Thank you, again,
But I am not trained in the epistemology of feeding on a two-dimensional ontology.
I cannot grasp or taste the cake but I can see it and imagine its essence, its spirit, in my mouth.
I am nourished by its projected energy.
That is enough.
I beleive in it, because it makes me feel good.
Oh well....
I would first like to thank my
Lord and Saviour Jesus H. Christ for making all of this possible.
Then I would like to than America and her benevolent, just, and democratic glory.
From sea to shining sea.....
I would also like to thank my mother for paying the rent and feeding me in the basement, and my father, who is no longer with us but who most certainly watches over me from heaven and is....ashamed.....
Thank you
TimeTraveler for your wonderful retarded theory about immortal consciousness, based on nothing more than energy.
Thank you,
lightgigantic, for being so obtusely consistent in your mental deficiencies and absurd rationalizations concerning what you so desperately want to be ‘truth’.
Thank you for reminding me why people want to believe in what sooths them.
Thank you
cool skill for the laughter and this unforgettable quote:
Beautiful!!!! It's a classic.
Thank you
Diogenes’sDog for your thickness.
Thank you
Theoryofrelativity for proving that a 155 I.Q. means little….especially when it is only a number, and thank you for proving, once more, that 'selfless' femininity and philosophy do not mix.
Thank you
Q for returning my lost innocence to me, intact and unsoiled by reality.
Thank you
Buddha1 – You are gone but not forgotten.
Your spiritual energy is still with us – Thank you for reconnecting me with my feminine, anally aroused side and explaining why I get hard in the locker-room.
Thank you
mattmarr for uncovering all those nasty Illuminati plots and showing us that there is more than one way to be deluded.
Thank you
Baron Max, my old but not forgotten redneck fiend.
You taught me that being laconic is not always a sign of wisdom.
Thank you
perplexity for being so wonderfully unaware of how stupid you really are.
Thank you
Ophiolite and
Roman for following me around and trying to knock the chip off my pretentious shoulders.
Oh….god, I’m so nervous…..I hope I don’t forget anyone…..
Aaaaah, I would like to thank the academy for this cake and for all those that voted for me and above all else…..I would like to thank all of you, my fans,…..Thank you…for teaching me how to think and be both good and retarded, all at once!!!!
Thank you for showing me that it is better to be happy than it is to be aware.
Godless bless you!!!!!!!!!!