What was He thinking ?


Valued Senior Member
To the atheists/agnostics: You all know i am an atheist myself but lets discuss this from a theists point of view.

I mean really... what was He thinking when He created man. God really screwed up on this one. Mankind is seriously screwing over the rest of His creation.
Is it all a divine experiment gone bad ? He must have known what we would end up doing to earth an everything on it.

Edit: A similar topic but without the involvement of God: http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=70026
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To the atheists/agnostics: You all know i am an atheist myself but lets discuss this from a theists point of view.

I mean really... what was He thinking when He created man. God really screwed up on this one. Mankind is seriously screwing over the rest of His creation.
Is it all a divine experiment gone bad ? He must have known what we would end up doing to earth an everything on it.

Yes, an interesting point and I almost don't want to respond from an imaginary theist's position so I could have a laugh at some of their actual explanations. But I will do just that because I find it a good intellectual exercise, if just for flippant reasons. So here's an imaginary response from a more thoughtful theist:

The fallibility of the human species was necessary in God's design, because it was seen as a context against which God's righteousness could shine brighter. You can't know what is good if you don't have what is bad, basically. Any good writer knows to include a central problem in a story. ;)
Yes, an interesting point and I almost don't want to respond from an imaginary theist's position so I could have a laugh at some of their actual explanations. But I will do just that because I find it a good intellectual exercise, if just for flippant reasons. So here's an imaginary response from a more thoughtful theist:

The fallibility of the human species was necessary in God's design, because it was seen as a context against which God's righteousness could shine brighter. You can't know what is good if you don't have what is bad, basically. Any good writer knows to include a central problem in a story. ;)

An interesting point of view. In essence this means God is somewhat of a narcissist. But who can blame Him, He was all by himself for all that time.
And dont worry you will get your chance to respond from an atheist point of view, im sure :)
To show glory to god, you gotta show him just how bad you can be...i'm working off Celpha's post.
Good can´t exist without the existence of evil, beautiful cannot exist without the existence of uglyness, love cannot exist without the existence of hate, and light cannot exist without the existence of darkness. It is duality, right and left hand, it is divine knowledge, not human (ape trying to figure out the world) knowledge.
To show glory to god, you gotta show him just how bad you can be...i'm working off Celpha's post.

Oh i see lol
But still, couldnt He just only have created mankind in stead of bothering to make up all the additional animal- and plantlife too ?
Good can´t exist without the existence of evil, beautiful cannot exist without the existence of uglyness, love cannot exist without the existence of hate, and light cannot exist without the existence of darkness. It is duality, right and left hand, it is divine knowledge, not human (ape trying to figure out the world) knowledge.

Ok, but why bother in the first place ? He knew the world would go to.. um.. hell eventually.
An interesting point of view. In essence this means God is somewhat of a narcissist. But who can blame Him, He was all by himself for all that time.
And dont worry you will get your chance to respond from an atheist point of view, im sure :)

Yes he would have to be by definition. It also makes him a bit of a masochist, as he chose pain and suffering as the way to illuminate his goodness.
Oh i see lol
But still, couldnt He just only have created mankind in stead of bothering to make up all the additional animal- and plantlife too ?

No because of the same reason; we must have examples of inanimate life in order to truly know that we ourselves are living radiantly by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit! HA! (This is quite fun.)
Oh i see lol
But still, couldnt He just only have created mankind in stead of bothering to make up all the additional animal- and plantlife too ?

If you are going to make a pyramid scheme, you gotta account at least a bit, for the little shits.
No because of the same reason; we must have examples of inanimate life in order to truly know that we ourselves are living radiantly by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit! HA! (This is quite fun.)

Ah yes, but inanimate life ? lol