Why the falling man feels no gravity: inertia and gravity in balance

Top down thinking

Registered Member
The ultimate unification of physics balances being and experience.

Our natural motion is independent of electromagnetic space (i.e., photons) and fully inertial space (i.e., outer space). Outer space is fully invisible, and so are photons.

The fundamental significance of the falling man is this: Invisible AND visible space in FUNDAMENTAL equilibrium and balance is the MIDDLE distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. This invisible space extends BETWEEN outer space (full inertia, fully invisible space) and the Earth/ground (full gravity, fully visible space). It makes sense, and this is most fundamental and important.

Einstein should have considered a balance of being and experience.

The bodily/visual experience of the eye matches the INVISIBILITY of the space that the falling man is in and experiencing. Distance in/of space is effectively eliminated in comparison with the VISIBLE man who is standing on the VISIBLE ground/Earth; as full gravity is FULL distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, AND touched. The invisible eye/body is as a seamless whole with the invisible space. The acceleration is basically relevant to the FULLY VISIBLE Earth/ground.

Our eye is invisible as a BEGINNING experience of gravity (as distance and feeling). The falling man is not touching visible space. Acceleration and gravity on the Earth/ground are experienced relative to FULLY VISIBLE space. There is no relative or relevant motion with respect to the invisible space that the falling man is in and experiencing.

1) Full gravity involves full mobility in conjunction with, and in relation to, full distance in/of space. Full gravity is full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, and touched. (Consider the range of gravitational feeling.) Watch someone else touch the top of their visible head/body. See the relation with fully visible space? We want to balance being and experience.
The Earth/ground is attached in relation to touch/tactile experience.
This is the experience of fully visible space and full gravity.

2) Our direct/full/true/real/actual experience of outer space as it is destroys and precludes all of our experience (including visual). Distance in/of space is effectively eliminated, comparatively. This is predicted by, and it is consistent with, the progression that is identified in 1) and 3). Outer space involves fully invisible space and full inertia, as this space is fully detached and completely removed in relation to touch/tactile experience.

3) We want to balance being and experience. Therefore, invisible AND visible space in FUNDAMENTAL equilibrium and balance is the MIDDLE distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia.
The eye is semi-detached in relation to touch/tactile experience. The bodily/visual experience of the eye has the dual properties of visibility and invisibility. Vision (it is visible) begins invisibly inside the eye/body. Your eye is invisible, and yet the dome of another person's eye is visible. The bodily/visual experience of the eye is invisible and visible in balance. The eye is touched, and the eye is not touched.

The ultimate unification of physics combines, balances, and includes opposites.

Stabilized distance/extension of space, in conjunction with balanced inertia and gravity, is key. The Earth/ground is opaque. Outer space is fully invisible.

Invisible AND visible space in FUNDAMENTAL equilibrium and balance IS (logically, fundamentally, AND clearly) the MIDDLE distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. Indeed, this space is between (and in the middle of) outer space (full inertia, fully invisible space) and the Earth/ground (full gravity, fully visible space). This is the fundamental significance of, and explanation for, why the falling man feels no gravity. GREAT !
Dream experience involves fundamentally and ultimately equivalent and balanced inertia, gravity, and electromagnetism. Accordingly, dream experience involves visible AND invisible space in FUNDAMENTAL equilibrium and balance. This IS the MIDDLE distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. There is fundamentally balanced and equivalent attraction and repulsion in dreams. Dream experience is consistent with bodily (INCLUDING visual) experience. Bodily/visual experience in dreams involves invisible AND visible space in BALANCE. Therefore, dream experience DOES involve BALANCED (AND maximum) MIDDLE strength force/energy touch/feeling consistent with both INSTANTANEITY and the MIDDLE distance in/of space. Accordingly, dream experience is semi-detached in relation to touch/tactile experience. Dreams are a linked center of body experience. Dreams combine, balance, and include opposites. There is no outsmarting the genius of dreams.

The self represents, forms, and experiences a comprehensive approximation of experience in general by combining conscious and unconscious experience. Dream experience is FUNDAMENTALLY consistent with this fact/GREAT TRUTH. VERY IMPORTANTLY, if the self did not represent, form, and experience a comprehensive approximation of experience in general by combining conscious and unconscious experience, we would then be incapable of GROWTH AND BECOMING OTHER THAN WE ARE. Now, dream experience grows/increases. Accordingly, in dreams, we are CONSCIOUS AND ALIVE in conjunction with the FUNDAMENTAL EXPERIENCE of our GROWTH AND BECOMING OTHER THAN WE ARE. Indeed, dreams balance being AND experience; and there is no outsmarting the genius of dreams. Dreams BALANCE conscious AND unconscious experience, as dream experience is possible/potential AND actual in BALANCE. Accordingly, dream experience is that of the MIDDLE distance in/of space in conjunction with both MIDDLE strength (BALANCED AND maximum) force/energy feeling/touch AND INSTANTANEITY. It all makes sense.

The ultimate unification of physics combines, balances, and includes opposites, and such a unification would necessarily and ultimately balance being AND experience. Dreams combine, balance, and include opposites. As I have clearly proven, dreams would (and do) involve the ultimate, natural, fundamental, theoretical, AND actual equivalency and balancing of gravity, inertia, and electromagnetism. This proven unification of physics/physical experience, along with all of the other overwhelming, consistent, and various truths/facts that I have identified, establish beyond any reasonable doubt that in dreams we are (and must be) CONSCIOUS AND ALIVE in conjunction with the FUNDAMENTAL EXPERIENCE of our GROWTH AND BECOMING OTHER THAN WE ARE. Again, it all makes sense.

The physics of dreams involve the middle distance in/of space, as bodily/visual experience is invisible AND visible in balance. The following is entirely consistent with dream experience: Invisible AND visible space in fundamental equilibrium and balance IS the middle distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. Dreams make thought MORE LIKE sensory experience in general, thereby improving upon memory and UNDERSTANDING. Matching and confirming this, the ability of thought to DESCRIBE or reconfigure sensory experience is ULTIMATELY dependent upon the extent to which thought is similar to sensory experience. Dream experience truly improves upon our understanding of physics. Dream experience is real or actual experience. It is possible/potential and actual experience in balance. Dreams ARE fundamentally understood. Dream experience and waking experience are fundamentally related and fundamentally linked, and yet they are separate experiences as well.


The so-called "experts" on dreams do not know how they are possible. They do not know what they are. So, they say that dream experience is not real or actual experience. The physics proves what they are; and I have explained how they are possible, what they are/constitute, and what they must be.

Vision (it is VISIBLE) begins INVISIBLY inside the EYE/BODY. The bodily/visual experience that is the eye is necessarily DETACHED in relation to touch/tactile experience in the visual experience. The bodily/visual experience that is the eye has the dual properties of visibility and invisibility in balance. The eye is visible AND invisible. Television is FULLY LIKE thought, as it is a creation of thought that is experienced by the eye. It is FULLY DETACHED and removed in relation to touch/tactile experience. Television is a visual experience of the invisible eye. Thoughts are invisible. Television is FULL ELECTROMAGNETISM, and the distance in/of space is ELIMINATED/flattened in the experience of what is television. This is what is meant by being "out of touch with reality" in any event.

BODILY/VISUAL experience is visible AND invisible IN BALANCE in dreams.
Dream experience is that of the MIDDLE distance in/of space.
THE BODY/bodily experience may be visible OR invisible in dreams.
Dream experience is SEMI-DETACHED in relation to touch/tactile experience. Dreams are a [linked] CENTER of body experience. Invisible and visible space in fundamental equilibrium and balance IS the MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. Dreams balance being and experience. Dreams involve fundamentally equivalent and balanced attraction and repulsion. Dream experience involves a fundamental and ultimate equivalency and balancing of gravity, inertia, and electromagnetism. There is no outsmarting the genius of dreams. Dreams balance being and experience. In dreams, we are conscious and alive in conjunction with the fundamental experience of our growth and becoming other than we are. Therefore, dream experience is possible/potential AND actual in BALANCE. Accordingly, dream experience is that of the MIDDLE distance in/of space in conjunction with both MIDDLE strength (BALANCED AND maximum) force/energy feeling/touch AND INSTANTANEITY. It all makes sense.

Dreams make thought MORE LIKE sensory experience (including visual) in general, thereby improving upon memory and UNDERSTANDING. Dreams are not a creation of thought. Dream experience is between (and in the MIDDLE of) full gravity and full electromagnetism. MAGNIFICENT !
Notice that the FULLY VISIBLE body involves the experience of full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, AND touched. FULL GRAVITY involves full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, AND touched. The Earth/ground is FULLY VISIBLE. It is NOT DETACHED in relation to touch/tactile experience. The Earth/ground is FULL GRAVITY.
This is true of our waking experience as well:
Invisible AND visible space in FUNDAMENTAL equilibrium and balance IS (logically, clearly, AND fundamentally) the MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia.
Outer space is fully invisible, and it involves full inertia; as it is FULLY detached and completely removed in relation to our touch/tactile experience.
The Earth/ground is fully visible, and it involves full gravity; as it is ATTACHED in relation to our touch/tactile experience.
The BODILY/VISUAL experience that is the eye has the dual properties of visibility and invisibility. The eye is visible and invisible. It is touched, and it is not touched. It may be touched, and it may not be touched. The eye is SEMI-DETACHED in relation to touch/tactile experience. The experience of the eye is that of the middle distance in/of space. We want to balance being and experience.
Dream experience is fundamentally consistent with the bodily/visual experience that is the eye. The goal is to balance being and experience: Invisible AND visible space in FUNDAMENTAL equilibrium and balance IS (logically, clearly, AND fundamentally) the MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia.
1) Full gravity involves full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, AND touched.
This is a huge point in physics. This space is fully visible. (Watch someone else touch the top of their visible head/body.)
2) Full inertia (outer space) entirely eliminates our experience and results in no distance in/of space. Outer space is fully invisible.
3) Invisible and visible space in fundamental equilibrium and balance IS the MIDDLE distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia.

The ultimate unification of physics balances being and experience.
The ultimate unification of physics combines, balances, and includes opposites.

This thread is ALSO very important because it fundamentally and truly shows why TV has such significant, interactive, integrated, and adverse effects.
AlexG is a valued senior member ? Really ?? Why ??

Alex, did you read MY TWO OTHER THREADS ?

They all stand in support of each other.

It is so much easier to be critical than correct.

How do you get around all of this? You don't, and you can't.

Why post baseless insults Alex ?

Address the facts, truths, and proofs Alex. You can't. You don't. This is beyond you.

Jealous of top down thinking at its best Alex ?

Act like a man.
Comments on this are most welcome please. I have two other threads here that stand in support of this.

Thank you for your thoughtful and mature replies.
Wordy woo. It certainly doesn't belong in the physics section.
AlexG, you say that everything in the three threads is nonsense. You are clearly a liar or an idiot, or you are both. We know this. We have been over this before.
If you are not interested in learning, then go away. Why read what I have written then? Did you read it? Why? My ideas clearly have much merit. Just go away.

exchemist, it is excellent; and it is proven. I have plenty more proof of it as well. What is crap? None of it is.
Maybe you think it is crap because you do not want it to be true. Maybe you do not understand it. Maybe you are not being honest. Maybe it is not what you think it should be. Maybe you think that you are not equipped to discuss and understand it. Maybe it is not at all what you were taught to expect. Maybe it is not what you thought it would be. Maybe you think it is unimportant??? The truth matters. It matters alot. I legitimately question your credibility and intentions here when that is all that you have to say with all that I have written here.
Sorry, the truth is not always convenient.

In dreams, the space is stretched/expanded and contracted /flattened on balance.
Dreams involve how a larger space is made smaller, and how a smaller space is made larger on balance.

There is no outsmarting the genius of dreams.

With all that is clearly excellent in my three posts here, you have said nothing.

On the other hand, what I am saying here surely is important. You must know that. Really.
Site Administrator, can I please have your thoughts on this?
I have two other related threads here as well.
Clearly, this is very important stuff.
Is this Sir Robin or RC, or what?

Any takers on the "how many days before a permaban for the troll" pool?
Dr_Toad. Don't evade it all.

It is so wrong that you can't even begin to say why it is wrong? You can't and don't say what is wrong with it at all.

How obvious are you?

I demand academic honesty in physics. It does not matter how much you all may not like it. The truth matters.

Vision (it is VISIBLE) begins INVISIBLY inside the EYE/BODY. The bodily/visual experience that is the eye is necessarily DETACHED in relation to touch/tactile experience in the visual experience. The bodily/visual experience that is the eye has the dual properties of visibility and invisibility in balance. The eye is visible AND invisible. Television is FULLY LIKE thought, as it is a creation of thought that is experienced by the eye. It is FULLY DETACHED and removed in relation to touch/tactile experience. Television is a visual experience of the invisible eye. Thoughts are invisible. Television is FULL ELECTROMAGNETISM, and the distance in/of space is ELIMINATED/flattened in the experience of what is television. This is what is meant by being "out of touch with reality" in any event.

BODILY/VISUAL experience is visible AND invisible IN BALANCE in dreams.
Dream experience is that of the MIDDLE distance in/of space.
THE BODY/bodily experience may be visible OR invisible in dreams.
Dream experience is SEMI-DETACHED in relation to touch/tactile experience. Dreams are a [linked] CENTER of body experience. Invisible and visible space in fundamental equilibrium and balance IS the MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. Dreams balance being and experience. Dreams involve fundamentally equivalent and balanced attraction and repulsion. Dream experience involves a fundamental and ultimate equivalency and balancing of gravity, inertia, and electromagnetism. There is no outsmarting the genius of dreams. Dreams balance being and experience. In dreams, we are conscious and alive in conjunction with the fundamental experience of our growth and becoming other than we are. Therefore, dream experience is possible/potential AND actual in BALANCE. Accordingly, dream experience is that of the MIDDLE distance in/of space in conjunction with both MIDDLE strength (BALANCED AND maximum) force/energy feeling/touch AND INSTANTANEITY. It all makes sense.

Dreams make thought MORE LIKE sensory experience (including visual) in general, thereby improving upon memory and UNDERSTANDING. Dreams are not a creation of thought. Dream experience is between (and in the MIDDLE of) full gravity and full electromagnetism. MAGNIFICENT !
Notice that the FULLY VISIBLE body involves the experience of full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, AND touched. FULL GRAVITY involves full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, AND touched. The Earth/ground is FULLY VISIBLE. It is NOT DETACHED in relation to touch/tactile experience. The Earth/ground is FULL GRAVITY.
This is true of our waking experience as well:
Invisible AND visible space in FUNDAMENTAL equilibrium and balance IS (logically, clearly, AND fundamentally) the MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia.
Outer space is fully invisible, and it involves full inertia; as it is FULLY detached and completely removed in relation to our touch/tactile experience.
The Earth/ground is fully visible, and it involves full gravity; as it is ATTACHED in relation to our touch/tactile experience.
The BODILY/VISUAL experience that is the eye has the dual properties of visibility and invisibility. The eye is visible and invisible. It is touched, and it is not touched. It may be touched, and it may not be touched. The eye is SEMI-DETACHED in relation to touch/tactile experience. The experience of the eye is that of the middle distance in/of space. We want to balance being and experience.
Dream experience is fundamentally consistent with the bodily/visual experience that is the eye. The goal is to balance being and experience: Invisible AND visible space in FUNDAMENTAL equilibrium and balance IS (logically, clearly, AND fundamentally) the MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia.
1) Full gravity involves full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, AND touched.
This is a huge point in physics. This space is fully visible. (Watch someone else touch the top of their visible head/body.)
2) Full inertia (outer space) entirely eliminates our experience and results in no distance in/of space. Outer space is fully invisible.
3) Invisible and visible space in fundamental equilibrium and balance IS the MIDDLE distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia.

The ultimate unification of physics balances being and experience.
The ultimate unification of physics combines, balances, and includes opposites.

This thread is ALSO very important because it fundamentally and truly shows why TV has such significant, interactive, integrated, and adverse effects.

Outer space is fully invisible, and so are photons.
In that case, I am some kind of superhero, because I can see photons! In fact, right now, I am looking at a computer screen actually seeing the photons it emits.
Our eye is invisible as a BEGINNING experience of gravity (as distance and feeling). The falling man is not touching visible space. Acceleration and gravity on the Earth/ground are experienced relative to FULLY VISIBLE space.
So blind people can't fall? Two old friends of mine of mine, Blind John and Dan Rossi, would heartily disagree (they are skydivers)
1) Full gravity involves full mobility in conjunction with, and in relation to, full distance in/of space. Full gravity is full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, and touched.
I've been in free fall inside an airplane, exposed to exactly the same gravity field that you are right now. Yet I was floating as if by magic! Must be another superpower.
Indeed, this space is between (and in the middle of) outer space (full inertia, fully invisible space) and the Earth/ground (full gravity, fully visible space). This is the fundamental significance of, and explanation for, why the falling man feels no gravity. GREAT !
Astronauts are under almost as much gravity as you or I. They are just falling. And visibility has no effect on whether you feel gravity or not, as any pilot can tell you.
This is beyond crank into full bore crazy crackpotism.
Vision (it is VISIBLE) begins INVISIBLY inside the EYE/BODY. The bodily/visual experience that is the eye is necessarily DETACHED in relation to touch/tactile experience in the visual experience
No, your eye works pretty much like all your other senses; a stimulus (light in this case) causes neurons to fire, resulting in a sensation.