Why The Light May Not Win


Registered Senior Member
Everything in existence is a complicated matter. I believe that there is a battle between the Light and the Dark both literally and metaphorically. There is the battle that is almost like "Star Wars" with the First Galactic War which led to the establishment of the Galactic Federation to prevent evil domination. Then there is the battle of the self conflicted between that which is Light/Good and that which is Dark/Evil (like your inner demons). I believe there are three paradigms to viewing the Universe. I will be discussing why the Light may not win in each of the paradigms. The first paradigm is to view the Universe as Light only. The second paradigm is to view the Universe as both Light and Dark. The third paradigm is to view the Universe as Dark only.

Why the Light May Not Win Within the Context of the First Paradigm (Light Only)

1). Evil does not have to win. Many people tend to get caught up on a good versus evil mentality. It is simply more complex than that. Evil does not have to go on the offensive. The very fact that evil exist, still exist, and continue to exist means that not all is good and light. In order for Light to win, Light must take the initiative and convert all that is into Light.

2). All it takes is for one soul out of the countless souls in the Universe to be dark. Even if virtually all the souls of various species in the Universe chose the path of Light, but there is still one soul that is evil beyond imagination, the Light still has not won. On the basis that everything is a reflection of the Creator, this one soul will be a constant reminder to the Universe that although the Universe sees itself as perfection (and to perfect its creation as well), it is not because there is still a psychopathic entity in existence.

3). For the Light to completely destroy evil would make the Light no different from the being of evil itself. The act of destruction is a role that only evil is supposed to exercise. The Light is supposed to take on a role that is oppositional to destruction which is non-destruction. It is suppose to set an example and be a role model of kindness, goodness, love, and the like. This is straightforward and self-explanatory.

4). Potential knowledge and existences of the unknown. There are still many unknown variables that may not be discovered yet, much knowledge that is not known yet, and many unknown things that can never be known anyways. The potentiality of the two other paradigms (viewing the Universe as both light and dark and viewing the Universe as Dark only) may dramatically diminish the power of the Light to succeed its mission of complete Lightness. All that is said in the prior is what drove me personally to come up with the theory of All That Is (see other thread) and its relation to Primary Existence and Secondary Existence hypothesis.

Why the Light May Not Win Within the Context of the Second Paradigm (both Light and Dark)

1). Because all things have a composition of both light and dark, the elimination of dark is not possible. If one were to view the Universe as both Light and Dark simultaneously, that which is light and that which is dark must cooperate with each other in alignment with perfection. All that is light and all that is dark facilitate each other and help the Universe in finding Itself, experiencing Itself, and knowing Itself. This in turn is also a reflection of its Creation and hence you see similar traits of both the good and the bad in animals (pit bull bites someone’s ears off even when conditioned to behave good versus a friendlier dog), humans (a serial killer versus a person who loves everyone and constantly helps other people), and other entities.

2). For the Light to fight with the Dark is like the left eye punching the right eye in a human being analogously. Think of the whole Universe like the whole human body. If a particle, an atom, or whatever you want to call it fights with another particle, the body itself cannot stand to live without experiencing pain and its consequences. For the body to function normally, the left eye cannot punch the right eye.

3). Both the Light and the Dark rely on each other for growth and evolution. Every time when evil is inflicted upon a good person or when something bad happens (generally speaking), it may make the good person a stronger and better person. The good person may also come to appreciate particular things in which he/she may not have appreciated if the opposition never existed in the first place. The same works in the vice versa. When the good person becomes a better and stronger person, this too may reflect back to the evil person, the evil and its associates, and the evil consciousness. For every level that evil rises, good rises as well. For every level that good rises, evil is also raised by one level. This facilitation process may also work in the subconscious and unconscious too. Someone (whether good or evil) may not be aware of their own growth, development, and learning experience but the effect did occur.

Why the Light May Not Win Within the Context of the Third Paradigm (Dark Only)

1). Evil is the only true core of existence and this psychopathic mindset is locked inside the brain of the Universe. The Universe loves destruction. It enjoys seeing pain and suffering in the things It has created. We human beings are like lab rats in an experiment. The Universe is a professional pathological liar. It will even deny its own beingness of cruelty and destruction but will act it out anyways. It will go even as far as to claim the title of an entity that is compassionate and loving but It will do the opposite. It lacks empathy in reality. Hypocrisy, paradoxes, contradictions, oxymorons, and deception are built into the core of its existence.

2). Because its composition is total darkness, actual Light does not exist. All the things that are considered to be good is only a cover up. It is only used as publicity to control its Creation. This is no different than the big banks creating a charity component as part of its existence (to create the illusion of how they are all so loving) but anyone who specializes in the study of society (sociology and epidemiology) knows that these charitable components are minute compared to potential real social change. Love does not exist. Love is only used as an intellectual weapon to control, manipulate, and indoctrinate the things and entities It has created.

3). Hierarchy, centralization, competition, and the conflict theory/perspective are embedded to its existence. There is only one ruler in the Universe and that is the Universe/Creator itself only. It is the Supreme Being that overrides and supersedes all things. Contrary to the notion that hierarchy does not exist, it does in fact exist and there is a chain of command present. Contrary to the notion that decentralization of control and democracy exists, it does not because ultimately, in the end, whatever is willed by the centralized powers to be, shall come to be and pass. Entities regardless of species origin and creation must fight with each other to attain power and control. It is a dog eat dog world and power struggle is an eternal existence.

In conjunction with "My Theory of the Cosmos of All That Is" (see other thread), it is in my opinion that the Primary Existence reflects the second (Light and Dark) and third (Dark Only) paradigms only. The Secondary Existence reflects all three paradigms (Light, Light and Dark, and Dark).
All it takes is for one soul out of the countless souls in the Universe to be dark.

There's absolutely no scientific data that finds the existence of a "soul" other than a belief in religious teachings. If you are going to use things that can't be proved then how can anyone understand how you are coming to any conclusions about everything? :shrug:
There's absolutely no scientific data that finds the existence of a "soul" other than a belief in religious teachings. If you are going to use things that can't be proved then how can anyone understand how you are coming to any conclusions about everything? :shrug:
I heard and it is hear say, That your body experiences a slight weight lose upon death. Maybe excrement's ?
There's absolutely no scientific data that finds the existence of a "soul" other than a belief in religious teachings.

This is why this post is under the "religion" section.

If you are going to use things that can't be proved then how can anyone understand how you are coming to any conclusions about everything? :shrug:

I am not trying to prove anything. Beliefs do not require evidence - that's why they're called beliefs. Look up the word "believe" - I believe I used it too on my original post.
Keep in mind that duality is just a "temporary social experiment game" - the God Source needs to experience everything to the maximum - I believe that God in Actuality is Love - but It wanted to see what it was like in its opposite (for we are all one and God simplistically speaking) - hence we see "darkness" - hopefully though, in the end, all will go back to the God Source and everything will be Love....

It would be a new level of consciousness....

I believe "Lucifer" is just playing a role for God....
This is why this post is under the "religion" section.

I am not trying to prove anything. Beliefs do not require evidence - that's why they're called beliefs. Look up the word "believe" - I believe I used it too on my original post.

But you are trying to say that one or the other will eventually take over but using beliefs instead of facts as your way to do so. I believe I'm right in say that aren't I?
But you are trying to say that one or the other will eventually take over but using beliefs instead of facts as your way to do so. I believe I'm right in say that aren't I?

No, I am just sharing my beliefs - that's all.

Am I not allowed to share my beliefs?
Please go back - didn't I say I "believe" the soul weights 21 grams?

I just wanted to understand that you believe in something that doesn't exist and cannot be found and that this soul actually weighs something as well without any proof that when a person dies there's a soul remaining after everything is taken out. How is it that something that cannot be found be believed in if there's nothing there? :shrug:
I just wanted to understand that you believe in something that doesn't exist and cannot be found and that this soul actually weighs something as well without any proof that when a person dies there's a soul remaining after everything is taken out. How is it that something that cannot be found be believed in if there's nothing there? :shrug:

How is it that some people believe in a God if there is nothing there?
In 1907, Dr. Duncan MacDougall weighed six people while they died. He found their bodies weighed on average 21 grams less after death. His results were never replicated. Here's the link:
False link...
Anyway, the results have been replicated, and they're nicely documented in this book.
The weight loss, however, wasn't consistently 21 grammes and turned out to be moisture loss as the body dehydrated slightly after death.

There is no, repeat NO, evidence for the soul (Dan Brown's latest potboiler also gets it wrong and wanders into serious woo-woo territory.

you've been distracted..

lets clarify..

are you saying light and dark (good and evil)cannot exist without each other?

there is no winner, there never will be..
someone will always step up to maintain the balance..
Light can't cheat. which creates a handicap relative to dark. Dark can cheat, since that is the nature of dark, which always gives it an advantage. On a level playing field, light is superior. However, dark is allowed to cheat to make fair.