Why do I, my mother see visions?


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I often dream events that later happen, and then I remember that I dreamt these events. Recently, I was playing around with Photoshop, and for whatever reason I painted a black stain like image.. I decided to name it "Black Mess." Minutes later, my dad and I went to my cousins house to change my car's oil/filter.. I accidentaly dropped the filter that was taken off my Nissan, and the oil from the filter made an identical stain on the ground that I painted in Photoshop only half hour ago.. I couldn't believe my eyes, there it was infront of me, "The Black Mess.." I believe that I picked this up from my mother. She would always see things before they happen, or at the same time, especially when related to loved ones. For an example, she saw a vision of her father sitting at a table crying and very worried. She told us all this, and worried that something might have happened. The same day, few hours later, she recieved a phone call from her father telling her that her mother is going under the knife for breast cancer.. Another example is when she had a vision of my cousin being in a car accident. Immediately, she picked up the phone and called her sister (my cousins mother), and sure enough, her sister was crying and confirmed that her son (my cousin) had just been in an accident, only minutes ago..

I'm wondering why this happens. If we really have no souls, and our body is just living tissue that lives and then dies, then why do some people have visions? Science, living tissue, and organs arent a fitting explanation for this.
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I'm not sure exactly how this stuff happens but I don't rightfully think it is that uncommon. I think probably everyone will do it at least once. The thing with dreams is that we tend to remember when one comes true but forget about the many others that don't. I tend to think there is something more to it when feelings and visions occur when one is awake. Everyone in my family has dreamed or had visions of the future, sometimes it's good things like scenes from a movie or knowing the sex of a baby before an ultrasound or sometimes when someone is pregnent and doesn't know yet. Other times one can see disaster and death. I'm not sure what makes this happen but I don't really think it's that uncommon.
I had a feeling that its not uncommon, and thank you for sharing your experiences too. I just wish there was more information, a scientific explenation.. Heck, even a good theory would do.
I had a feeling that its not uncommon, and thank you for sharing your experiences too. I just wish there was more information, a scientific explenation.. Heck, even a good theory would do.

Ok, if you really want one. I suspect you don't, really.

I often dream events that later happen, and then I remember that I dreamt these events.

Do you write down the dreams at the time you dreamt them, or only remember the dreams afterwards? Because, if you remember the dreams later, chances are you are constructing a memory of the dream to match the later reality.

Recently, I was playing around with Photoshop, and for whatever reason I painted a black stain like image.. I decided to name it "Black Mess." Minutes later, my dad and I went to my cousins house to change my car's oil/filter.. I accidentaly dropped the filter that was taken off my Nissan, and the oil from the filter made an identical stain on the ground that I painted in Photoshop only half hour ago..

Did you save the photoshop image and photograph the black stain, or do you just remember that they were "identical"? Because if it's just memory, chances are you constructed a memory of the photoshop image to match what you saw later.

Second question: did you know you were going to your cousin's house to change the oil filter at the time you used photoshop? Because if so, you probably already had oil on the brain, which would explain painting the "black mess" in the first place.

I believe that I picked this up from my mother. She would always see things before they happen, or at the same time, especially when related to loved ones. For an example, she saw a vision of her father sitting at a table crying and very worried. She told us all this, and worried that something might have happened. The same day, few hours later, she recieved a phone call from her father telling her that her mother is going under the knife for breast cancer..

Ask your mother how many times she had visions of sad or crying loved ones and then nothing happened. i.e. they were actually fine and happy and nothing sad was going on.

The thing is, people always remember the "hits" and forget the "misses". Some people say "I always know when my mom is going to phone me. I get a feeling she will phone me and then the phone rings and it is her!" What they forget is all the hundreds of times they had a funny feeling their mum was going to phone them and the phone didn't ring, or it rang and it was somebody else.

Another example is when she had a vision of my cousin being in a car accident. Immediately, she picked up the phone and called her sister (my cousins mother), and sure enough, her sister was crying and confirmed that her son (my cousin) had just been in an accident, only minutes ago..

How many times did she dream somebody was in an accident and it never happened? Bear in mind that she probably wouldn't tell you about all those times.

I'm wondering why this happens. If we really have no souls, and our body is just living tissue that lives and then dies, then why do some people have visions?

The mind is a wonderful thing. Humans have a great capacity for imagination.

Is that a good enough theory for you?
Do you write down the dreams at the time you dreamt them, or only remember the dreams afterwards? Because, if you remember the dreams later, chances are you are constructing a memory of the dream to match the later reality.

You might be onto something, but the event feels too much like the dream. It often gives me goosebumbs when it happens because when I start remembering I know exactly what will happen next, and it does.

Did you save the photoshop image and photograph the black stain, or do you just remember that they were "identical"? Because if it's just memory, chances are you constructed a memory of the photoshop image to match what you saw later.

Second question: did you know you were going to your cousin's house to change the oil filter at the time you used photoshop? Because if so, you probably already had oil on the brain, which would explain painting the "black mess" in the first place.

I did save the image, I named it "Black Mess." Prior to doing the image, I didnt know that my father and i would go to my cousins that day, and change the oil. However, it was in the discussions for a while because an oil change was way overdue, and my father was alway busy with other things. That particular day though, it wasnt planned, I just made the image in Photoshop and saved it.. I was sort of playing around in Photoshop, but then I got interrupted by my mother telling me that my father is home early, and that he wants me to join him at my cousins.. Saved the image, closed Photoshop, and went with my father.. Half hour later, it happened, and I sware, the two were identical.. I was so upset at myself because I stained my Uncle's drive-way.. Then I realized what I had made, and basically got goosebumps.

Ask your mother how many times she had visions of sad or crying loved ones and then nothing happened. i.e. they were actually fine and happy and nothing sad was going on.

The only time she had visions, something would happen, and no she doesnt have these often. Only about 3 times, and usually involved a loved one. These aren't dreams either, it occurs when she's awake. I don't see how she would fake it because every time it happened some type of confirmation would come minutes/hours later..

The thing is, people always remember the "hits" and forget the "misses". Some people say "I always know when my mom is going to phone me. I get a feeling she will phone me and then the phone rings and it is her!" What they forget is all the hundreds of times they had a funny feeling their mum was going to phone them and the phone didn't ring, or it rang and it was somebody else.

I somewhat lean towards this as the explenation for my dreams. Could be a big coincidence, but it sure as hell feels real, especially when you know what's coming next.

How many times did she dream somebody was in an accident and it never happened? Bear in mind that she probably wouldn't tell you about all those times.

She never dreams them, it usually happens when she's awake and doing every-day things.

The mind is a wonderful thing. Humans have a great capacity for imagination.

Is that a good enough theory for you?

I really can't say for sure, but I do agree with you somewhat. You might find it hard to believe, but there's a lot of loose end's here.

Thanks for the reply.
I would put it down to coincidence or lies.
I would love to be proved otherwise.
I often dream events that later happen, and then I remember that I dreamt these events. Recently, I was playing around with Photoshop, and for whatever reason I painted a black stain like image.. I decided to name it "Black Mess." Minutes later, my dad and I went to my cousins house to change my car's oil/filter.. I accidentaly dropped the filter that was taken off my Nissan, and the oil from the filter made an identical stain on the ground that I painted in Photoshop only half hour ago.. I couldn't believe my eyes, there it was infront of me, "The Black Mess.."

First , you knew that you were going to change the oil in the car you started painting so that was already in the back of your mind. You then started painting and just happened to bring that thought to the forefront of your mind when you did your painting, that's all. Nothing strange about that at all.
If you have any ESP ability (Which I can't say is real) I'd suggest steering clear of using Red in your images while using photoshop... you know, just in case.
Welp a few things I have to say:

1: My grandmother, great aunt, my sister, and I have all had crazy dreams where we've "predicted the future". Personally the most specific one I've had was I dreamt I saw and alligator eat some random kid in the real southern redneck park on the outskirts of the city I live in. I woke up, went downstairs and told my mother and she said "That's weird, this article I was just reading online was about a little kid that was attacked and killed by an alligator in Myakka!" As for my grandmother, great aunt, and my sister... I have no way of telling whether their dreams were legit or they were being the absolute fantastical nutjobs they can be with their stories sometimes.
2: If you feel like you have some intense visions that can tell you of the future or things you otherwise could not possibly be aware of, you probably have some sort of gift. Unfortunately, the thing that sucks about it is no one will believe you. My friends and family are really imaginative people that are willing to take stories like that and be at least somewhat fascinated by my completely unreal sounding stories, so I can openly tell them and feel awesome about having such a spiritually exciting and mind-expanding talent. Unfortunately, the majority of the population will call you crazy. They will throw reasons why you're probably wrong and probably some facts about how its not scientifically possible, but people are very unimaginative these days. Don't let science "prove you wrong" because paranormal stuff DOES happen, but people have a tendency to want to feel like big bad grown ups. There's too much in this world to be perceived to let science explain everything. HAPPY DREAMING!!!
It happens to me every so often as well. Its my mother who creeps me out and my grandmother even more so. Every vision my grandmother mentioned to me has come to pass. So I believe that would be 6 out of 6 predictions. I don't know how she does it, but there you have it. My mother and I don't make predictions so much as we just get bad feelings about things. Like my mother had a bad feeling about a car that we had rented for a vacation that we took. She mentioned it before we left and then didn't say anything else about it, until a few days later she dreamed that someone had ran through the parking lot at our hotel busting car windows. And she said the feeling was even worse after the dream. But the day progressed and we forgot about it. Then after taking a walk at some waterfall place, we came back to the car to find the windows busted someone stole my purse. After that happened my mother said that nagging bad feeling she had was gone. That wasn't the only time she did stuff like that either, that was just the easiest to explain with out any room for her inducing it by her own paranoia sort of error.
Many people get a sense of deja vu, there are many times when while doing something, you feel that you already knew this was going to happen or that was what you would say. Its probably an effect of predictability from the patterns of our neurons firing or from our expectations of our behaviour.
This happens because all the times you feel like you predict something and it doesn't happen, you don't remember it. The coincidences that reinforce your existing opinions about the supernatural are the ones you remember.
I remember when I have bad feelings about things and nothing bad happens. As science itself has proven time and again it doesn't have an explanation for everything. Of course its hard to research something like this because you wouldn't be able to find an unbiased party. You either believe it happens or you don't, how do you rule out coincidences and etc... If you don't believe it everything that might be valid data will seem like a coincidence and if you do believe insignificant things will become your data. Plus you can't force a prediction out of most people. And there is no way to have an effective control.
I am the opposite. I have deja vu not about good or bad things, just ordinary everyday incidents. Sometimes when I am in a situation, I feel as if I have had the conversation before and I know exactly what the other person is going to say. Sometimes, I meet people and I feel I have seen them in my dreams. Its an odd feeling, because I feel like I am playing out a scene in my head, while I am living it. Sometimes, I have very realistic dreams, so much so that when I wake up I am disoriented.