What makes a man a man?


Recovering christian
Registered Senior Member
Please give details on the qualities inherant in YOUR definition of a man.

Simple really:)
Well.... lets see. If the person has fathered a child, a real man, will take responsiblity. If he has married, he will support his family. He has to have morals and values he lives by. A gentleman... Oh wait, these are things IM looking for in a man:eek: My BAD! Well, thats my definition anyways.

Oh, and BBC, you are definitely a real man:D

Groove on
July 22, 1993

(AP) Punxsutawney, Pa. - A woodsman lay pinned under a tree with a severely broken leg for an hour on Tuesday before giving up hope that anyone would hear his cries for help. Seeing no other way out, he amputated his own leg.

Donald Wyman was in fair condition Wednesday, the day after he was
injured when a tree fell on him while he was clearing land for a mining
company."Of the 30-some people I have working for me, if anyone could have
gutted it out like that, it was him," said David Osikowicz, president of the
Punxsutawney-based Original Fuels. Wyman had worked for the company for three years, Osikowicz said.

Wyman took out his pocket knife and cut through tthe skin, muscle and broken bone below his left knee. He crawled 30 yards over loose ground to a bulldozer, drove a quarter mile to his truck, and then maneuvered the standard transmission with his good leg and a hand until he reached a farmer's home one and a half miles away.

He was in shock and screaming when farmer John Huber Jr. saw him. "I could see a lot of fear in him. He was saying, `I'm bleeding to death!'" Huber said.

The 37-year-old Wyman declined all request for interviews and asked that no medical information besides his condition be released, Punxsutawney Area Hospital spokesman Hank Wilson said. Wilson said there was no information on whether surgeons attempted to reattach the leg.

Wyman told Huber the tree rolled onto his shin, causing the severe break. Wyman used a shoestring as a tourniquet and tightened it with a wrench, which he held as he drove to the farmer's home. Because Wyman feared passing out, he stayed awake by telling Huber his story while the farmer drove the truck to meet the ambulance. He was so alert that he even asked Huber to slow down at one point.

"He's holding on to his leg, you know, and he's bleeding like crazy, but he's still sharp enough and stuff that he doesn't want a wreck, either," Huber said. Firefighters had to saw the more than 2-foot-thick tree into pieces to
recover the severed limb, still under the tree near the bloody knife. Oliver Township Fire Chief Martin Palmer said Wyman had suffered a compound fracture, in which the broken bone breaks through the skin.

Make no mistake. Donald Wyman is a man!

Testosterone perhaps? the correct genitalia? :D

As *stRgrl* says, taking responsibility, supporting your family no matter what, being a father, husband, lover and provider at the same time. Damned if I can remember it but Heinlein said it best, a person (either sex) should be able to change a nappy, design and build a house, cook dinner ...

I fall short.
Weh Goofyfish, what a story! I've got the creeps from it. I have a wild imagination you know. See the whole story happen before my eyes.

So that is what a real man is like? Ok, then I know that...:bugeye:
<i>"Testosterone perhaps? the correct genitalia?"</i>

You're funny. I think that is the best objective test. stRgrl's description would best fit under the label "good man." You need to allow for the possibility of adding modifiers to your labels when exploring their definition.
An appropriate level and balance of the sex hormones.

The sex chromosome pair XX usually results in a female. XY is usually male. But abnormalities can occur in the early stages of fetal development resulting in XY females and XX men. And there is a mosaic, but that complicates things too much for this forum. Whatever the sex chromosomes say it is the secretion of testosterone during fetal development that determines the final sex. If the production of the sex hormones in the early stages is either delayed or repressed then the sex of the child will be determined accordingly.

Some of these combinations of sex chromosomes and hormone secretions can and does result in people who have confused sexual orientations and occasionally hermaphrodites (someone with both female and male genitals). But there are also variations on types of hermaphrodites as well.

I guess another indicator of male-hood is how much beer you can drink at one time, but that is definitely not particularly scientific. :D


Originally posted by Banshee
Weh Goofyfish, what a story! I've got the creeps from it. I have a wild imagination you know. See the whole story happen before my eyes.

So that is what a real man is like? Ok, then I know that...:bugeye:

Yes, he's definitely a man.

But do you really need to go to that extreme?

There is the biological definition. The xy genotype or the possession of certain physical attributes (presumably from the xy genotype! :) )

There is as bowser said, (I think) rephrased;

We need to keep to a specific 'thead' (haha).

To clarify the terms as I perceive them...

The definition of man for these purposes is not a male or even necessarily terribly butch.

The question should be what qualities does a real man have?
Give a list.


principled, honest, horny, vulnerable in some small way, the ability to see bigger things than his own life.

Try not to lie. Although sometimes it may be necessary. The times when lies are necessary are when it is for someone else's good. If it's for your own good, you're just being a coward.

NEVER hit a lady.

Try to mind your manners and language in front of a lady.

Never force a lady to do anything.

Open doors, pull out chairs, blah blah blah...

NEVER hit a lady.

Fighting is dumb. But if you have to fight someone, make it one on one. Those punks who need 16 friends to help them beat up one person are pathetic cowards.

Violence is for self-defence, and the defence of others. Not for hurting people to boost your own ego.

Ah well, those are some of the rules I try to live by. I'm doing okay so far on most of them. Above all else I think, women rock and a real man doesn't hurt them. And a real man should be quite happy to punch in the nose anyone he sees hurting a woman.

Well, maybe I'm not a "real man", maybe just an idealist. I'm not tough, I hate needles, and I'm terrified now and then. But I do try to stick to my little rules there.
During two novels, Yoshikawa Eiji recounts the quest of Miyamoto Musashi to become an actual human being. Thus, trying to find out what makes a man a man is no mean feat.

I find that man, as opposed to woman, but also as such has to be defined through woman.

I'd have to say that a man is one who is complementary to a woman, but thenyou'd ahve to define what a true woman is.

A man's character is basically the combined influences of his ape-like features, and his so-called 'feminine' side.

A man's body is driven by hormones, much more so that sometimes the mind is powerless. Those tendencies are instinctive, animal, and primal.

And a man's feminine side comes from his primitive union with his mother as a child. As he realizes (as a very young baby) that him and his mother are two different beings, feelings of love for his mother, nostalgia for the lost harmony, and hate fo that loss will submerge him, and the subconscious mind will choose to bury deep that side of his personality altogether.

Now it can only be through a good contact with a mother figure that a man can awaken that part of him and get in touch with what many call his feminine side, and is primordial to him.

Any psychologist as well as experience tell you how bad an omnipresent mother can be on one's personality, and too much feminine side can have bad effects.

In sum, to me, a real man is one who is not only able to draw from both these sources (which isn't a meager feat for many with an unadequate education), but also to balance those two energies (something nearly impossible.)

Now that was a lot of ranting for something I can say in an example. A true man is someone who is going to be bold enought to go in a fight, and be enough of a fierce fighter to win it, but wise enough so he has reasons to enter that fight, and will not regret it afterwards.

In those two novels, Musashi's almost single guideline to become a true human being is I will do nothing that I would regret afterwards.

A man who acomplishes that, is a man.
What makes a man a man and different from every other living thing is his ability to have a soul and to have a relationship with God.
I DON'T DRINK BEER. I can’t stand the taste (stick to whiskey)

Adam I think your right (except all the door opening and stuff doesn’t really apply)

I try to avoid fighting (but I AM going to fight my girlfriends "X" when I find him cause the BASTED beat her up)

I don't know if I classify as a man but I try

(Sorry about the swearing but it makes me MAD thinking about him)
Whiskey... mmm
Single malt :)

Hmm. Last fight I was involved in was a couple of years ago at new years eve. Walking home with friends, a trio of lads snatched one of our groups hand bags.
Before I knew what I was doing I was running after them.
Some fisticuffs were exchanged and the bag retrieved.
A good example, methinks!
Keep 'em coming guys.

I was more interested in personality requirements to be honest- religion and genetics aside
(Cos there could be a fight twixt the two:eek: )

I'm also not sure the term 'real man' was what I meant.
This denotes that there are 'fake' men..
(Fake women I heard of!!) and thus there must be a line that devides the two. Ok tho if that's where we are let's run with it.

I wonder as the thread continues how some men will feel if they discover that many of the traits listed are those which they do not possess...



Aw'right there La! Billy Butler rules, know what I mean like? Whereabouts in scouseland are you? Amongst the scallies of Huyton or the posh parts near Sefton and Aigbuth. I grew up in L8, off Upper Parliament Street on the junction with Tunnel Road. Where the womens hozzy is.

Anyway, the problem is that 'the real men' vary depending on culture and religion.

In our modern western world Men are expected to be New Men. Sensitive, caring and emotional. Equally willing to work a full time job and cook as well as change the babies nappy (after Wify poos has had a stressful day with the baby). After all that they should get up at all hours to calm down said baby and then be on best behaviour when relatives are around. This New Man should also be able to do assorted DIY, the weekly shopping, wash clothes and iron them plus perform landscpae gardening and interior design as well as being a financial consultant.

Depending on many factors a 'real man' may do none of these. Their culture, society or religion may dictate that any or all of the above are not suitable for men.

A woman in a specific culture will look for strong traits of what that culture thinks is the perfect man. Whether that be religious zealot, largest and fastest car, best provider, New Man or best hunter matters not. What matters is the culture.
Most of those things you will need to do if you move out by yourself anyway

An XY chromosome usually does it.......

A man's body is driven by hormones, much more so that sometimes the mind is powerless. Those tendencies are instinctive, animal, and primal.

Hormones, the breakdown of glucose, cellular respiration......I am in a rather smart-ass mood tonight.

Cris has it down pat, except for the beer. (You are insulting my femininity! ;) )