Nuclear fusion occurs in a sun giving energy until iron.
? Yes I'm dumb.
? Yes I'm dumb.
Fission too will result in iron or nickel, eventually. Fe and Ni happen to be the nuclei with the largest"binding energy", as shown by the well-known curve:-Nuclear fusion occurs in a sun giving energy until iron.
? Yes I'm dumb.
Pretty good explanation as is generally the case with Wiki....Nuclear fusion occurs in a sun giving energy until iron.
? Yes I'm dumb.
The absorption of energy by Iron/Nickel is then the cause of eventual Supernova, and consequently even more heavier elements.
Hydrogen fuses resulting in helium. That fuses to carbon. The chain ends with iron which is too stable to fuse further under normal circumstances.Nuclear fusion occurs in a sun giving energy until iron.
? Yes I'm dumb.
Good point about the elements heavier than Fe.Hydrogen fuses resulting in helium. That fuses to carbon. The chain ends with iron which is too stable to fuse further under normal circumstances.
In stars larger than our Sun the during the sudden process of going Supernova the pressures are great enough to create all the other elements heavier than iron (gold, silver, etc).
The lighter elements undergo fusion and the heavier elements undergo fission. It's easier to cause heavy elements to split and you can fuse the lighter elements.
(This is just my layman's understanding and answer to your question..don't take it too literally).
Not quite per post 5In stars larger than our Sun the during the sudden process of going Supernova the pressures are great enough to create all the other elements heavier than iron (gold, silver, etc).
and.....Meaning that the real heaviest of elements are also forged in stellar remnant collisions of Neutron stars/Pulsars/White Dwarfs