What's good?


Valued Senior Member
Bored of the bickering? Sick of health care? Dead tired of meaningless conflict? Need to lighten up? Take a breather from flame wars and the doggedly. Kick back and dream a little, and transport yourself to cooler pastures.

Welcome to the what's good thread. Tell us all about the individuals who are doing something that's non-political, creative, fun and expresses what is truly cool about human beings, the ability to enhance the living experience through creative projects. It can be people, places or things just share the marvelous.

I'll start. Here is a link to strange and creative lodges where you can stay in the upside down room or the wacky symbols room all designed by lodge owner Lars Stroschen and others. Click on the different numbers to see photos:


My personal favorite is the Ice hotel in Kiruna. Carved newly every year by artists from all over the world the Ice Hotel is a unique experience that will simply melt away come spring:


Take a virtual tour around Thorncrown Chapel in Eureka Springs Arkansas (its much better in person and at night when they light tea candles along the path leading to the chapel and inside along the perimeters. Its also best to see it when the sun is descending behind the woods and the light dances off the glass. Eureka is a wonderful little town.



The Village of Portmeirion in Wales designed by Sir Clough Williams-Ellis between 1925-1976. It was the location of the British t.v series The Prisoner. Here are some pictures of this glorious creation.


Come on you sourpuss post links to something inspirational and leave your sullen thoughts in some other thread. :thankyou:
Frida Kahlo

An inspirational Mexican artist. Here are her pictures:


And her legendary quote:

They are so damn 'intellectual' and rotten that I can't stand them anymore....I [would] rather sit on the floor in the market of Toluca and sell tortillas, than have anything to do with those 'artistic' bitches of Paris.

Frida Kahlo, (on Andre Breton and the European surrealists) letter to Nickolas Muray, 02-16-1939

She worked and lived in the beautiful blue house Casa Azul where she lived with the great Diego Rivera who's artwork is the best of mexican art and entertained the likes of Trotsky.

Diego Rivera

Oh, my. I am enchanted with that ice hotel.
If I read the bookings right, about one night in an ice room combined with 4-5 nights in a warm room, about $3500 US?
Oh, my. I am enchanted with that ice hotel.
If I read the bookings right, about one night in an ice room combined with 4-5 nights in a warm room, about $3500 US?

Yes its expensive but it would have to be. Most hotels are built only once, this has to be constructed and molded from ice every year. Every year the design is different offering a unique experience of art and lighting. I simply love the place, even their picking one up from the train station in a dog sled while you are all covered up in soft warm fur.
Yes, years ago on a vacation with my mother. You had to wear a protective suit as you sleep on a bed carved out of ice and there is a bar where you drink vodka ice made glass. My mom thought it interesting but would never go back and spend the night in the ice hotel itself but I loved it. My only disappointment was missing the aureola borealis. I have thought to go back just to try and experience it there.
"It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness."

-- Eleanor Roosevelt

"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."

--Guillaume Apollinaire

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."

-- Helen Keller

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

--Mark Twain

There is a spark of good in everybody, no matter how deeply it may be buried, it is there. It's waiting to govern your life gloriously.

--Peace Pilgrim

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.

- Mark Twain

"Duct tape is like the Force. It has a dark side, it has a light side, and it holds the Universe together."

~ Carl Zwanig ~
This one came to me courtesy of Liebling. Being a culturally deprived Australian, I'd never heard of Einaudi until she made me aware of him:


Thanks I never heard of him either. Its beautiful. Where is liebling? I haven't seen her around for a long time.

Here is something about Glenn Gould, the great pianist who became the Bach specialist. I think you would find him very interesting

"Duct tape is like the Force. It has a dark side, it has a light side, and it holds the Universe together."

I love that one.:D How do you do it Cosmo? You always seem to find these great apropos quotes.
Here is something about Glenn Gould, the great pianist who became the Bach specialist. I think you would find him very interesting


I love Glenn Gould though I still find his interpretations of tempo (with Bach, at least) a little peculiar.

On that note, a considerably slowed-down interpretation of Bach's "Chorale Prelude in F Minor" (from Tarkovsky's Solaris): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFAlegTEBUU

And the other greatest composer for organ ever, Olivier Messiaen, performing an organ improvisation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSH9sVjpy8g
This is all improvised? Amazing. I've never quite heard the organ played this way, its quite modern, never heard a modern interpretation of organ music. He creates a lot of space around his notes, instead of tones overlapping and running into each other.

His compositions are very different in spirit from this improvisation, but your description--"He creates a lot of space around his notes, instead of tones overlapping and running into each other"--definitely characterizes much of his work. One of my favorites--"L'Ascension": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS37bQ-SN_4 (part 1), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOX0FfnFfDU (part 2)
His compositions are very different in spirit from this improvisation, but your description--"He creates a lot of space around his notes, instead of tones overlapping and running into each other"--definitely characterizes much of his work. One of my favorites--"L'Ascension": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS37bQ-SN_4 (part 1), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOX0FfnFfDU (part 2)

I'm presently listening to Messiaen playing this:


I'll check out your other links. How did you first find an interest in organ music?

Watching a short piece on his life they say he never liked to focus on suffering in religion, only its joyous aspects of it.
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....Come on you sourpuss post links to something inspirational and leave your sullen thoughts in some other thread. :thankyou:

I got laid 4 times this weekend, once outside in the rain. Yeah for me!!!

And I saw a cicada emerge from the ground, crawl up a tree, and then emerge from its shell. I thought it was awfully late for it to be doing so, but he did just fine.

And I bought a $40 pair of never worn Rocket Dogs for my daughter at a yard sale for $0.25.


And my sister in law has been entered into an art glass competition where Dale Chihuly (see below) will be. She's really quite good and could use the prize money.
Oh wow that is wonderful!!

No really that is so beautiful (and I am not referring to your weekends sex romp either).

That's amazing where is that being exhibited? Now that is joyful. That makes me smile from ear to ear. Tell us about your sister's work?

...four times?:D

What did the cicada look like while moving up the tree? I ask because you say he walked up the tree and then left his shell?