Why are Africans so violent, as populations?

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Why are Africans so violent and primitive, as populations?
I was reading the news from Congo and had to howl with laughter. Cannibalism, rape and terror gangs, and armed urchins with internal organs on their rifles.

While I wish that would happen to the USA, it makes me wonder something: Africa is called "the dark continent" for a reason - it's incredibly violent, primitive, cruel and permissive.

Yet Africans here seem to act similarly, despite 160 years of intensive welfare and preferential admissions/hiring. They're responsible for most of the rapes and HIV cases in America, and yet are still a "minority."

Why are these similarities persistent across continents, and even in Europe?
Did you have something to contribute to the argument, or are you just having a personal problem? ;)
well..i have many personal problems at the moment....

but I was just admiring your youthful courage (or idiocy: pick whatever you want).
I'm sorry you can't argue without calling people names. It suggests you are not confident in your argument.
Because they're black.

Noooooooo that was way out of line. I think it has to do with the fact that the continent was exploited for hundreds of years by more technologically advanced cultures. We went there and with force just took people and made them our slaves! That's fucked up. So things there have developed very chaotically. Tribal lines and such were all mixed up by the intervention of "the white man" and all of Africa has just become sort of a land of survivors. All the violence is just feeding off of itself at this point.
Originally posted by prozak
I'm sorry you can't argue without calling people names. It suggests you are not confident in your argument.

i see you picked the I-word...don't blame me for your own choice.
CaptainCaper: Africa wasn't always exploited, was it? Why didn't any civilizations of technological prowess besides Egypt develop there?
Any evidence would be a big help there, sport, because "I think" in your case is not only factually incorrect but doesn't count for much as a debate tactic :)
The Black people doings in Africa stem from different reasons than the African Americans doings in the US....don't confuse the two. Africa has been a exploited land for who knows how long, Terrible leaders who carry out their own vendetta through their power, lack of education...why do you think AIDS is so rampant there..In the undeveloped parts of the Africa it is believed that if you have aids you can cure it by sleeping with a young virgin.

As for the crimes rates in US caused by African Americans well they are caused by different reasons.

If you ask me i think every nation is violent. Every race and nation has a bloody history. We as humans love to wallow in our own misery....it defines our very being on many levels. Be it through a power struggle, hatred, anger, greed etc etc etc...;)
When you think of a criminal do u really think of just a black man? I alway tend to thinkof the middle age white man. But I guess if your really going towards the black commit all the crime type thing, they do tend to have less money and in America that =less opportunity. Now since they have no opportunities most tend to give up hope, with out hope of something better, whats 2 stop u from making it worse?
Standard responses. However, some things to consider:

Africa wasn't always "exploited." Europeans have only been there for a thousand years, maximum; why wasn't the place better off and less violent before that?

Further, many American blacks do come into sizable amounts of money and their communities are vastly well-funded; they're a major demographic in American purchasing. Yet black neighborhoods tend to be a lot more violent than white ones.

Since people have been very tolerant in the North since the civil war, and blacks have been the major recipients of Social Welfare in the USA, why is their behavior as a population similar to that of Africa?
yea many come into money, i have black friends who have 10 times the money ill ever see in my entire life. That wasnt my point. Its that MOST do not have the same chance as the majority of the population does....most of that being white. And they only have had their full rights for what....50 years or so? Imagen how long it took us 2 turn into what you'd call civalized. (dont mind my spelling.....it sux)
Originally posted by prozak

Further, many American blacks do come into sizable amounts of money and their communities are vastly well-fundedblack

That is where you are wrong. Many young black males in the US turn to drug dealing as a source of income and join gangs as a source of pretection. The Urban enviroments they live in are poor to fair in living conditions. Many of their parents make a average of under 35,000 dollares a year. I know a few who have turned to drug dealing just t opay for college. Though that doesn't account for them being rapists does it?...it is true that in a lot of rape cases it turns out to be a Black males of ages between 20-30..but that depends on where the rape took place.
thank you!!! some one i finally agree with!!! its amazing how u can sterotype an entire race into being basiclly non-human barbarians...i find that ridiclous
Africa wasn't always "exploited." Europeans have only been there for a thousand years, maximum; why wasn't the place better off and less violent before that?

Wrong. Before a few thousand years ago everyone was primitive. The Sumerians were the first to start civilization around five thousand years ago. Then came the Egyptians. But before that there was nothing, only violence and barbarism.

Further, many American blacks do come into sizable amounts of money and their communities are vastly well-funded; they're a major demographic in American purchasing. Yet black neighborhoods tend to be a lot more violent than white ones.

Really, you criticize others for generalizing yet you haven't provided a shred of proof to support this. "Black neighborhoods," at least the ones we tend to think of--inner city burroughs, etc--they're violent because they're exploited by racist, white assholes like yourself. The ones that do steal and fight don't do it because they're a "lower race" of humanity--they do it because they have no choice. You're the only creature I've had a conversation with, prozak, who I'm convinced is something less than human.

Since people have been very tolerant in the North since the civil war

Unmitigated bullshit.

and blacks have been the major recipients of Social Welfare in the USA

Again, no evidence.

why is their behavior as a population similar to that of Africa?

To say that an entire class of human beings exists the same way, and wholly different from another class, is stupidity of the highest caliber. Prozak, I congratulate you--you're a prime example of the reason people lose faith in the human race. We think we're so high and mighty, and then people like you come along and pull us kicking and screaming back to reality. Why try to be civilized, when you can be barbaric?
Originally posted by Addictive
thank you!!! some one i finally agree with!!! its amazing how u can sterotype an entire race into being basiclly non-human barbarians...i find that ridiclous

Who do you agree with?????:confused:
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