assyrian deportations leading to the myth of the "Ten Lost Tribes". The recorded history differs from this fable: No record exists of the Assyrians having exiled people from Dan, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun or western Manasseh. Descriptions of the deportation of people from Reuben, Gad, Manasseh in Gilead, Ephraim and Naphtali indicate that only a portion of these tribes were deported and the places to which they were deported are known locations given in the accounts. The deported communities are mentioned as still existing at the time of the composition of the books of Kings and Chronicles and did not disappear by assimilation.

The Jewish tradition held until modern times that all the population of the kingdom was deported by Assyria, never to be heard of again. They are considered the Ten Lost Tribes.

Huh? Please explain this post..Preferably without ad hominem.

And PLEASE don't answer my question with a question...That gets old.

What Chipz said, seems pretty spot on to me.

I ain't claiming nothing..
it was just something i have wondered..

there are 10 'lost' tribes,there isn't any evidence that a group of them went elsewhere, and started the countries that exist today..
Not saying I believe this, but...

In my younger days I read a lot of stuff from Herbert Armstrong's "Worldwide Church of God". His belief was that the tribe of Dan eventually landed in the British Isles. His claim was that Tuatha Da Danann translated into "Tribe of Dan".

Just sayin'...
ah i see, but, i don't know, fairy tail, real tail, i mean, what? :O
israeil, yes it did exist, but, not israeil as we know it, anyway, also under the king of solaiman, it was united, the northern and the southern part, and then, after he's ruling, it ended. and solaiman, is mentioned in quran, and the people of israeil, so for me, i don't really think it's all fairy tail, it may be their parts of it that are wrogn of something, i'll search about it later
israeil, yes it did exist

Prove it. Israel was the name of a prophet - Prophet Ya'qub - and if you say Ya Bani Israel how is that different from Ya Bani Adam? Is Adam a place too? There is no evidence of any place called Israel, perhaps the Bene Israel are the children of Israel the way Bene Adam are the children of Adam.

Tabari has recorded the Hadith for the word Israel:

Israel is Prophet Ya`qub, for Abu Dawud At-Tayalisi recorded that `Abdullah Ibn `Abbas said, "A group of Jews came to the Prophet and he said to them,

«هَلْ تَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّ إِسْرَائِيلَ يَعْقُوبُ؟»

(Do you know that Israel is Jacob) They said, "Yes, by Allah.'' He said,

«اللَّهُمَّ اشْهَد»

(O Allah! Be witness.)''

At-Tabari recorded that `Abdullah Ibn `Abbas said that `Israel' means, `the servant of Allah.'
