Why is the Jesus from church commercials so different than the Bible?


Most church commercials show Jesus as a friendly, approachable figure. However, in the Bible he is very harsh, cold, and disconcerting. It seems to me that someone got carried away in the marketing department.
marketing department's aim is not to bring the message of Jesus but to use Jesus as a marketing tool to generate people interest and thus revenue.
And why do they have John 3:16 on signs at baseball games? Why not one of the many verses which says that most people are going to hell?
Most church commercials show Jesus as a friendly, approachable figure. However, in the Bible he is very harsh, cold, and disconcerting. It seems to me that someone got carried away in the marketing department.

Same reason, he got converted from a Middle Easterner to a Scandinavian. Perhaps in China he looks like Jackie Chan?:p
anyone saw black Jesus?


and Asian Jesus?

Most church commercials show Jesus as a friendly, approachable figure. However, in the Bible he is very harsh, cold, and disconcerting. It seems to me that someone got carried away in the marketing department.

Jesus loved little children; he was meek and mild.
Same reason, he got converted from a Middle Easterner to a Scandinavian. Perhaps in China he looks like Jackie Chan?:p

It has truly been said that curry is a foreaste of the Lake of Fire which awaits all Indians.
It is interesting to me that you think this. While I wouldn't say that Jesus was friendly in the sense that he was out to please people, during my reading of the Bible I didn't see him as harsh and disconcerting. In fact I would say that one of his most noticeable character traits was his compassion. Could you give a few Biblical examples that you base your conception on?
It is interesting to me that you think this. While I wouldn't say that Jesus was friendly in the sense that he was out to please people, during my reading of the Bible I didn't see him as harsh and disconcerting. In fact I would say that one of his most noticeable character traits was his compassion. Could you give a few Biblical examples that you base your conception on?

There are several. In fact, most of what he says is pretty harsh. He speaks of most people going to hell, of people doing a lousy job of being his servant, of rich people being evil, of people not deserving him. If a woman went out on a date with a guy like this I'd tell her to break it off.
Where there are a few places where he has harsh things to say. It seemed to me that the majority of what he says is not like this. Have you read the entire gospels? Many people/sites just show certain instances (many times out of context) to try and portray him as something he was not.
And as far as the woman aspect he showed respect to women in a time when it was customary for women to be viewed as almost sub-human.
There are several. In fact, most of what he says is pretty harsh. He speaks of most people going to hell, of people doing a lousy job of being his servant, of rich people being evil, of people not deserving him. If a woman went out on a date with a guy like this I'd tell her to break it off.

Don't forget that he wanted a fig tree put to death because it had no figs for him. The next gospel claims that it was not the season for figs.:shrug:
anyone saw black Jesus?
and Asian Jesus?

Yo that is completely accurate Dra. Jesus can take many forms- this is the spirit of Jesus. He is here all the time too. When i had my manifestation it was as a white bird, i call it the death bird but it can also be the life bird too.

If anyone reading this has had this type of manifestation let me know and we will compare notes.