What Atheists do and do not beleive


Sweep the leg Johnny!
Valued Senior Member
Regarding SAM's recent travesty of a thread on atheists
(here's a link so its not to be confused with any of her other recent debacles http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=80737 )

It does actually raise some interesting questions.

In matters not relating to religion - such as politics and science - why would an atheist have a different view point to a theist.

Would that differing viewpoint stem obligately from their athesim?

What examples can you give of an atheist point of view on a non religious topic that stems speciffically from a person's atheism?
Regarding SAM's recent travesty of a thread on atheists
(here's a link so its not to be confused with any of her other recent debacles http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=80737 )

It does actually raise some interesting questions.

In matters not relating to religion - such as politics and science - why would an atheist have a different view point to a theist.

Would that differing viewpoint stem obligately from their athesim?

What examples can you give of an atheist point of view on a non religious topic that stems speciffically from a person's atheism?

I wouldn't know Synth.
As far as I know atheists are just normal people that happen not to believe in any God.
From my "research" so far, you can rule out morality

ok - we have a starting point then, so SAM

In matters not relating to morality WHY would an atheist have a different view point to a theist?

Would that differing viewpoint stem obligately from their athesim?

You are actually saying atheists have no morality ? [Yes/No]

Enmos I suggest you actually read the questions?

question in OP said:
What examples can you give of an atheist point of view on a non religious topic that stems speciffically from a person's atheism?

ok - we have a starting point then, so SAM

In matters not relating to morality WHY would an atheist have a different view point to a theist?

Would that differing viewpoint stem obligately from their athesim?

There is a thread on it. Look it up.

Atheist believe in scientific realism (which changes every century from particles, to waves, quantum states...) while theist believe in something deeper that is atemporal , never changing
In some way we can say that atheist believe in the current society belief while theist believe in what science want to reach (the unification) but are not able to express it except by the three letter word "god"
Atheist believe in scientific realism (which changes every century from particles, to waves, quantum states...) while theist believe in something deeper that is atemporal , never changing
In some way we can say that atheist believe in the current society belief while theist believe in what science want to reach (the unification) but are not able to express it except by the three letter word "god"

Thats a very good synthesis of the two systems.
Here in the US, we have theists who justify support for Israel as necessary to bring about the second coming. Reagan had a Secretary of the Interior, James Watt, who was all for exploiting all natural resources with the greatest speed possible. He was quite open about being a fundamentalist Christian, and it was understood that his basic philosophy was that our natural resources only had to last until the second coming, which wasn't supposed to be too far off. So all talk of conservation and environmentalism were just the frothing of godless communists. God put trees here for humans to use by golly, so lets get to it!
From my "research" so far, you can rule out morality

What that confirms is the boundless ignorance and inability of theists to arrive at moral concepts with reason and rationale, as opposed to a contrived reward and punishment scheme exploited in medieval ages.

Clearly, the so-called "research" is limited to Islamic scriptures, where mankind is reduced to slobbering imbeciles unable to control their bodily functions without a divine babysitter to keep clean our orifices.
Enmos I suggest you actually read the questions?

There is a thread on it. Look it up.


I read some of that thread and to be frank most of your stuff on atheism and morality was a little child-like and poorly thought through - you didn't even bother with the biological/evolutionary origins to morality at all - even to refute them (astonishing!!)

So as a result of that we'll have to drop morality as a valid answer - do you have any other possible candidates SAM?
I read some of that thread and to be frank most of your stuff on atheism and morality was a little child-like and poorly thought through - you didn't even bother with the biological/evolutionary origins to morality at all - even to refute them (astonishing!!)

So as a result of that we'll have to drop morality as a valid answer - do you have any other possible candidates SAM?

More "rational" discourse? Atheism "preaches" morality now, does it? :D
Which morality?

Homosexuality is wrong. Innate or not?

I fail to see what homosexuality has to do with morality - you are confusing superstition (don't touch mens dicks if you are man or unmarried woman, don't eat cheese on the third tuesday in september if the sun is shining and your name is Jeffrey etc etc) with REAL morals (don't kill, don't steal, care for the poor and sick etc etc)

secondly there is some evidence to suggest that homosexuality apparently has a biological - perhaps even genetic- origin - so how can nature be immoral?
I fail to see what homosexuality has to do with morality - you are confusing superstition (don't touch mens dicks if you are man or unmarried woman, don't eat cheese on the third tuesday in september if the sun is shining and your name is Jeffrey etc etc) with REAL morals (don't kill, don't steal, care for the poor and sick etc etc)

secondly there is some evidence to suggest that homosexuality apparently has a biological - perhaps even genetic- origin - so how can nature be immoral?

What about murder?
What about murder?

If by what you mean that murder is the preconceived intention to kill someone, then obviously any hint of morality would be a wash, reasoned or divinely inspired.

But, to ask whether or not murder can be reasoned as unacceptable without divine intervention is another question.