Why is God so obsessed with sex?


Sweep the leg Johnny!
Valued Senior Member
why would the times, circumstances, or genders of the people I might hypothetically insert my penis into, or whether or not there is a bit of skin attached to the end of my penis, be of any concern to an infinitely intelligent all knowing superbeing?
why would the times, circumstances, or genders of the people I might hypothetically insert my penis into, or whether or not there is a bit of skin attached to the end of my penis, be of any concern to an infinitely intelligent all knowing superbeing?

I'm guessing if a so called God existed, he's just a big time voyeur.:cool:
why would the times, circumstances, or genders of the people I might hypothetically insert my penis into, or whether or not there is a bit of skin attached to the end of my penis, be of any concern to an infinitely intelligent all knowing superbeing?

because sex is power and its a form of power that male dominated religions dont have. Look at the cults of athena and pan, they PRAYED by having sex and if organsam is pray then who needs priests? There for they had to eliminate this from there religion.

The jews actually DID have a female equivlant god (whos name i cant rember) but abolished her seemingly after watching the way constine brought religious power under his own banner as ceaser
why would the times, circumstances, or genders of the people I might hypothetically insert my penis into, or whether or not there is a bit of skin attached to the end of my penis, be of any concern to an infinitely intelligent all knowing superbeing?
because sex gives rise to progeny and its progeny that shapes (future) society - IOW if you had a concern about the state of society you would have a concern about the circumstances that gives rise to progeny
why would the times, circumstances, or genders of the people I might hypothetically insert my penis into, or whether or not there is a bit of skin attached to the end of my penis, be of any concern to an infinitely intelligent all knowing superbeing?

Cause that god is auto erotic.
maybe some priests just thought it made their manhood look better so they decided to do it as an act of them reaching manhood... nothing to do with god just makes it easier to tell who is a man or not.

actully self induced mulitlation has more to do with the tribe than anything else, ie by forcing young men to subject themselves to mutilation in order to gain a "reward" (the right to breed) you teach the men to put the tribe above themselves. Cirumcision was a) done on adolesant males not babies in the past and b) isnt the only form of this.
god probably just wants you to keep your dick clean and your thoughts pure.
why would the times, circumstances, or genders of the people I might hypothetically insert my penis into, or whether or not there is a bit of skin attached to the end of my penis, be of any concern to an infinitely intelligent all knowing superbeing?

It's impossible for God to be obsessed with anything because obsession is a weakness. As for why the rules on sex organs what do you intend to prove with this question? As for your assumption that God is some kind of superbeing keep that to yourself.
People in ancient cultures were much more prone to disease and infection. While sex is fun it is, to some degree, dirty, and can lead to infections that could be highly irritating to possibly fatal. While many of the bibles guidelines on sexual practices (most of which are found in Leviticus) can seem to be directed towards condemning certain people or practices, they are mostly guidelines on how to avoid and prevent infections. An uncircumcised penis is far more prone to irritation and yeast infections. Anal sex, and sex with a menstruating woman can lead to serious yeast, or bacterial infections. Oral sex can lead to thrush, which can be deadly. In ancient societies, it was wise to keep the genital area clean. This was done by practicing what was considered safe sex for the time, which meant having penile vaginal sex only, and having it rarely.