What are these things in the sky


Registered Senior Member
I was always curious about these things that I see in the night sky.

There's these starlike objects that I see flying around up there, that I catch a glimpse of. And that when I see them real bright like, they suddenly dim out, but if I have my binoculars with me, I'm able to follow their course, but they don't brigthen again until I lose sight of them (I think).

These aren't sattillites because they don't fly in a straight path, they zigzag, and other stuff but constantly move forward.

Any clue on what these things are?
No... they're unable to be taken pictures of since they don't last long at all. Also, these are way too high to be called fireflies, and fireflies aren't apart of Colorado's habitat (my area anyway).
That sounds like a bizzar phenomenon to me. Get some photographs. If your perceptions are accurate, then you might be describing a true UFO.

If possible, set up on a time in the night sky when they tend to show up. When you see them, just look in it's direction and hold the shudder open. The object will become a streak on the photo and show us how it behaves. Be sure to use a Tripod, of course.
I keep telling you, you can't take pictures of these things. They simply won't come out because they're too dim by the time you're able to take their picture. They appear in several different places. Mostly I see them straight up though from what I've been able to notice. These aren't erratic movements really, they zigzag and swerve, but they keep moving forward.

Not really at an incredible speed either, so maybe it's a new spyplane?
Have you tried taking pictures??? Give it a shot, just take a camera out and go for it.
It is possible to get a good photograph. Find a clear area, and take multiple photographs, in exposures of 10 minutes each. Use a wide field so you can get an entire region of the sky in the same frame. Over a span of 10 minutes, the stars will of course streak somewhat, but whatever shows up the way you say it will will appear as very long streaks compared to the background stars. A 24 exposure role of film would be useable for 4 hours useing this method.

This is similar to a technique we use in Astronomy for small to gain better detail in small objects like Nebulas. Trust me... this would work. You need only a manual shutter camera, a tripod, a nice field of view of the sky in the region they appear in, good film, hot cocoa, and a lot of patience.
you don't happe to live close to some military airbase do you? they're testing planes all the time at such spots, also in strange fly-patterns..

Trying to make pictures would be my advice aswell, seems worth a try, especially if they get very luminous at times

I live in Denver Colorado (Arvada to be precise 10 miles from Denver)

Anyway, as far as I know we have NORAD here, that should explain things a bit, and we have the Air Force Academy down south.

I think we have several military bases around the surrounding areas, but I haven't researched it enough to be sure. I think Ft. Collins to the North has one, but am not positive. Not to mention, we got Cheyenne Mtn here as well. And you all know what that contains.

As far as taking pictures, I have taken a picture of that flying triangle at one point in time, but somehow I lost the photos. They turned out quite well but it was taken at very low altitudes where I had to circle the flashing lights in order for them to spot the moving object. It was just too dark to make out clearly.

I only have a digital camara at my disposal, I don't know how to adjust it real well for night photos. I can give it a shot, who knows, there might show up more than the eye can see like the flying triangle picture did.

When I took a picture of that, I only saw two red pulsating lights. When I examined the picture, I noticed there were 4, but like I said, I don't have that picture anymore and I don't know how I lost it.
It might just be the random fireing of the rods and cones in your eyes. It happens all the time but you can only really notice it if its dark.

It also could be space debris hitting the earth's atmosphere. That happens thousands of times a day.
Yes I've noticed those lightning rods in my eyes. They look nothing like this object at all.
Doom I see the exact same thing! No sh*t. Noone would believe me until they actually seen them too. I have seen around 16/17 in my whole life. I believe the first was a satellite, it moved in a direct path across the sky. But all the rest get bright and then dim out and then disappear.

What are they!!!!

Oh, I live in North Cali about 3 miles from a Air Force base, maybe that helps..
Probaby a secret government project, if they aren't satellites or debris. Star, have you seen meteorites before, can you compare the thingies in the sky to meteorites? I'm just asking...but not implying anything. The fact that you said they move in a straight line suggests satellites, maybe they rotate in the suns light, which makes them brighter and darker....:bugeye:
These aren't meteorites at all. Meteorites travel at an extremely high velocity. These don't. These act as though they're like planes but a bit faster. Also take a note that these don't flash and make a big announcement that they're there. You really have to look for these objects.

The main difference between these objects, is if you look through binoculars after you spot them, and they dim out (maybe like a meteorite would), you can track these things all across the sky. It takes these things maybe 3 minutes to travel across the sky, and a meteorite takes a millasecond. That's the main difference with these things.

Also take note that satallites, although do rotate, they rotate at a high velocity also. These, just dim out and then maybe reappear later when they feel like it. Satallites have no choice but to flash their brightness. Which in turn this object maybe guided by an intelligent being. Furthermore, these objects don't move in a straight line like a satallite does.

Point made ;)

Even freakier, Saddam is an Evil Santa Clause. He can collect over 6 million ballots all over Iraq and process them in less than a night. Even freakier still, they all voted for him.

"Mommy, make him stop... hes scareing me"
Yup, they are in no way meteorites. I have seen tons of meteorites in my life to tell them apart. They are just as Doom describes. Traveling a little fast then a plane, they actually look like a plane, but no blinking lights or anthing. They look like stars, but brighter. One that I seen kinda floated, then got really bright, went in a U pattern and then disappeared. (that one freaked me out more then the rest). And Im a skeptic, so I know Im not just loony.

If anyone actaully remembers my first post over a year ago? It was regarding these things, but nobody really knew what I was talking about! I even put it into the Astronomy section. There has to be someone that knows what they are!