What were God's Original Intentions?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
:confused: :confused: I'm hoping our religious friends can clear up some possible misconceptions of mine that I've formulated in my mind over the years. Listening to various chats on religion I'm at a loss as to what God originally intended for mankind.

How was no knowledge of good & evil supposed to work out? What kind of society would we be in right now if it had? Also what were the perks? Were we guaranteed mmortality, life in the Garden, endless bounty, no disease, harmony with nature, no violence, world dominion, fruitful multiplication, and having the lord really take a shining to us and more?

What about Satan? What would his role be and what's he doing here in the first place? Ironic to have a planet where there's nothing but peace & love while there's dissension in heaven. I sometimes think if God had it all to do over again that Satan would have been sent somewhere else. The placing of a malevolent entity on a utopian planet designed by God seems rather bizarre and out of place.

I can live with a planet designed to appease God just the way He wanted. How would we, the inhabitants, know any different? And what in the hell is Satan doing here?
I was kind of hoping that we might deduce what was intended. Enlisting the help of the religious would benefit but they may be reluctant or are struggling with trying to make sense of it all themselves.

Something like sin for instance, was it supposed to happen? If part of a mysterious plan then I would say yes. Justifies Satan hanging around. However when I read some of the discussions, it seems like it wasn't to have happened. On one hand we have God's unwavering plan chugging along as it should and on the other we have God's plans going up in smoke. Can it be both?
I was kind of hoping that we might deduce what was intended.

Idle specualation is fun for some people .....but I ain't one of 'em except when I'm writing novels.

...they may be reluctant or are struggling with trying to make sense of it all themselves.

Scientists are struggling to make sense of the common cold ....and they ain't done it yet even with billions of dollars spent in the effort. Yet you think a few people posting on an Internet forum might just solve the questions about god and the universe??

On one hand we have God's unwavering plan chugging along as it should and on the other we have God's plans going up in smoke. Can it be both?

How interesting. First you say you don't know god's plan, yet here you're claiming that it's going up in smoke.

What's so hard about saying, "Gee, I don't know."? Why do we/you think that we/you have to know everything?

Baron Max