Everything about the earth is special, unique and one of a kind.
Contrary to NASA’s continuous self serving propaganda, there is no such thing as a earthlike exoplanet.
The dream of an 'Earth-like' planet showcases our astrobiological ignorance.
The earth exists in the center of an intricate web of protection that does not exist anywhere else in the known universe. Without these protections, life on earth would be instantly eradicated.
This is how the universe really works, from a few famous physicists…
Hakeem Oluseyi – “The universe has just one rule when it comes to life - Kill it all!”
Neil deGrasse Tyson – “The universe is a deadly place; at every opportunity it’s trying to kill us.”
Lawrence Krauss – “The universe constantly wants to kill us.”
Simply put, life cannot exist in this universe. The concept of life violates every known law of physics and observation we’ve ever made.
There is no logical reason or scientific theory that can explain why this tiny oasis of life exists in a universe that appears designed to kill and destroy everything in it.
But life does exist, and it requires numerous miracles to occur on a daily basis to survive. I wonder why this is left out of your textbooks.
Only recently, we have developed the technology to observe other solar systems. The results are shocking.
We are utterly alone in the cosmos.
Red Dwarf stars, which make up 75-80% of all main sequence stars, regularly unleash flares 10,000 times more deadly than our star. We have observed a few flares that are billions of times more deadly.
More disturbing, a study of stars similar to our sun revealed, our sun has five times less magnetic activity than all similar stars. This leads other sunlike stars to have deadly solar flares and coronal mass ejections.
another study -
The flares on our Sun are thousands of times punier than those on similar stars, Kepler observations suggest.
Despite what you have been taught, our star is NOT average in any way. It is bigger and more powerful than 95% of the stars in the universe. Yet, it is calmer and gentler than every other star we have observed.
Still, without an ozone layer and magnetic field (which we don’t truly know how the earth is generating) the nicest star in the universe would kill us almost instantly. Strangely, while the earth protects us from the sun’s radiation. The sun’s emissions protect us from deadly cosmic rays that are coming from all points in the universe.
Our magnetic field is not strong enough to protect us from cosmic rays, but the solar wind blocks and weakens them before they arrive and kill the life on earth.
Our Star, our Moon, our Planet and our Solar System are behaving differently than everywhere else in the universe. If this were not the case, you would be dead.
So what make the earth special? It starts with a star that is violating the laws of physics that govern every other star in the universe.