What Makes A Good Person?


I'm filling up
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what makes a good person?

just out of interest, what do you believe to be the top three things, that make a good person, and why.

if you believe your religion or lack of religion, helps makes a good person.
or society, family etc.. then mention it please.

1 kindness.( to yourself and others)
2 honesty.( to yourself and others)
3 actions.(speak louder than words)

I've kept mine short, as it's your input, I'm interested in.
Loyalty (to social unit- strong family ties- powerful tribe)
Intolerance (of rivals)
Absolutely no sympathy (for rivals)
alert... ness(?)
familiarity with environment (similar to court awareness in basketball, but territory awareness)
Social skills
sex appeal and parenting skills(or its all a waste of time)

And they should have good well bred dogs just to give them that extra edge.

I don't live up to all these categories, for one I'm way too tolerant, and I fully realise it's a weakness and that I consequently should not exist.
Its unlikely anyone alive today completely fits the human standard, not all should but each social unit should be strong in all those areas and more I couldn't think of.
But none are, because the species has been subject to hideous dysgenics for thousands of years.
These standards need to be bred for, nature lost control of us which is precisely when it became our responsibility to strictly selectively breed ourselves. Right now it would take many generations of repair to get anything close to a good person.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Loyalty (to social unit- strong family ties- powerful tribe)
Intolerance (of rivals)
Absolutely no sympathy (for rivals)
alert... ness(?)
familiarity with environment (similar to court awareness in basketball, but territory awareness)
Social skills
sex appeal and parenting skills(or its all a waste of time)

And they should have good well bred dogs just to give them that extra edge.

I don't live up to all these categories, for one I'm way too tolerant, and I fully realise it's a weakness and that I consequently should not exist.
Its unlikely anyone alive today completely fits the human standard, not all should but each social unit should be strong in all those areas and more I couldn't think of.
But none are, because the species has been subject to hideous dysgenics for thousands of years.
These standards need to be bred for, nature lost control of us which is precisely when it became our responsibility to strictly selectively breed ourselves. Right now it would take many generations of repair to get anything close to a good person.

So we have a nation of flawless ones say 200 years from now. These are the genetic kings of their age - they are confident that no one can defeat them because they know themselves to be the strongest.
Are they allowed to kill?
If the answer is no - then how do they cope with the revolt of the poor and weak who will rise up against them as they seek to conquer more and more of the earth to sustain their own strong kind?
If the answer is yes - how do you justify this?


Nothing's good except "the good" alone. It's not always good to be honest, you might hurt someone... it's not good to have too much courage... you might hurt yourself... focus is not good, you might not see what happens around... strength is not good, it might be used in a wrong way... ETC! So there's no evil or good things really, but it depends on how they are used... and there is no good except the good.....................
Everything here is totally futile because as long as there is potential for bad we are on to a loser from the start.
From that point we only have 3 things ...

Faith - believe one day it will change i.e. no more bad
Hope - not in this life though where we know nothing will change
Love - cos its the one thing we all agree is good!

Love is therefore the greatest.

Live in love therefore not just with words but with deeds. Somebody might then 'see' you as being the 'bearer' of that which is 'good'. You cannot be good of yourself.

No one is good. God is good. God is Love.

Go figure!
mis-t-highs said:
what makes a good person?

Living his/her life with the realization that others wellness are contigent upon ones decisons beliefs and actions. Good is factoring in those immediatly affected by your decison and the impact it will have on them while still preserving your emotional stablity.

Accomodation is what makes community feasible and we are communial by nature. by creating an enviroment where each and every person factors in the impact of their actions on those around them they have thought was it good and the manifestion of those thoughts if they are in congruence with communial well being are good.

In solitude goodness is doing what is good for oneself. As everyone needs some solitude to be mentally and spirtually healty that is a time when being selfish is very good.

Goodness may be a set of attributes put into us by DNA but the manifestations of those attrubutes are the things that make us good or bad.

C20h25n30 by your logic of "only god is good" meaning that we are not you have just made God all of our enemies by creating him to be the archtype of which we are not. To think that humnanity is bad by invention and than salvaged by good it the same as suggestion that man is polar to God and as such has no relationship to him. And before you use the "Jesus bridge" that if we are who we are which is according to you bad and it is our desire to be so ...why cross that bridge at all?

Glaucon with your answer of humility than is your affirmation congurent with C20h25n30's who humbily accepts that man is bad and that Jesus is the path to all that is good?

Dr.that is a list for survival of the fittest...right? Is your contention that survival of the fittest is good and dilution of that forumla is bad? Just want clarification.

imho, the top 3 things that make a person good are:

Self-betterment through self-control and the persuit of growth. - Before anyone can do good to anyone else, one must first understand how to help others, be capable of helping others, and be capable of making the greatest possible use of his faculties in helping others. Primarily, however, this activity brings happiness to the individual, and happiness is good.

Service. - Every human is bound to service, it is better to accept this, and in fact persue this, than attempt to avoid it. Once it is accepted and sought, then the greatest good toward others can be accomplished.

Connectivity. - Recognizing, and seeking unity within one' self and with those around him, as well as those things around him brings both fulfillment to him, and helps to bring fulfillment to those who and that which surrounds him. Happiness is the result of fulfillment, and in bringing fulfillment, one brings about happiness.

In answering this way, I have presupposed that you were not asking what makes a person intrinsically good. Contrary to what c20 believes, everything that exists is intrinsically good (that is, good by nature), and nothing that exists can be intrinsically evil (that is, evil by nature). When we speak of persons or things being good or bad, we actually refer to their activity, rather than their nature. Therefore, since one may act in good ways, and is naturally good, it is false to say that only God is good. If, what is meant in saying "only God is good," it is to say that only God is fully good, then I would agree with this, since the concept of God is that of the infinite, and only that which is infinite may be fully good, since every possible goodness is met out within the infinite. However, this does not seem to be what c20 meant.
robtex said:
Living his/her life with the realization that others wellness are contigent upon ones decisons beliefs and actions. Good is factoring in those immediatly affected by your decison and the impact it will have on them while still preserving your emotional stablity.

Accomodation is what makes community feasible and we are communial by nature. by creating an enviroment where each and every person factors in the impact of their actions on those around them they have thought was it good and the manifestion of those thoughts if they are in congruence with communial well being are good.

In solitude goodness is doing what is good for oneself. As everyone needs some solitude to be mentally and spirtually healty that is a time when being selfish is very good.

Goodness may be a set of attributes put into us by DNA but the manifestations of those attrubutes are the things that make us good or bad.

C20h25n30 by your logic of "only god is good" meaning that we are not you have just made God all of our enemies by creating him to be the archtype of which we are not. To think that humnanity is bad by invention and than salvaged by good it the same as suggestion that man is polar to God and as such has no relationship to him. And before you use the "Jesus bridge" that if we are who we are which is according to you bad and it is our desire to be so ...why cross that bridge at all?

Glaucon with your answer of humility than is your affirmation congurent with C20h25n30's who humbily accepts that man is bad and that Jesus is the path to all that is good?

Dr.that is a list for survival of the fittest...right? Is your contention that survival of the fittest is good and dilution of that forumla is bad? Just want clarification.

Man wasnt bad by invention! Man was tricked into disobeying God but not by God obviously!
There was a divide between Creator and created because that was the result of becoming like God knowing good from evil. Now our choices were not as simple as do not eat from a tree or you will die but our choices were suddenly ten trillion fold and God knew we needed saving from ourselves. We had become aware of all things not just the things our Creator would have for us. So Jesus was sent into the world as the light of the world. People rejected Jesus because He exposed their motives. Without Jesus all were plunged into darkness and thought that their acts would never be revealed in that darkness. This is why he was killed and persecuted and despised despite the fact that He came saying "I come not to judge the world but to save it"
The people that did believe in Him became just as despised as He was even though there was absolutely no condemnation of others whatsoever! Peter who loved Jesus so much was so scared by the persecution he saw that he even denied Jesus when challenged as being yoked to Him for fear of what would happen to him.
Those that rejected Him loved the darkness where their hypocrisy was power. Jesus primarily exposed hypocrisy and the worst example of this was the religious leaders of the day (sound familiar :rolleyes: ) who Jesus called "A brood of vipers".
Make no mistake - Jesus 'knew' His words were gonna get Him killed and yet He still said them. Some people on sciforums call Jesus 'weak'! How deceived are they!!!
Jesus performed many miracles but did He take credit for even one of them? No! He always transfered the Glory and Power back to His Father because he knew where the authority lay! He knew why He was here - to do the will of the One who sent Him even at the cost of His own life so that the Law would be fulfilled! The Law demands an innocent life for a guilty life but the Law cannot keep the innocent life because that would be against the Law. So the price was paid on the cross and because death couldn't keep Him ( it would have been unlawful for it to keep Him) Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to the living.
Those that believed were saved. Those that didnt remained under judgement because they had not accepted the free offer of life.
Jesus is the stumbling block to men just as the birth of light is the stumbling block to scientists and scholars. Seems like such an insignificant thing when you have billions of atoms and energies to play with, you know, the birth of light, seems like its so unimportant because you have so much to see in front of you. But I tell you scientists unless you can concieve the birth of light all your words and theories are nothing more than that - just words and theories. It is the same with Jesus - unless you accept Him the rest of your lives are just words and theories.


beyondtimeandspace said:
Contrary to what c20 believes, everything that exists is intrinsically good (that is, good by nature), and nothing that exists can be intrinsically evil (that is, evil by nature). When we speak of persons or things being good or bad, we actually refer to their activity, rather than their nature. Therefore, since one may act in good ways, and is naturally good, it is false to say that only God is good. If, what is meant in saying "only God is good," it is to say that only God is fully good, then I would agree with this, since the concept of God is that of the infinite, and only that which is infinite may be fully good, since every possible goodness is met out within the infinite. However, this does not seem to be what c20 meant.

Who was talking about the intrinsic nature of 'things'??? - the poster asked What makes a person good! I replied "There is no such thing as a 'good' person because only God is 'good'.
If you are saying that people are intrinsically good then you are very very much deceived and I take it you do not have children!


Love. All other virtues are simple manifestations of love.

EDIT: maybe "manifestations" are not the best word.... but if you have love, you have all the other virtues...
c20H25N3o said:
If you are saying that people are intrinsically good then you are very very much deceived and I take it you do not have children!



Perhaps you would be so kind as to provide a reason for this belief? An argument, maybe? If you cannot, then do not simply make assertions, since they convince no one.
beyondtimeandspace said:
Perhaps you would be so kind as to provide a reason for this belief? An argument, maybe? If you cannot, then do not simply make assertions, since they convince no one.

Certainly - my kids are born, I do the best I can breaking my balls to support them and make sure they have quality of life. This doesnt stop my 4 year old son from kicking me in the shins and throwing a tantrum after a hard days work because I have forgotten to bring him some paper home to scribble on! I love my son, but he is NOT intrinsically good. He can be a little monster! Now if children were intrinsically good this would not happen huh?
Oh and lose the haughty tone m8! Just a piece of advice :)
c20H25N3o said:
Certainly - my kids are born, I do the best I can breaking my balls to support them and make sure they have quality of life. This doesnt stop my 4 year old son from kicking me in the shins and throwing a tantrum after a hard days work because I have forgotten to bring him some paper home to scribble on! I love my son, but he is NOT intrinsically good. He can be a little monster! Now if children were intrinsically good this would not happen huh?
Oh and lose the haughty tone m8! Just a piece of advice :)

Thank you for the experiential argument, but I believe it is flawed. I presume you are talking about a son who is not of the age of reason yet (derived from "kicking me in the shins" and "to scribble on"). If this is the case, then we are not talking about a rational animal. Sure, your son will come to an age of rationality. However, prior to this point, he will act as he is designed to act. In original creation, and you believing in such must agree to this, there was no need, as such, for humans. In other words, humans could grow steadily at whatever pace they were capable of, and they could experience any form of liesure whenever they desired. It was a veritable heaven on earth. Happiness was in no sense lacking. However, just as any animal, whenever there is an occasion of non-fulfillment of their nature, they would become frustrated and that frustration would be expressed physically. While such non-fulfillment wouldn't have been present in original creation, the nature of our reaction to it would have been as it is now. Since we do now live in a world on non-fulfillment (but only partial fulfillment) we do experience and express this frustration. It is simply part of our design. The child, then, is acting according to its design. Since it has not reached an age of rationality, and does not comprehend its situation of scarcity, it cannot act in any other way, unless taught to do so (very much like an animal can be taught to act in certain ways). Since nothing God creates can be said to be evil, coming out of the infinite, it is necessarily true, then, to say that the child's actions are not bad, according to its nature. Rather, it would be more proper to say that, given a state of fulfillment, such actions would not be manifested, but are, in fact, part of human nature. Once the child reaches the age of reason, and can learn of its current state and the state of scarcity in the world, it may then rationally choose to suppress such physical outbursts of frustration. If, when the child reaches the age of reason, it continues to choose such actions, it may then be culpable of wicked actions, since then it understands its situation, and chooses to ignore it.

Ergo, your argument isn't strong enough to say that only God is good.
c20H25N3o: God is love
M*W: God is a name for all creation; therefore, humans are good, too.

It also depends on how young children we mean. Those who are 1 year old are "good"... agree? I think trees and flowers, and rivers are good too... lol.. at least they do no evil.