Time can be constructed from four axioms. Here goes:
A1: Complex numbers exists. Call this C.
A2: x = x
A3: x + y = y + x
A4: A is a subset of B if B contains A and B - A not = the empty set.
Index.....Statement...…………………………………………………………………………………….. Reason
1...…...….Construct S = C x C.......................................................................................A1, A2
1.1...…….S is 4 dimensional....................................................................................…...1
1.2.........Set the components of S = S_1,2,3,4 in the following order: Re, Im, Re, Im.....1, A2
2......…...S can transform into two Riemann Spheres......................................……...A1, 1
3............Construct two Riemann Spheres in S, call it RS x RS = Pp......................…..A1, 1
4............Isolate the Riemann Circle of S_3, 4 and call it P_T.................................…A1, 3
4.1......…I'm going to use physical terminology below........................................…..Declaration
4.2...…..Construct "physical space" = S_P = CxC/S_4.......................................…...…A1, A2
5......…..Let P_T advance by one (rotate relative to S1,2,3) when encountering a space node and let the rotation be a quantum rotation. Call this "freq" = T_S......................….............A1, 4, 4.2, A2
7......…..Define "Change in freq" by T_Sf - T_Si…………………………………....5
8...........Let S_1,2 be perpendicular to S_3,4.................................................................1
11..........Construct {for all n = 1 to N: n(T_Sf - T_Si)} . Call this "Changes in freqs.".........5,7
12.........Define "basic time interval" = Delta t_B = 1/[(1/N) \sum \limits_{n=1}^N n(T_Sf - T_Si)]...........................................................................................................................1-11, A3, A2
13.......Construct MxT_S, M element of Natural Numbers subset of C..................................5, A4
14.......Define " Basic time" = t_B = {1/[(1/M) (\sum \limits_{n=1}^M n#T_S)]}*Delta t_B.......................12, 5,
15........Couple t_B to every node of S_P and call the result "basic spacetime"= B_ST...........4.2, A2, A2
15.1......Construct S_i = CxC........................................................................................A1
16........Construct RSxRS in S_i, call it Pp..................................................................15.1, 2
17.........Isolate the Riemann Circle in Pp and call it P_BT....................................................A1, 16
18.........Let P_BT advance by one (rotate relative to S_i1,2,3) when encountering A B_ST node and let the rotation be a quantum rotation. Call this "freq2"= T_BST.................................17, A2
19........Construct KxT_BST, K element of Natural Numbers, subspace of C........................18, A4
20........Define "Tim1" = t_1 = 1/[(1/K)(\sum \limits_{n=1}^K n#T_BST)]..............................A3, A2, 18
21........Pp is in every particle of the clock..........................................................................Requirement
22........"Tim1" advances like a clock, it depends on the Pp in the clock and on the route in B_ST.................................................................................................................................18, 21
23........"Tim1" = Time....................................................................................................A2, 22