The original British Australians were of the criminal classes, hence their (criminal) slang took hold and spread through the society. The British influx into other countries wasn't entirely made up of the criminal classes, therefore the slang was watered down or non-existent.
australia doesnt share a lot of slang with england.
infact most australian slang is very difficult to decipher for non aussies
most english people i've talked to don't even know what pommie means! lol
as an aussie i would definately agree with this.. i was talking to a pommie on msn and using everyday aussie sland and he had no idea what i was talking about... most english people i've talked to don't even know what pommie means! lol
that banana benders havin a barbie this arvo, do you want an amber coldie mate?
Tinnie, surely?
crikey mate you understood. i gave me last tinny to a swagman.