Which religion is from God?


Registered Senior Member
If you believe that there is God and if you`re acts are harmony to norms of society, you are probably following a certain way of life. The truth of the matter is, there are people who argue about religion, the fact that they don`t even know what religion is? A straight point here to consider is this: why are there many religions that are springing today? Consider first the word `religion`. Although many might contend how truthful I am the way I am talking here, it is still undeniable that many people belong to a certain type of faith.

There is the christianity. Many claim that they are the true continuation of the Church built by Christ. However, many are tested and found to be unbiblical in their doctrines. There is the Islam. Although I have no background about it, I might share a little findings, Isa Almasin as known by Muslims is considered to be a prophet but the last messenger according to the Islamic people is Mohammad. Well, Islam might have been a portamanteau word of Isa Almasin. Buddhism too has doctrines and Confucianism too. But the fact that they taught about an appearing of Jesus Christ, especially when Confucius emphasized his `golden rule`, which the Lord Jesus Christ used in the New Testament, the above-mentioned might just be considered are christianities in disguise. Well, I too am very doubtful about Judaist for Judaism is still waiting for the Messiah. As far as their quest is concerned, they are also christians in disguise.

But, which religion can be considered as that of God?
You may analyze this verse from the Bible: James 1:27
Or you may read these ones: I Timothy 3:15-16

It is emphatic that there is certain behavior that is to be present.
Notice also, the presence of charity and perfection in James 1:27
enton said:
But, which religion can be considered as that of God?
You may analyze this verse from the Bible: James 1:27
Or you may read these ones: I Timothy 3:15-16

It is emphatic that there is certain behavior that is to be present.
Notice also, the presence of charity and perfection in James 1:27
Whoops! And the proselytising Christian preacher shows his hand!

They're only verses (rather than chapters or books), and they aren't copyright, so why the hell didn't you just quote them?

James 1:27: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.​
1 Timothy 3:15-16: but in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.
16. By common confession, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was revealed in the flesh,
Was vindicated in the Spirit,
Seen by angels,
Proclaimed among the nations,
Believed on in the world,
Taken up in glory.​

So all other religions are "really" Christianity in disguise, and these verses, what, prove that Christianity is the "official God-approved" one?
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Which religion is from God?

People and and nations have been making WAR against each other to determine which religion is from God since whenever, but still today their is no overwheming consences which religion is from God. Also within Christianity their is no overwheming consences
which religion is from God. These religious people have over looked what the "Man of Love" has said, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another." - (John 13:34) "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say unto you, "Love your enemies, ---" - ( Matt.5:43-48 )

Through out history most all Christians did not accept these WORDS to be The Word of God, but even today, how many accept these WORDS to be The Word of God. Also it is explained in Matthew 25:31-46 which religion is from God. 'LOVE'

"Behold, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for GOD is LOVE" - (John 4:7-8)

Peace be with you, Paul
mustafhakofi said:
simple answer "none", all from man.

You forget that man is the temple of God, so it's possible that he has spoken to man. You don't know it, but God is the "higher self" within us.
Yorda: > "You forget that man is the temple of God"

battig1370: > a murderer, a rapist, a pedophile, a deceiver, and etc. are not temples of God. A temple of God is a temple of Love which is a person of Love.

Peace be with you, Paul
The Question Is Asked As Though There Is Only One Religion From God. Why?
The road to eternal life is to belong to the Religion of Love which from God.

God's Church is the Church of Love

There Is Only One Religion From God which is the Religion of Love which from God.

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370 said:
Yorda: > "You forget that man is the temple of God"

battig1370: > a murderer, a rapist, a pedophile, a deceiver, and etc. are not temples of God. A temple of God is a temple of Love which is a person of Love.

Peace be with you, Paul

Is that so...
M*W: No god created the concept of religion and its churches. That was man's doing. Man created god and the churches to propagate that false concept.

Early man feared and worshipped the sun and believed it to be God. Then it became God for them. This early folklore trickled down through man's evolution, and then he began to believe in the Sun of God and the Son of God.

The religions and churches that worship these "gods" were all false from the very beginning. There are religions and churches, but there is no god.

People who believe in a god have not evolved intellectually since the days of early man. He simply seeks, finds, prays and worships, the god of early man's intellect -- the sun.

It's time to grow up.
That sun of god joke is starting to get annoying. How much is son and sun similar except in the English language?
Yorda: That sun of god joke is starting to get annoying. How much is son and sun similar except in the English language?
M*W: That's no joke you stupid idiot. It's NOT a matter of symantics nor was the first language English. What the "sun" and/or "son" is called in the different languages is of no consequence. It's the concept, you fool, the concept! Why don't you take some time to research your argument before posting your ignorance?
Yorda: That sun of god joke is starting to get annoying. How much is son and sun similar except in the English language?
M*W: That's no joke you stupid idiot. It's NOT a matter of symantics nor was the first language English. What the "sun" and/or "son" is called in the different languages is of no consequence. It's the concept, you fool, the concept! Why don't you take some time to research your argument before posting your ignorance?
Yorda: Why would I want to research and not post my ignorance? The sun is just one of the gods. People worship the god, the creator of the sun and everything else.
There is no evidence to suggest that any religions originate from any deity, but massive evidence to support the notion that all of man's religions originate from the cultures of man.

@ M*W, few people are willing to evaluate or accept information that is contrary to their established beliefs. It's far easier for them to invent new information that justifies the beliefs. This is what Yorda is best at.
SkinWalker said:
@ M*W, few people are willing to evaluate or accept information that is contrary to their established beliefs. It's far easier for them to invent new information that justifies the beliefs. This is what Yorda is best at.

True, that's what you atheists do too, defend your beliefs, facts, or whatever you call it. You defend your persons, yourselves... you don't recognize other views or people if they don't have the same beliefs, if they're not in the same group. Because you defend yourself, you restrict your growth, your evolution. If you'd be neither for or against, your mind would become infinite. It would no longer be limited to your body, person... it would exist everywhere... and you would know everything... But just as matter offers resistance, so that the universe doesn't collapse to oneness, so does the consciousness restrict man from evolving to infiniteness.
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Atheism - lack of belief in supernatural nonsense. As an atheists, my "beliefs" are balanced by evidence.
SkinWalker said:
Atheism - lack of belief in supernatural nonsense. As an atheists, my "beliefs" are balanced by evidence.

You can't know if your evidence is true. Maybe you've misunderstood it, it's humane to error. Maybe you've not understood something. But it doesn't matter because it's not the point. Scientist rely on faith too, they defend their theories and hope they're true. They provide "evidence" for them, but still they don't always hold, because there is no absolute evidence for anything.

I don't believe in supernatural or nonsense either. Why would I? That's just stupid. But I believe in things that are supernatural for other people, because they've not understood, what I have understood about them.

I've been an atheist, but most atheists have never been "believers". But I'm not a believer or an atheist. I'm nothing. I'm the thing which creates both of these opposites, the gravity which creates the illusion of up and down. They don't exist. They're both false. There is nothing, and that's the only truth. I've seen the evidence of atheists. I saw it was false... and I've seen the faith of the believers... and they're wrong...

I'm not doing this anymore. It's just happening, somewhere in space and time. Someone is doing it for me. It's not me. There is no me. There is only me.
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