What if proof of telepathy was your unconscious?


Registered Member
Ya. We all hear voices in our head right? That is what the psychology books say. We all hear voices in our heads that psychologists tell is is "the unconscious". Those voices are ourselves talking to us about whatever.

What if psycholgists were liars? What if psychologists were bad people who were trying to control you by telling you that telepathy was the unconscious?

If you know about telepathy, you have some power. You can strengthen it and learn how it works and actually use it. But if you think telepathy is just your noisy unconscious bothering you, you will ignore it and never ever strengthen your telepathic ability.

Pretty sneaky trick by evil huh?

Think about it. What do psychologist blame on the subconscious? All of the bad things right? If you want to steal a candy bar, it is your bad subconscious. You are a bad person and it is all your fault.

But what if you want to steal a candy bar because a telepathic person is putting that thought in your head? What if, besides telepathy, they could also be voyeurs. Watching you as you act on the orders they gave you? They could order you to steal a candy bar, you would do it because you thought it was your subconscious, then they could laugh away as the police came for you.

What if you get a voice in your head telling you to give all your possession to the nice man? You go to the psychologist and he tells you it is your unconscious, and if your unconscious wants something, it is healthy for you to do what your unconscious wants, as long as it is not bad.

So you give all your possessions to whoever, because your conscious told you to. Except really it was the person you gave all your stuff to using telepathy to plant the thoughts into your head.

Did you ever pay attention to your unconscious? Did you ever think something and then think "What! that is not me! Where did that thought come from?".

That really wasn't you. That was someone else putting a thought in your head telepathically. That is how evil gets good people to mess up.

Asian people know all about telepathy. Any proof? Sure. Meditation.

Lots of people think meditation is about being peaceful. It is. That is also misdirection, something asian people are well known for. They tell you the truth, but only part of it, because they know people are lazy. If they give you an answer, you will stop looking because you think you have the answer.

Meditation is training for telepathy. You sit there for hours thinking of nothing. What do they tell you in meditation? Quiet the mind. You really do have your own thoughts in your head bouncing around that need to be quieted. You learn exactly what it is that your thinking is like. During those boring hours, you hear every thought your brain could possibly have.

Then when a telepathic thought enters your head, you know it is telepathic. You know for a fact it is not your thought because you have spent years of boredom meditating to learn exactly what thoughts your brain produces.

Telepathy is real. You are told it is fake to make you weak and powerless. Easy to control. No threat to the people that like to run things.
I haven't read this, but have you read other threads?

Also, what do you think telepathy means? Have you researched this in a dictionary? How stupid and confusing an issue this is. I personally say, proof of telepathy can only come from first understanding what telepathy means!
Also, welcome to Sciforums. Be prepared for one hella place, I warn you ;-) At least it is fun if you can handle the heat.
Telepathy is real. You are told it is fake to make you weak and powerless. Easy to control. No threat to the people that like to run things.
I liked this. Very true.
I haven't read this, but have you read other threads?

Also, what do you think telepathy means? Have you researched this in a dictionary? How stupid and confusing an issue this is. I personally say, proof of telepathy can only come from first understanding what telepathy means!

I didn't read this. Are you sure it is supposed to be here?
Wow! If you actually believe what you've said, not only do you need to check out what "telepathy" is supposed to be but you'd better look into what "paranoid" really is. You're sure on your way straight to the latter...
Here come the babboons. Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!

"Oh goody, a brand new nutter.
Cry Havoc!"

"Woo Woo! Woo Woo Alert!"

"Wow! If you actually believe what you've said, not only do you need to check out what "telepathy" is supposed to be but you'd better look into what "paranoid" really is. You're sure on your way straight to the latter..."

I have a question. Can any of you actually think? I just finished perusing the threads here in the SciForums. Most of you seem to think intellectual argument consists of hooting like a baboon as demonstrated above, or posting links to what someone else said.

Do any of you have your own thoughts? Are you capable of writing your own thoughts down in a comprehensible way?

If so, why do you hoot like a baboon? It would be easy to say:

"I do not believe the subconscious could really be telepathic voices because.....", and state your reason.

What is with the malicious rude bullying? This is not sports class where the biggest is right. We are not outside with the smokers having a smoke. We are not off school grounds taking drugs like the hippies.

We are scientists. We are supposed to think openly about things. We have dedicated ourselves to discovering things that will make life better for ourselves and the rest of our fellow human beings.

Why are you ruining our reputation by talking like a uneducated thug when new intellectual ideas are presented to you?
What reason do you have to believe that subconscious is proof of telepathy? Also, what voices are you talking about?
I have a question. Can any of you actually think?
Yes. Can you?
Do any of you have your own thoughts? Are you capable of writing your own thoughts down in a comprehensible way?
"I do not believe the subconscious could really be telepathic voices because.....", and state your reason.
Maybe because we go through this with every new woowoo to turn up. Especially the ones that haven't bothered reading previous threads. NO EVIDENCE... ring a bell?

What is with the malicious rude bullying? This is not sports class where the biggest is right. We are not outside with the smokers having a smoke. We are not off school grounds taking drugs like the hippies.
Read the rules. You make a statement, you back it up with evidence.

We are scientists.
Not all of us. Some are credulous woowoos.

Why are you ruining our reputation by talking like a uneducated thug when new intellectual ideas are presented to you?
Our reputation? OUR reputation? What's your reputation?

Ya. We all hear voices in our head right?
All of us? No.

That is what the psychology books say.
Which books? Specifically.

What if psycholgists were liars? What if psychologists were bad people who were trying to control you by telling you that telepathy was the unconscious?
And what if the moon were made of cheese? Have you any evidence that psychologists, as a group, lie to us?

If you know about telepathy, you have some power. You can strengthen it and learn how it works and actually use it. But if you think telepathy is just your noisy unconscious bothering you, you will ignore it and never ever strengthen your telepathic ability.
Provided telepathy actually exists of course.

Pretty sneaky trick by evil huh?
What is?

But what if you want to steal a candy bar because a telepathic person is putting that thought in your head? What if, besides telepathy, they could also be voyeurs. Watching you as you act on the orders they gave you? They could order you to steal a candy bar, you would do it because you thought it was your subconscious, then they could laugh away as the police came for you.
Is there any evidence to suggest any of this or is it pure speculation?

That really wasn't you. That was someone else putting a thought in your head telepathically. That is how evil gets good people to mess up.
Any evidence?

Asian people know all about telepathy. Any proof? Sure. Meditation.
Meditation is proof of telepathy? How so?

Lots of people think meditation is about being peaceful. It is. That is also misdirection, something asian people are well known for.
Racist crap.

Meditation is training for telepathy.
Crap. Unsubstantiated crap.

Then when a telepathic thought enters your head, you know it is telepathic. You know for a fact it is not your thought because you have spent years of boredom meditating to learn exactly what thoughts your brain produces.
Which drugs are you on?

Telepathy is real.
Any evidence? Nope. Woowoo.
Do any of you have your own thoughts? Are you capable of writing your own thoughts down in a comprehensible way?

Certainly I have my own thoughts. But they tend not to ramble off in the same directions as the nonsense you've presented here.

If so, why do you hoot like a baboon? It would be easy to say:

"I do not believe the subconscious could really be telepathic voices because.....", and state your reason.[/quote[

OK, then. I do not believe the subconscious could really be telepathic thoughts because there's absolutely NO evidence for it. Anyone can dream up fantastic thoughts like you've done here, but without anything to back them up that's all they are - fantastic thoughts with no basis in fact.

We are scientists. We are supposed to think openly about things. We have dedicated ourselves to discovering things that will make life better for ourselves and the rest of our fellow human beings.

You, sir, are no scientist. No reputable scientist in ANY field would present such gibberish publicly.

Why are you ruining our reputation by talking like a uneducated thug when new intellectual ideas are presented to you?

I'm not ruining my reputation in the least. I'm defending real science against sheer foolishness. And you've yet to present an "intellectual idea." Do you actually have any?
It is interesting. I think we should not pick on him like the other faggots are doing. He is asking some very confronting questions and is getting no answers what so ever.


Stick it in the rear assholes.
Oil you have failed like burnt gasoline. :D Of course I am serious. But I do not want to get attacked for bullshit. Asshole bullshit. I should answer his questions myself and give a perfect post but instead I feel like ... doing what I am doing :(