What the fuck is a moral?


Registered Member
For me, a fucking moral is based on individuality. Trend set's the pace along with defining factors such as religion, sex, socio et al.

An example, poor it be in it's execution but I nay care.

Have you ever tried to tell a Zenulu that eating human flesh is unjust?

Have you ever tried to tell someone with an insatiable thirst for intimacy that sleeping around is wrong?

Have you ever tried to tell
(I like how the three have you ever tried to tell's look, all the same and shit, heh like triplets, anyway the above sentence continued below..)

a homosexual that Wentworth Miller is not infact a fine piece of tail?

The way I see it - moral standpoints differ so vastly we should cultivate our own whilst making sure acceptance is the order of the day, accepting people will think differently, what maybe taboo to you maybe common practice to another.

The way I see it - moral standpoints differ so vastly we should cultivate our own whilst making sure acceptance is the order of the day, accepting people will think differently, what maybe taboo to you maybe common practice to another.

Ooooh.. a moral relativist.

And yet.... supportive of an absolutist position based upon tolerance.

Hmmm... contradiction???
The basis of morality is consequence.

Immorality is that which attempts to deny consequence.
For me, a fucking moral is based on individuality. Trend set's the pace along with defining factors such as religion, sex, socio et al.

An example, poor it be in it's execution but I nay care.

Have you ever tried to tell a Zenulu that eating human flesh is unjust?

Yes, but it didn't take. In the end I was forced to club him to death with a stack of National Geographics. Ironically, it was the issue on New Guinea that dealt the death blow.

In unrelated matters, human flesh tastes kind of like veal.
For me, a fucking moral is based on individuality.

That may be true, but you still have to live and work with others who might not see your acts as moral. I.e., what you call "moral acts" might have consequences that your immediate fellows don't like or want, and they'll kick you out of the group or worse.

Man is not an island unto himself. (someone said that back in the old days?)

Baron Max
That may be true, but you still have to live and work with others who might not see your acts as moral. I.e., what you call "moral acts" might have consequences that your immediate fellows don't like or want, and they'll kick you out of the group or worse.

Man is not an island unto himself. (someone said that back in the old days?)

Baron Max

So where does one draw the line between compromising his own desires and compromising with others?

Don't take it the wrong way, I fully agree with you on this point.
For me, a fucking moral is based on individuality. Trend set's the pace along with defining factors such as religion, sex, socio et al.

An example, poor it be in it's execution but I nay care.

Have you ever tried to tell a Zenulu that eating human flesh is unjust?

Have you ever tried to tell someone with an insatiable thirst for intimacy that sleeping around is wrong?

Have you ever tried to tell
(I like how the three have you ever tried to tell's look, all the same and shit, heh like triplets, anyway the above sentence continued below..)

a homosexual that Wentworth Miller is not infact a fine piece of tail?

The way I see it - moral standpoints differ so vastly we should cultivate our own whilst making sure acceptance is the order of the day, accepting people will think differently, what maybe taboo to you maybe common practice to another.

morality is needed to define laws of society, because morality is judicially sound action which society favors.
I think morality is a trait offering an evolutionary advantage...you scratch my back,etc.
As such morality is a guilt mechanism associated with co-operation.
Morality operates with or without the consciousness of guilt and prescribed codes of conduct. Those dedicated to ripping off everybody else end up unable to expect anything but the same in return. It is paid back by paranoia.
So where does one draw the line between compromising his own desires and compromising with others? Don't take it the wrong way, I fully agree with you on this point.

Ones own society draws the line for it's members.

And as you might well realize, the differences from one society to the next is what causes most, if not all, of the problems, conflicts and wars in the world of humans.

We use the term "society", but damned few of us can actually point it out in any physical sense. American society? Is Californians the same as New Yorkers or Texans? Nope! Not even the federal laws and rules make them the same!

So, no, it's not so simple to draw that line for everyone on Earth. And to make it worse, even in what one might term or think of as "society", there are sub-societies within it that always seem to resist the main society's laws and rules. Thus causing even more conflicts and problems.

Now ...with all that in mind, how can we then add into the mix a true sense of "individuality" without throwing the whole world into a tizzie?! Placing oneself above the ideals and morals of ones own society is the epitome of arrogance and ego.

Baron Max
Ones own society draws the line for it's members.

And as you might well realize, the differences from one society to the next is what causes most, if not all, of the problems, conflicts and wars in the world of humans.

We use the term "society", but damned few of us can actually point it out in any physical sense. American society? Is Californians the same as New Yorkers or Texans? Nope! Not even the federal laws and rules make them the same!

So, no, it's not so simple to draw that line for everyone on Earth. And to make it worse, even in what one might term or think of as "society", there are sub-societies within it that always seem to resist the main society's laws and rules. Thus causing even more conflicts and problems.

Now ...with all that in mind, how can we then add into the mix a true sense of "individuality" without throwing the whole world into a tizzie?! Placing oneself above the ideals and morals of ones own society is the epitome of arrogance and ego.

Baron Max

So, would you liken it to how we are able to predict a 'trend' in the movement of large groups of particles but when it comes to individuals it is too chaotic (or complex) for us to figure out?

It seems that the individual is swayed by his direct environment, or local society. And his local society is swayed by the region. And the region swayed by the country. And so on ad infinitum.
Do or do not; either way you change the world. For better or worse? Well ... some of the biggest killers on this planet thought they were making the best changes. Ouch.

Incidentally, if someone were so wise that they always made the (objectively) best choice, would they still have free will?
Do or do not; either way you change the world. For better or worse? Well ... some of the biggest killers on this planet thought they were making the best changes. Ouch.

Incidentally, if someone were so wise that they always made the (objectively) best choice, would they still have free will?

thats what the evil vs good is all about. Yes humans can be programmed to either be destined to commit good or to commit evil...but that would take away their free will. Thus a way to come to be good or to be evil is to let humans use their free will to form logical decisions or best choices...and still having free will.