Why God allows Evil to exist ?



28. And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose.

The reasons are all summed up in this verse.
No philosopers had ever said something like this.
Paul had seen the total picture (macro view) of this world.
All things (include evil) work together for the benefit of those who were called by God and love Him.
But don't misunderstand, God allows evil but not creates evil.

In our lives, sometimes, something bad happen to us had actually turned out to be a cause to motivate us to improve.

Futurist – you wrote - God allows evil but not creates evil.

Assuming you are talking about the Judeo/Christian god.

It is alleged that this god is all-powerful and all-knowing and created everything. It is therefore incorrect to state that evil results from people and not God, since God would have known the nature of the people he created and hence knew that evil would result. In effect he would have directly created evil since everything allegedly occurs according to his design. He must have wanted evil to exist, since if it occurred against his desire then he cannot be all-powerful, i.e. if he didn’t want evil to exist then he could have prevented it, hence he must have wanted evil, and therefore created it.

It is further claimed that God is all-good. But since evil exists and we see that God must have created and wanted evil then he cannot be all-good.

You might argue that God could have chosen to prevent evil but chose instead to allow man to choose between good or evil. But that doesn’t work either. If God created man and knew that some men would be evil, then again he is guilty of creating something that causes evil and is therefore directly responsible for the resultant evil. If you argue that he didn’t want evil then he is guilty of creating a flawed product and is therefore imperfect. But it is alleged that God is perfect.

If God is all-good then evil cannot exist but since evil does exist then God cannot exist.
it is said smwhere in the begining of the bible- goes smth like this-
I'm the creator of all that is. Both evil and good, everything is my creation.

Xev could help with an exact quote