Why is sciforums traffic so low now?

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yes pad, now go back to your " UFO " comments that you have made before.
you do not have to be-- it is a matter of accepting reality. :) (shrugs) for understanding, must come acceptance. the question is meaningless. but anything i state may not be an achievement, considering the mismatch between our intellects.
The reality is that we have no hard evidence for Earth being visited by Aliens....
We have plenty of extraordinary evidence that UFO sightings have been seen and reported, but no evidence that they are anything other than illusions of an overactive mind, atmospheric phenomena, or some other possible Earthly explanation.
The reality is that we have no hard evidence for Earth being visited by Aliens....
We have plenty of extraordinary evidence that UFO sightings have been seen and reported, but no evidence that they are anything other than illusions of an overactive mind, atmospheric phenomena, or some other possible Earthly explanation.
according to whom though?-- the public?-- whom is a majority of stupid?
Why don't you show me the comments I have made before that supposedly contradict what I'm saying now?
simply go back a few pages on this topic and then go to the other topics.. i read a lot from this site everyday. i know of what and whom said what, i also have a well versed memory.
It's late. I'm tired. If still relevant I shall try to respond in more detail tomorrow, but here is the Executive Summary.

Several of you are requiring of MR a standard of logic and critical thinking he is not capable of. You are then judging the consequent mish-mash of his posts to reveal dishonesty. He's not dishonest, he's just not very bright.

An interesting hypothesis, certainly. If one belongs to the cockup rather than the conspiracy school of thought, I can see how this could conceivably account for the observations. However the trouble is that MR does occasionally seem to show flashes of what looks very much like intelligence. (but now you will ask me for evidence of this, no doubt....)
according to whom though?-- the public?-- whom is a majority of stupid?
According to any logically thinking individual and student of the scientific method. Show me a ray gun they have left behind...or a alien origin syringe....or some physical object after thousands of supposed visitations...show me a body....show me anything supporting they are not from this world....and while you are at it, again, show me anywhere where I have claimed anything contrary to what I'm saying now.

BTW, there is not a person on Earth, who would dearly love to have evidence presented confirming ETL or ETI, because I certainly logically accept that we are not alone, but just as logically recognise the two great barriers to inter-planetary contact...ie, time and distance.
" Show me a ray gun they have left behind...or a alien origin syringe....or some physical object after thousands of supposed visitations...show me a body....show me anything supporting they are not from this world....and while you are at it, again, show me anywhere where I have claimed anything contrary to what I'm saying now. "-- except all this has been shown-- :) (shrugs)
" but just as logically recognise the two great barriers to inter-planetary contact...ie, time and distance "--except that you are only speaking from an anthropocentric perception.--due to logic you have to discard your logic since it only consist of anthropocentric-ism-- which is not a logical step--the fact that you are using anthropocentric-ism is illogical.
well according to me there is evidence, that i have access to, tangibly-- so now what?
If you are trying to pick me up on any post me claiming there is no evidence, then that certainly was wrong on my part......Yes evidence exists.
The point is though and as you well know, there is no evidence to exclusively point to any UFO sighting as of extra terrestrial origin...or if you like no extra ordinary evidence.
" we do not have convincing evidence to validate any conjecture "

we might if the government's motive were for the betterment of mankind. the government's motive is control. and just as much as they crave control, they fear loss of control. knowledge is power, but power does not necessarily confer competence. the people at the top of these programs are intellectually very average. they are not capable of making proper use of what has been handed to them, but they have no intention in letting anyone else ever get a chance to solve the puzzle. and let's not forget there's also a real possibility that the government is being manipulated by the extraterrestrials for their own purposes. when you're dealing with beings whose intellect is so far beyond your own, i don't think it's safe to assume that they have your best interest at heart. use your own judgement. that's all any of us can do. there's been so much secrecy and disinformation over the last fifty years, that it has become impossible to prove anything in the face of official denial. of course the flip side is nobody really believes anything that the government says. the only vindication i can imagine would be if the government finally revealed all of what they know about these aliens.
Unsupported conspiracy nonsense.
If you are trying to pick me up on any post me claiming there is no evidence, then that certainly was wrong on my part......Yes evidence exists.
The point is though and as you well know, there is no evidence to exclusively point to any UFO sighting as of extra terrestrial origin...or if you like no extra ordinary evidence.
once again you just contradicted yourself and your comment is also illogical, once again.
What I said, and I stand by that......

Totally agree! I would love to meet an Alien!
I'll add also that although time and distance are great barriers against any ET contact, the possibility of an advanced species having visited Earth in the past, is within the realms of possibility. But we have no evidence of such.
Is that to what you are inferring?
So krash what you did is took my statement out of context.....bad boy!
The point is though and as you well know, there is no evidence to exclusively point to any UFO sighting as of extra terrestrial origin...or if you like no extra ordinary evidence.

Why should we believe you? How much of the evidence have you examined? All of it? None of it? When? What websites?
What I said, and I stand by that......

Is that to what you are inferring?
So krash what you did is took my statement out of context.....bad boy!
(shrugs) what is the significance from your piss-ant thoughts?
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