you will regret this.........wait for the slaughtering

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Registered Member



Regret what, these crappy cartoons?

You need to get laid, or smoke :m: or something. Do something useful with your life and stop hating our freedom.
As a newspaper editor I totally condemn this weak kneed approach to fighting an attempt to censor us.

Should we allow MacDonalds to be firebombed by the Hindus?

...Or rabbis to smash up Walmart for opening on a Sunday?

...Or Zoroastrians to beat up firemen for putting out a blaze?

As Church of England myself, I wonder why I should be forced to live under the jackboot commands of the Koran, which is nothing more to my religion that bound toilet tissue.

And for the state to whom I pay taxes, to support this insult to civil liberties is an outrage and utterly unholy. How can the word of God mean anything if it has to be backed by the state? To do so is to put the state above God.

Faith means nothing without personal responsibility.

We must stand up and say "NO!", no matter what the consequences for I will not allow my newspaper to be forced into being a willing instrument of a foreign God I know to be false.
And...hatred gave birth to yet another war...and world was soon ablaze with hatred, until there was noone left to hate.
Ok. So, we have death threats from one poster (a Muslim?), and then a bunch of linked cartoons.

Now that you've got it out of your systems, it seems to me that we have achieved a balance of views on this issue in this thread. Agreed?

Note that future propaganda of this type, from either side, will be deleted.
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