What the hell is "MIST"????

I'm going on a hunch here.

I think the MIST you are looking for is Mist94, if I'm correct this is a way that people term resource deposits and what countries call those regions to issue contracts for extracting that resource.

Possibly Petroleum.
I get the message: "You are not authorized to view this page" when I click on the link.

So, what's the story here? Now I am curious. :)

Oh my goodness, more conspiracies??!! :p

Did someone actually crack the page? Tell me about it please. ;)

Stryder, do you have more info about it?
Yep, Xev ( What does that nickname mean?), you are probably right!!

But anyway, what could it be?
What does "mist" mean?

I think it's something like- "Mystical Israeli\Information System\Search Technology"

Hmmmmmmmm, I dunno....

And when I enter the page I hear a stupid sound, "Access Denied!"....

Groove on :)
they made a site on Tripod exactly because no one would ever think they would do such a stupid thing.

[it is not possible though, because of the "security:D" Tripod has.]