Wow, that's a absurd thing to say. (Absurd wasn't my first choice of words, but I don't want to get banned).
Wow, that's an absurd thing to say.
Land of race riots, mudslides, earthquakes, wild fires, insane real estate costs, high taxes, and a bankrupt government? Oh yeah, also sunshine. Can't forget the sunshine.It's called "California." You do the math.
What is absurd? I said that good people don't always win, unfortunately. Is that not the truth?
Bashing the greedy bankers is a populist move.
It is fraught with danger though, as companies may move to other countries with more favourable taxation schemes.
In countries which rely on services rather than manufacture, an exodus of the bankers would not be good.
Well, if you asked the people of Birmingham and Coventry in the early 20th century, whether their Cities would ever produce less cars than China or India, they would have laughed.
Banking is an eminently exportable business. That is why they are treating Governments with contempt.
While I find the resistance of the USA to even the mildest of Socialist methods, hard to understand, I think that in a time of financial instability, Obama's aggressive approach may be a wrong move.
Socialism in America is a tool that they will not use, no matter how effective it is at solving social problems.
I'm sure people will misunderstand what I am saying, but I mean as a tool to solve specific problems rather than an ideology.
I can see that you are not going to move on this, but don't you think that the banks' total lack of concern about what anyone thinks, indicates that they have some trick up their sleeve, or do you believe that their blatant arrogance springs from stupidity?
Would people stop doing business with a bank if it moved to, say, cheap office space in Dubai, with zero taxation?
But not governor candidates, apparently. And not historical or locally detailed. And paying no attention to stuff like "registered Democrats".
Putting a period on the end of the quoted sentence after you shortened it is actual dishonesty, not just normal quota trolling.
Land of race riots, mudslides, earthquakes, wild fires, insane real estate costs, high taxes, and a bankrupt government? Oh yeah, also sunshine. Can't forget the sunshine.
Fantasy aside, since the UK's windfall tax on bank bonuses was announced, a number of banks with offices in the UK have announced caps on bonuses.
But what is there to prevent these banks moving to countries with less punitive tax regimes? Under international law, can countries refuse to deal with them?
And would they?
Maybe they've got nothing but bravado and they are starting to blink in the who-blinks-first contest.
What do you think?
I'll be the judge of what is trivial, when I'm dealing with people like you.string said:I put a period at the end of the part I was quoting. Ice, you're such a little crybaby. How about actually PROVE THE POINT you made
Land of race riots, mudslides, earthquakes, wild fires, insane real estate costs, high taxes, and a bankrupt government? Oh yeah, also sunshine. Can't forget the sunshine.