Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

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yeah, delete the fringe. so be it.

Sarcasm aside, I don't think the fringe should ever be deleted---from here or from real life. We need a fringe, especially in our all too scientific world, where everything appears well known and predictable. We need to be reminded of this humbling limit to our own knowledge where experience warps and woofs into something bizarre and transcendental. Without the fringes of reality we risk becoming trapped inside a self-contained bubble of traditional concepts and assumptions. Let this fringe be, and let it be approached freely with reverent trepidation, for it just may be the source of a whole new future awakening.
I don't think the fringe should ever be deleted---from here or from real life. We need a fringe, especially in our all too scientific world, where everything appears well known and predictable. We need to be reminded of this humbling limit to our own knowledge where experience warps and woofs into something bizarre and transcendental. Without the fringes of reality we risk becoming trapped inside a self-contained bubble of traditional concepts and assumptions. Let this fringe be, for it just may be the source of a whole new future awakening.

i know now why the fringe is dismissed with sarcasm or logic. it's a defense mechanism. i suspected this for a while but at first i thought it was just because there was no evidence to give as events like this can't be predicted or even recreated, certainly not my experience considering all the variables at that moment in time. my mother is even passed away now.

it's also really that people are afraid as it disrupts their perceived order of the world, the usual we experience most of the time and not these anomalies. they don't want to admit or know these things can happen in real life. my paranormal experiences were horribly frightening.

i understand it from a philosophical point of view. because it was a home of extreme violence, hate, perversion and anger, that energy and mix i know was the cause of it. there is no denying it. just recalling it again feels like i got the wind knocked out of me.
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It's a branch of comedy.

you are an asshole. just like your sexist posts. it's telling that members like you are never harassed or ridiculed simply because your life is conventional but members like MR and GIA are.

there are people who want to have a paranormal experience. they are fuking idiots. it's nothing comedic or funny about. it just makes you feel singled out to experience the worst.

your type of reply is why the fringe should be deleted. if people share their experiences, it will just be ridiculed.
even when someone shares an actual experience, that is not enough. this subforum is pointless.
“Beneath every cynic there's a frustrated romantic.”
Peter Bishop

forget that. what makes these members idiots and not actual intellectuals is if they really had a grasp of reality as much as they think they do, they would realize that paranormal experiences actually happen whereas religion is totally abstract. it is the energy put into that belief that produces the results/manifestations, not the other way around.

i know that their obscene religious perversion and obsession also played a part.
you are an asshole.
You're funny. I'm not disagreeing with you. You said, "it's a defense mechanism." I say it's a coping mechanism, like comedy.

there are people who want to have a paranormal experience. they are fuking idiots. it's nothing comedic or funny about.
On the contrary, it's often hilarious. Sometimes it's mental gymnastics and sometimes it's just a clown show.
You're funny. I'm not disagreeing with you. You said, "it's a defense mechanism." I say it's a coping mechanism, like comedy.

On the contrary, it's often hilarious. Sometimes it's mental gymnastics and sometimes it's just a clown show.

shut the fuk up. alright? troll.

proof the moderators are hypocrites. this is the type of replies that go on in the fringe and members like you who troll and are tolerated. and guess what? that's totally fine but what's not okay is that it's projected onto the ones actually contributing from experience or know something about the subject and then infracted or bullied for lack of scientific evidence.

it's just a setup.
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I don't think the fringe should ever be deleted

I don't mind if the fringe hangs on
It is what it is

Two observations
Don't bother asking for proof you won't get any
And for the other side
Stop asking real scientists to hold you hand and provide you with proof

Own what ever it is you claim
Do your own investigation
When you have nailed down your explanation of the unexplainable you will be ready to post with confidence

This is what happened - This is why and how it happened - and - This is not the only time it has happened

Heavens above did I just layout a blueprint for proof?

Sorry bout that


yes, asshole. most paranormal experiences are pretty horrible and you are making fun of it. you are one of those many idiots who believe things like the amityville horror is totally make believe and those who believe it are naive and gullible.

pay attention, this is the correction: both are wrong. one suspects nothing and believes it is completely untrue and the other believes it is all true.

from my own experience, i know that there is usually truth to these occurrences on some level as people don't sensationalize their own tragic events. hollywood may embellish much of it but usually there was something going on within that family that is abnormal and suspect.
Two observations
Don't bother asking for proof you won't get any

no, really? people can't just conjure up an apparition, you see. people don't choose these events.

And for the other side
Stop asking real scientists to hold you hand and provide you with proof

no one has been doing that. why? because we know there isn't any way to do so.
also, another event that i didn't experience but was a church member. she was going through a divorce and her husband had not moved out yet and so this fighting and arguing was ongoing. she reached out to the pastor because some disturbing things were starting to occur and she said that her two-year old daughter was sitting in the high chair and kept shoveling food in her mouth with her hands and would not stop. then she said that she looked at her in a way that sent chills down her spine as if it wasn't really her. also, her husband reported that he saw his dead father in the rocking chair when he walked into the living room one night.

i think all these paranormal events occur when there is a lot of negativity to a point it becomes tangible, like a visceral living being or thing. i've experienced it in my home and others have a similar theme, even if not exact type of paranormal event. theres is actually tamer than what i experienced but then they weren't as evil as my parents were. that's not a coincidence either as i know the more evil or negative the energy, the more evil the manifestation.

another insight i found out with these experiences is that the evil comes from people themselves. they are giving off these energies to create them in these instances, however fleeting they are. they are not 'ghosts' haunting them in these cases. it is them!!!

the proverbial devil is not just 'out there' as if people are innocent. it's inside every fuking human being. someone is manifesting it. the darker their shadow, the more evil the manifestation. it's the mirror of the ugliness and evil within themselves projected.
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and you and others still don't know what i am talking about. we didn't see any gods or magic, numbskull. isn't that what you called others?

we just had unusual experiences that cannot be explained. try again. it's insulting for people who believe they know what they are talking about to tell someone about something they know absolutely nothing about. you are actually, like many here, making points though ignorance and don't even know it.

i wasn't seeing god or magic when i saw an dark apparition draped in a kneeling position where my mother prayed obsessively at 3am in the morning in the exact spot the very next night.

consider yourself fortunate that you haven't had such dark experiences.

people like you really need to stop underestimating other's experiences. and i don't appreciate your assumption i believe in magic, voodoo or gods. i am lucid enough to just not readily dismiss what i know i experienced and saw and that is unexplained. i can explain it philosophically as i pretty much know the reason why it happened but i dont' know the mechanism behind it.

why don't people like you actually try to learn something in these fringe subjects instead of coming in here assuming you know what the fuk you are talking about? eh?

don't feign you are schooling me or anyone because magic, gods and voodoo is a cop-out but so is dismissing just the same. i can be as literal about reality as the next person. that's easy.

i don't defend the fringe section just to do so. there is a reason why i have been.


the truth is people on the other side of the issue like you are pulling explanations or dismissals out of your ass are as oblivious as those who have no paranormal experience and make up hoaxes.
Someone mentioned numbskulls and I said there are plenty in here.

You are essentially having a waking "dream" due to stress. There is nothing "paranormal" about it. Religious people have visions of "angels". Non-religious people don't.

You have bad experiences with your parents, sometimes it's people who have died, anything that makes an emotional imprint. I was married for 18 years. When I was newly divorced sometimes I would wake up and expect to see my wife in the bed beside me. I would be momentarily confused as to whether I was awake or if the divorce was just a dream.

There is nothing paranormal about any of this. We aren't computers. Our brains aren't reality cameras. These things don't exist outside of our heads.
there is no point in debating. that is why the fringe should be deleted. there are only anecdotes possible. you can't reproduce it.

the factors prevent it. for one, impossible to predict and it's fleeting/intangible such as an apparition. though the apparition gave off a sense of itself, it was not solid.

repeat: there is no proof. it is impossible to get proof.

unless you walked around your whole life with a cell phone with the conscious mindset to capture one in photo and be ever vigilant and ready which is a bit unrealistic. and still it may or may not happen. it requires a perfect storm of ingredients which that is not even tangible. i just know it's usually from a lot of negative energy.
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there is no point in debating. that is why the fringe should be deleted. there are only anecdotes possible. you can't reproduce it.

the factors prevent it. for one, impossible to predict and it's fleeting/intangible such as an apparition. though the apparition gave off a sense of itself, it was not solid.
People who haven't had a lot of sleep experience these things, people under stress experience these things.

You rarely hear of someone without stress and with plenty of sleep just walking down the street on a sunny day having such apparitions and when you do it's usually due to mental illness.

I had a friend (who is very religious) who lives in the mountains. He was driving though the mountains one day and hit a patch of ice. He spun around and then stayed perfectly in his lane and continued on with no damage or injuries.

His thoughts on this experience..."God must have been looking out for me because I know I'm not that talented a driver to be able to handle my truck like that under those circumstances".

I was driving down the interstate and I hit a patch of black ice. I was going about 45 mph. I did a 360 and stayed in my lane. I did remember that you are supposed to turn in the direction of the spin and I stayed in my lane and was able to continue driving as the patch of ice ended about the time that my car was straight again.

My adrenaline was through the roof, I'm no race car driver, but I did the correct thing and I was lucky enough that the ice ended when the car was straight again or it would probably have turned over. God had nothing to do with it.
this is my theory. besides the evil people are capable of and do themselves physically. there are people so evil that besides the shit they do, they project evil energy enough to create or manifest an entity that is unleashed on the world. what is considered 'demons' or negative energies/forces are from actual human beings. they don't just come from nothing. or because people like the idea that 'evil' is a separate from people or human identity, they call it the devil as if it's a separate being altogether. no, it's generated from someone.
this is my theory. besides the evil people are capable of and do themselves physically. there are people so evil that besides the shit they do, they project evil energy enough to create or manifest an entity that is unleashed on the world. what is considered 'demons' or negative energies/forces are from actual human beings. they don't just come from nothing. or because people like the idea that 'evil' is a separate from people or human identity, they call it the devil as if it's a separate being altogether. no, it's generated from someone.
No, it's not.
in other words, people are the devil. the devil is inside of them and it comes out literally/physical acts and figuratively. in the case of paranormal events, in a fleeting quasi form.
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