i think i have a plausible answer to WTC 7.Let's take 911. I know, and every fireman knows, that office blocks DO NOT just collapse the way WTC7 did. Frankly, anyone who regards that collapse as "normal" has a closed mind and is in denial. But conspiracy theories about the collapse are likely to be erected on a framework of imaginative fantasy ... so don't ask me for my explanation.
when i seen WTC 1, 2, and 7 fall they looked like CDs ( controlled demolitions)
i reviewed several videos about CDs and came to the conclusion that 1 and 2 was not a CD but i could not resolve 7.
7 was indeed a CD.
heres why:
WTC 7 was a part of our national securoty apparatus and housed many things that was "top secret"
7 was probably rigged for a CD as soon as it became part of our national security.
the government probably destroyed 7 after 1 and 2 and the pentagon was attacked to protect what was inside it.
silverstien saig "pull it" and they did.
the above fits all of the evidence.