what are you ?


waiting for something
Registered Senior Member
1 - you do not care if aliens exist. u probably do not care about the earth either.

2 - you do not THINK aliens exist. why not? is it because theres no hard proof available? what if the government has been hiding this hard proof for 50+ years ?

3 - you THINK aliens exist, but you do NOT think the government has done any cover-ups or knows about it. naive.

4 - you KNOW aliens exist, but dont know about government coverups

5 - You KNOW aliens exist, and you know the government is hiding information

i cant think of any other options, can you ?
option 6:
i think aliens exist and i think the government is too busy with other shit to cover to bother with aliens.

I think the alien story is what they rather you believe.

The truth might be worse than alien cover-ups.
I'm sure aliens exist, on some planet, somewhere, given the size of the Universe.

However, I really, really doubt if they have conquered the massive technical difficulties required to travel such long distances, they will serially abduct people, shove probes up their bums, psychically commune with others, and mutilate a cow on the way home, and do this thousands of times.
^ My view exactly. There must be aliens, statistically. But they won't waste their time hanging around rural areas in the US in order to "probe" people who are clearly not representative of the highest of human endeavour and achievement!

Abduction and "probing" alien encounter stories come after It Came From Outer Space (1953). "Grays" appeared only after Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). (Much to my disapppointment the aliens in Mission to Mars, Signs and the TV series Taken were all "grays". You have to turn to Star Trek for originality of alien design nowadays).
Plus why do they crash?
all this superior technology and they crash in a remote area of america.

The only thing that bothers me is crop circles,they are something where i dont know what to believe,cos either the people who do em are genius artists or its aliens.

So i useally would say the more likely,genius artists,i mean are you gonna tell me michelangelo was an alien?
i know for a fact i couldnt pull off the art he did(i do rely on knowing how to draw and pull of decent art being a tattooist),but that dont mean he must have been an alien or an alien involved.

Aliens constructed the sistine chapel apparently.LOL
I dont understand how people can second guess alien behaviour, what exactly would you expect an alien to do that visited earth? Why assume that they must follow the same customs, logic, and integretry of an average human?
Plus why do they crash?
all this superior technology and they crash in a remote area of america.

very true, ive thought about this as well. i think that Roswell was a planned 'crash' - planned by the aliens themselves to crash land. i think most genuine UFOs that crash are pruposefully crashed or gunned down by governments.
very true, ive thought about this as well. i think that Roswell was a planned 'crash' - planned by the aliens themselves to crash land. i think most genuine UFOs that crash are pruposefully crashed or gunned down by governments.

Well one of the theories is that the UFO was struck down by lightning, as during the time of the crash, there was a huge thunder and lightning storm going on in that area.

Besides, it doesn't matter how technologically advanced one is when it comes to flying, it comes to the skill of the pilot, heh. Even if their UFO is controlled by thought, there'd still be the few times the pilot screws up. Rare for us, rare for them.

- N
Option 7: I think it is very likely that aliens exist, but I do not care about it until I meet one in person.
Option 9: They exist, but live in a galaxy far far away (and tend to hook up with long lost sisters)
10. They probably exist in our own galaxy, but pose no interest to me, if we're not able to interact with them.

11. Any Earth government<->alien conspiracy assumptions suck and aliens agree on that.
12. Aliens exist, but they don't think we exist. They're too busy minding their own cares.
The 13th Option

The bad ET’s know that they are cast down to the earth in only survival craft, and most crash land. The good ET’s that won that heavenly war seem to have earth as a basic NO FLY ZONE for bad ET’s now. They probably have a really shitty attitude them losers.
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Governments have hidden/corrupted many facts, the sciences have hidden/corrupted many facts and the religions have hidden/corrupted many facts.

There are people channeling these ET's that are here, creating grand stories; people having amazing dreaming they don't understand; people with physical, mental etc. anomalies.
The religions call these fallens ones angels, spirits, demons; the sciences call them bogus anomalies; governments don't call them, they sign surrender treaties with them; the military forces under these governments just follow orders, yes sir, no sir, how far do you want us to bend over sir, except maybe for Deluce.

It is impossible to have the number of whistleblowers that there seem to be, that are high ranking military, industry and civilian accounts of events without there being some factual base to all of this.
option 8: we ARE aliens (except for the creator of this thread)


why not me? i believe extra terrestrials had something to do with our inception as well. how else can we account for the missing links and evolutionary leaps we have found between apes, cavemen, and us?

fiery has a point - if theres thousands upon millions of people saying something... then you can bet your bottom dollars something is up. even if only 1% of all this paranormal/conspiracy/alien information is correct, then thats all it takes.
option 6:
i think aliens exist and i think the government is too busy with other shit to cover to bother with aliens.

I think the alien story is what they rather you believe.

The truth might be worse than alien cover-ups.

like what ? that Bush and his elites are actually reptilian aliens themselves bent on dominating the world and killing people for bloodlust and keeping everyone in fear to feed off their negative energy?

the government is too busy with other shit

like what? planning another fake terrorist attack on america to keep baby bush in office even though everyone in america hates him ?
fiery has a point - if theres thousands upon millions of people saying something... then you can bet your bottom dollars something is up.

By the same logic, we have a god. Do you believe in Allmighty?

people having amazing dreaming they don't understand; people with physical, mental etc. anomalies.

Like what? And who's to say we'll never find a good scientific explanation that has nothing to do with aliens? Why the heck would aliens do something to our species?