Not an encouraging start to your post. It makes you sound unhinged, not quite in control of yourself. And it just gets worse after that.
Here is an example of yours and e.g. James R's revealing total absence of effort, in even attempting to apply elementary relativistic math to solve the 'conundrum' I presented here:I
Is this your impolite way of asking whether I'd be so kind as to read your thread and comment on it?
Yours and James R's math/conceptual incompetence has been amply demonstrated above.
Link or it didn't happen.
Too intimidated to even try.
Which is it, then? Did I post and your majesty showed that I was incompetent, or did I not even try to post? Try to get your story straight, at least.
Billvon is just another disgusting, lying SF shill.
You think billvon is being paid to talk to you and to tell you lies? Really? Who do you imagine is investing their money into paying people off to engage with you on this forum? And to what end?
Do you think somebody is worried about what
your writings, here on sciforums, might do to their vested interests? Do you think you're a threat to the Illuminati, or something?
Don't you realise that you sound like a complete nut when you rant about conspiracies like this? Get some perspective, man. You have a brain. Why not use it for something productive?
Like for bells, James R,
DaveC426913, and 'likes' de facto supporters of mass murder (9-11, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran (still not achieved)), oppressive totalitarian domestic rule (e.g. 'Homeland Security' - abrogation of habeas corpus - de facto indefinitely extended martial law).
As far as I'm aware, none of the people you have mentioned have written anything on this forum that has supported mass murder or oppressive totalitarian domestic rule. Certainly, I have not.
I therefore ask that you either attempt to support your libel, or else retract it. Please do that in your next post. Thank you.
Including extinguishing of true freedom of expression/thought (like here at SF).
If you're still upset because we don't allow you to freely express your antisemitism here, find somewhere else to vent your spleen. We have higher moral standards here.
Set to eventually lead to the revolting actual Orwellian 1984 triumph. Of lying, stealing, murdering (almost exclusively by callously expending 'others' in a never ending 'war on of terror'), police state ultra tribal supremacist evil, over good.
Perspective, man! Do you
really think that the revolting actual Orwellian 1984 triumph is going to start right here on sciforums?
The expected backlash will - not might - prove to be vacuous polemic. Motivated likely by straight out cowardly subservience to the oligarch dictated Prevailing Norm.
You're playing the role of "expected backlash" here, are you not? Vacuous polemics indeed.
Whether this post is the last straw for PC conformist forum hierarchy, thus my swan song here, I care not. Really.
You're still here. You keep still being here. Methinks you protest too much.