No one expects the Aqueous Idquisition! No one! (Except me!) He has two weapons. His chief weapons are sarcasm... sarcasm, arrogant presumptuousness and ...three... three chief weapons: sarcasm, arrogant presumptuousness and a fanatical obsession with nitpicking
In other words I caught you red handed citing creationist nonsense and trying to muddle the meaning of "myth".
- picking apart his victim's post line by-half line
You mean you don't want your critics to be thorough. That's understandable.
with supposedly clever remarks
Taken from the "science and anthropology" university sources I linked to.
Of course your errors are pretty basic. No particular cleverness is required to correct them.
that just show he does not how to speak civilly
If correcting you is uncivil then you are surrounded by barbarians.
I have an interest in facts and evidence which you show a chronic disinterest in.
in any topic other than how damned clever he thinks he is.
It doesn't take more than showing up for class to know that the Hebrew flood myth was derived from the older Mesopotamian flood myths--which you have not yet acknowledged. There is no cleverness involved. What is involved in your approach however is skipping class and playing hooky. You expressed no interest whatsoever in the academics of history and anthropology in relation to the origin of the Biblical Flood myth. That was immediately obvious from the fact that you went to a creationist site for your chart.
He will insists that his victim is wrong
If you post nonsense expect a rebuttal. :shrug:
without offering any counter argument save his own prejudiced (which he mistakes for scientific truth simply because they are his) opinions
said the guy who insisted that flood myths are "legends not myths".
I have countered your creationist sources with the evidence from universities which demonstrates the current state of the curricula in history and anthropology which teach that the Hebrew flood myth was derived from the Mesopotamian flood myths. You are trying your best to suppress this.
backed up by cut and pasted links.
Oh. My. Gawd.
These links may actually be valid and informative, but his victim will no longer care to read them after the hostile way they were presented.
By "cutting and pasting" university links, correcting your errors and asking you for "science and anthropology" based claims instead of creationism I am branded as hostile. Flame on, bro.
As for victims, ignorance is the victim of education. Denial is the victim of facts and evidence. And blind faith is the victim of science.
Also: upon investigation, it will be found that his links tell half or even less than half the story and are as cherry-picked as any other close-minded, biased persons are.
Upon further investigation, Sherlock, you will note that the sources I posted are all university sites. Or did you expect me to link to knothead creationist propaganda sites like you did in the OP?
The full truth is this: the creationists are wholly wrong. But if you're going to demand the full truth, you're going to have to take your medicine. You're going to have to stand accountable for posting half truths designed to abscond with the full truth, including the fact that the book you call Genesis is nonsense.
So really, why couldn't he had just given his opinion without all the drama?
Because he was too busy posting dramatic facts about flood myths cherry picked from university sites.
Answer: He completely ignored the OP explanation about what this discussion is about, or didn't accept the premise - and if one doesn't accept the premise, netiquette dictates that one should not participate in the discussion. [/I]
Wrong. Trumping etiquette are the site rules which require you not to bait this Science board with creationist bullshit. And when you do that be advised that fallacy, fraud, lies and propaganda will be met with facts and evidence such as those I provided from university sources.
The fact stands that the Hebrew flood myth evolved from the earlier Mesopotamian versions. If you cannot accept this fact then you are standing against all of the science and anthropology you demanded.
I haven't actually read Aq Id's post since he is now on my ignore list.
With or without the button you have been ignoring the facts I have been posting in rebuttal to your remarks since Day One.
You flunked the first unit in history. Remedial classes are currently in session.
I'd like to steer this discussion more to non-Middle Eastern/Mediterranean flood stories. Of course, those are perfectly valid and have a place in this discussion, and I don't mean we should stop or disregard them, but I am more interested in why people in Fiji or North America or Australia, for instance, would have flood stories. Do we know if these great floods are said to be at the same time as the purported Great Flood of the ancient Near East?
That doesn't steer the discussion away from the Near East. It implies the same nonsense given in the creationist site you posted.
How many of the details are the same, and why would that be? How could that be?
The details are not the same. There is only one myth which is similar to the myth of Noah in its details. And that is the 7th century BCE version of the Epic of Gilgamesh which has nothing to do with punishment for the sin of disobedience and/or sexual intercourse, nor was it administered by Yahweh, nor does it have anything else in common with the Hebrew religion. But the evidence is present in other details common to both myths, details which prove that the Hebrew people took their myth from the Mesopotamian myth. The other essential set of facts revolve around the many other Mesopotamian flood myths which predate this 7th century BCE version. When you integrate all of these missing facts together you arrive at the same conclusion as all of the mainstream scholars of history and anthropology. And that is, that the creationists are full of bullshit.
I think you understand that my mind is not made up about all this, and I hope your minds are not either.
Code words for denial.
The only 'fact' in this discussion is that GFTs are widespread.
False. You have alleged many facts and many other facts have been given in rebuttal. It is also a fact that you have several times now attempted to put restrictions on the scope of dialogue, whenever the facts begin to contradict you or a literal interpretation of the Bible.
The only question is, why is this so if there were not some basis in reality ?
And there's the creationist punchline which contradicts your earlier claim that you are not reading the Bible literally.
Until you acknowledge that the Hebrew flood myth evolved from earlier Mesopotamian flood myths then you are effectively in denial of the history and anthropology you claim to champion. Until then you are effectively posting as a covert operative for creationism and Christian fundamentalism, despite your many caveats that you are a Catholic and that you do not interpret the Bible literally as an historical account.