What grave sins Jews commited to deserve the Holocaust?


Registered Senior Member
It is possible to identify an acumulative count of sins as the cause of their tragedy?
If not, that means God was unfair with them?
It is possible to identify an acumulative count of sins as the cause of their tragedy?
If not, that means God was unfair with them?

Nope. It likely means that there is no supernatural interference in events that occur in the modern world.
From Jehovah's pov? Collaborating with the Roman occupation (except at Masada - those guys were jake with god - all dead, but jacobean as hell). Abandoning the line of King David and letting a committee of pharisees rule Jerusalem. Not being killed off by the Muslims or Christians. Evacuating to foreign lands, wearing the local costume, eating the local food. Trading and fraternizing with foreigners. Learning other languages, reading other books.
A mild reprimand, as divine displeasure goes. Gods don't have to be fair - they're Gods, for god's sake!
It is possible to identify an acumulative count of sins as the cause of their tragedy?
If not, that means God was unfair with them?

Does that mean only the good Jews survived? What about the innocent children who didn't? Does God judge each individual or does he inflict collective punishment? And why would he consider Jews different from that other sect of Jews that now call themselves Christian? I see unfairness every day. Muslims are crucifying people in Africa even now. Did the Romans ever receive their holocaust for killing Jesus? These questions are stupid.
It is possible to identify an acumulative count of sins as the cause of their tragedy?
If not, that means God was unfair with them?

The concept of "sin" and "God" are subjective, so it's not possible to get an objective answer.
From Jehovah's pov? Collaborating with the Roman occupation (except at Masada - those guys were jake with god - all dead, but jacobean as hell). Abandoning the line of King David and letting a committee of pharisees rule Jerusalem. Not being killed off by the Muslims or Christians. Evacuating to foreign lands, wearing the local costume, eating the local food. Trading and fraternizing with foreigners. Learning other languages, reading other books.
A mild reprimand, as divine displeasure goes. Gods don't have to be fair - they're Gods, for god's sake!

This is not a proportional punishment. You could dismember your son for being absent one day class?
I wouldn't, but i'm not a god. Jehovah did, just to redeem the christians from his own wrath.
Did the Romans ever receive their holocaust for killing Jesus? These questions are stupid.
Seems stupid, but most religions teachs their practices will help people and protect them from Evil (whatever it could be, or mean)
Judaism have the worst propaganda, after holocaust!

This is why i'm agnostic, and sometimes take communion with the cosmicism.:jawdrop:

Ideed romans pulled the strings of the assassination of Jesus, not the pharisees. And Vatican is in Rome. Absurd.

I perceive the notion that nazis, inquisitors, etc thought a damnation was upon Jewish Nation, since they killed Jesus, the God of Occident.
Bible predicted jews will kill the Messiah (Can't that fact imply a psychologycal trauma for the masses?) The severe language, and the numerous dismal prophecies (Daniel, Isaiah,.. all are 100% gloomy) that appears in the Bible give the impression that jewish nation, the center of the Christian Destiny, is considered to have a predestinated fate (unfortunate), as they were any sort of obscure, unfathomable experiment, the 'black sheep of God'.
if any Minister of Church would say the reward of follow their teachings will be an holocaust, all the parishioners would come out terrorized:grumble:
This thread is anti-semitic. I urge all posters to tread very carefully.
From Jehovah's pov? Collaborating with the Roman occupation (except at Masada - those guys were jake with god - all dead, but jacobean as hell). Abandoning the line of King David and letting a committee of pharisees rule Jerusalem. Not being killed off by the Muslims or Christians. Evacuating to foreign lands, wearing the local costume, eating the local food. Trading and fraternizing with foreigners. Learning other languages, reading other books.
A mild reprimand, as divine displeasure goes. Gods don't have to be fair - they're Gods, for god's sake!

No one but monstrous human beings are responsible for the Holocaust. To suggest otherwise is to mock their slaughter. However, you illustrate the pathological personality here - blaming the victim, and (assuming you actually believe God caused the Holocaust) denying the guilt of the criminal. This probably fits well with the rationale of the Nazis who participated in the "permanent solution", justifying their unfathomable cruelty by some similarly twisted logic.
It is possible to identify an acumulative count of sins as the cause of their tragedy?
If not, that means God was unfair with them?

The only sins we know of were those of the murderers. To suggest otherwise is perverse.

Yes. The opening post starts from the assumption that the Jewish people deserved their persecution by the Nazis, due to pre-existing "sins". Nobody deserves genocide.
blaming the victim, and (assuming you actually believe God caused the Holocaust)
Blaming the biblical god for bad divinity. Blaming nazis for bad humanity. Blaming Jews for bad theology. Blaming Romans for adopting bad theology. Absolutely not believing in gods and having reservations about the events of 1935-1945 as the biblical Holocaust.

Yes. The opening post starts from the assumption that the Jewish people deserved their persecution by the Nazis, due to pre-existing "sins". Nobody deserves genocide.
It was nothing of the kind! It was meant as a challenge to theism, like "How is this supposed to be fair?" Oy!

Just everybody stop listening to god-salesmen, okay?