What is a Christian? (And the issue of religious tolerance)


Eviiiiiiiil Clown
Registered Senior Member
What exactly is a definition of Christianity? Only those who believe in Jesus and salvation through Jesus?

What if you actually believe in God and the contents of the bible for the most part, but don't believe Jesus is a son of God or the whole concept of trinity?

I used to be a Christian when I was a teenager. I still believe in Jesus, his existance, and his teachings, but I didn't believe in Jesus like the way Christians believe in him. I believed that he is a messanger of God rather than the son of God or the God himself, and therefore I had to stop calling myself a Christian. After that I sometimes believe in agnosticism and sometimes I believe in God. I flipflop between the two.

Here is the deal. I value the theological contributions of other religions. I know the bible says all other religions are lacking truth and contributed absolutely nothing and Christianity is the only way. Lets forget the bible and use common sense a little bit. How can God be so racist that he only makes himself available to the Jews and white people and hang all the colored people out to dry? There are a lot of people out there who never get the chance to be exposed to Christianity, and do those people really deserve to go to hell and suffer eternal punishment?

Based on things I have read in the last few years, I believe Jesus is actually a messanger of God rather God himself. Just like Muhamod and Budha are both messangers of God. They are all humans who understand God through enlightenment. The messages that they all teach are very similar. They are not exactly the same because the messages that we know today are no where near their actual teachings. They have been altered throughout history for mind control and political purposes. I don't believe we need to be "saved" by Jesus. We seek salvation and enlightenment within ourselves and not through a middle man.

Anyways, I wonder if I can still honestly claim to be a Christian if I hold other beliefs that are NOT supported by the bible, and I DO value the contribution of other religions.
I've been immersed in Christianity since birth. Ever since I've started thinking these things out for myself, I've run into similar situations. When asked if I'm a Christian, my answer varies depending on the situation. I'm definitely culturally Christian: I've heard it all, I know the bible stories, I can connect with people at churches, I have all the background experience. All this is pretty helpful socially- I mean come on, Church potlucks and sports are fun!
But am I a Christian spiritually? No way... err wait, what's a Christian?

Sometimes I tell the religiously ignorant people at work I'm a Christian just because of the amount of intellegent conversation it evokes.

So, to answer your question: Claims are just words in the long run. If it helps you at the moment, claim your a Christian, if not, don't feel the need. Don't let someone elses interpretation of a stack of paper force you to do/believe something that doesn't make sense to you.
Although Christians are distinguished/separated by denomination, or differing theological perspectives, the Church fathers have ensured that believers are unified by a common belief.

Joeman said:
I still believe in Jesus, his existance, and his teachings, but I didn't believe in Jesus like the way Christians believe in him. I believed that he is a messanger of God rather than the son of God or the God himself, and therefore I had to stop calling myself a Christian. After that I sometimes believe in agnosticism and sometimes I believe in God. I flipflop between the two.
Based on things I have read in the last few years, I believe Jesus is actually a messanger of God rather God himself. Just like Muhamod and Budha are both messangers of God. They are all humans who understand God through enlightenment. The messages that they all teach are very similar. They are not exactly the same because the messages that we know today are no where near their actual teachings. They have been altered throughout history for mind control and political purposes. I don't believe we need to be "saved" by Jesus. We seek salvation and enlightenment within ourselves and not through a middle man.

Anyways, I wonder if I can still honestly claim to be a Christian if I hold other beliefs that are NOT supported by the bible, and I DO value the contribution of other religions.

Exactly what I have experienced. I am in the confusing state, dunno whether I should call myself a Christian or not. :confused:
I have come to the same conclusion about Christianity. Jesus is a messenger for me, not God. I hardly prayed to him, even when I was in the church. I prayed to God directly. But I felt tired and confused somehow, going to church, calling myself a Christian when I dun follow it wholeheartedly. Isnt it like wearing a mask? Whenever I address the issue with my bros and sis, the answer is "have faith". But faith cannot be blind.
Choosing to leave is hard, but it is the necessary step for me. it is the real decision. Coz really by rejecting some fundamental teaching, I cant call myself a Chrisitan. I still believe in God, but Christianity is not my path. Frankly, I respect the true Christians, and still call them my bro and sis.
For me, if my faith has departed so much, I will quit. it is hard, for sure, esp. if u r Christian for a long time, but at least I have some peace of mind.
But do think carefully. I believe whether you are a christian or not does not depend entirely on what you claim urself to be. Who you are depends onwhat u believe and what you do.
"What exactly is a definition of Christianity? Only those who believe in Jesus and salvation through Jesus?"

A follower of the Messiah Jesus. Believer in eternal salvation through faith in Jesus. Believes Jesus was born of a virgin, was executed, came back to life 3 days later and was taken into heaven in His body.

"What if you actually believe in God and the contents of the bible for the most part, but don't believe Jesus is a son of God or the whole concept of trinity?"

You must believe this.

John 1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

John's Witness: The True Light
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. 8He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.
10He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. 11He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

The Word Becomes Flesh
14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

Now if you believe this then you are a follower of the Messiah. There are some things that are bejond the complete understanding of man, but man tries to explain it using terms like trinity, Jesus Is the WORD if you believe the statement contained in John:1 1-4 irrispective of your understanding or not then you are a follower of The Messiah Jesus.

"Here is the deal. I value the theological contributions of other religions. I know the bible says all other religions are lacking truth and contributed absolutely nothing and Christianity is the only way. Lets forget the bible and use common sense a little bit. How can God be so racist that he only makes himself available to the Jews and white people and hang all the colored people out to dry? There are a lot of people out there who never get the chance to be exposed to Christianity, and do those people really deserve to go to hell and suffer eternal punishment?"

"Only to the jews and white people" :eek: The vast majority of jews are not Christians also the vast majority of white people are not Christians. there are more african and asian christians then european christians.

Based on things I have read in the last few years, I believe Jesus is actually a messanger of God rather God himself. Just like Muhamod and Budha are both messangers of God. They are all humans who understand God through enlightenment. The messages that they all teach are very similar. They are not exactly the same because the messages that we know today are no where near their actual teachings. They have been altered throughout history for mind control and political purposes. I don't believe we need to be "saved" by Jesus. We seek salvation and enlightenment within ourselves and not through a middle man.

Anyways, I wonder if I can still honestly claim to be a Christian if I hold other beliefs that are NOT supported by the bible, and I DO value the contribution of other religions.

From your statement "I don't believe we need to be "saved" by Jesus." i do not believe you can claim to be a follower of The Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The definition of a Christian is a racist sexist and homophobic person who cannot see beyond his nose. Thus he is ignorant and he fulls his own self by forcing himself so much to believe in christianity that he looses its essense. Ofcource this depends whether he is internally or externally christian. Internally is the worst case since its the one described above. To be externally christian is to use the religion for selfish reasons, for example acceptance, high status.
daphneeee said:
The definition of a Christian is a racist sexist and homophobic person who cannot see beyond his nose. Thus he is ignorant and he fulls his own self by forcing himself so much to believe in christianity that he looses its essense. Ofcource this depends whether he is internally or externally christian. Internally is the worst case since its the one described above. To be externally christian is to use the religion for selfish reasons, for example acceptance, high status.
Wow, and I always thought I was a Christian! :rolleyes:
Christian = follower of Christ

Romans 10:9
If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The evidance of your faith is your works. Keep that in mind.

How can God be so racist that he only makes himself available to the Jews and white people and hang all the colored people out to dry?

Revelations 3:20
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Acts 10: 34-35
Opening his mouth, Peter said: "I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him.

I never called myself a Christian.

I am, Defender of the Faith!!!


You are abusing the Christian God. You treat him like your weapon.
The only thing you are defending is your own wickedness and weakness.

Shame on you.