Win2K OS

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tending tangentially
Registered Senior Member
Hello all.

I was recently persuaded to move on from Win98 to Win2K and I'm enjoying it so far. I did a clean install after formatting. I'm just getting used to where everything is and I've managed to find just about everything I need to... just about.
Here's the thing: in Win98 I used to use msconfig quite often. Usually to disable something from loading up at boot and running.. With Win2K, I know ctrl-alt-del gets me to the task manager where there's lots to play with.. but I can't find anything similar to msconfig.
Is there even such a thing in Win2K?
Any ideas out there??

Thanks in advance..
hello. i have never ran win2k before, but i know some things about it. first off. you will either want to disable iis5.0 or get the patch.
thats about all i know about it ... :-/

i would get it to test it out if bill wasnt such a greedy bastard.


I know nothing about Win2k not having used it before. I' ask this simple question, Did you do a file search for it? I guess the question is what is the file name for the current msconfig file? I have not kept up with the changes as I used to because thare have been so many. You used to be able to alter file by calling them through dos command of edit. Weither that still exists or not I could not say.
maybe i should ask this before i really start to answer the question... what the hell is msconfg????

and what do we use it for???


Msconfig is a composite of config.sys, Autoexec.bat, and window boot files put together into one file, with all 5 in tiled format Iif I remember right) instead of having to hunt for each seperate file. It calls them together into one easy to pull up file. The same thing can be done by calling each one seperate for the review/edit. It has been quite a while since I fooled with msconfig but in essence it is all your boot files. It is hand to get to this way, but not necessary to have it. It has been known to be the bane of newbee just discovering the fiel and making changes.
Here's a few thing you can try

contol panel/administrator tools. from here you should be able to access the services area. Windows 200 uses what are called services. A service (as i understand it) is a program that runs at windows start-up....for example, the software for your mouse runs as a service, as well as many windows functions run a s services. (you can even have your server or a game run as services)

from here you should be able to "set" how a service is run....right click on a service listed/properties, and there will be controls for how this is run. (manual, automatic etc.)

if that seems like too much....and it may not do exactly what you wish, try this.

and this little guy will let u remove or alter anything starting with windows.

and, with this program you can permanently remove anything that starts with windows.

good luck
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