You've heard "insert here" from the opposite sex

Tell me things you've heard from the opposite sex when trying to pursue them and failed.

The firs time i called a girl up to ask her for a date... she said who is this... i tolt her my name an then i herd the soun of a phone bein slammed down :(

"My husbund is bein discharged from the army... so its over".!!!


"NO... you'r datin my frind".!!!


"oK i will go out wit you... but jus as a frind... im to old for you.!!!"


Not much rejectn really... i didnt ask girls out unless i perty much had a clue they wanted to date me.!!!
White lies mostly.

I've never figured out the right way to approach a strange woman and "pursue" them, instead I usually try to get to know them as a person first. If I'm able to kick off a conversation with a lady for a good half-hour or so and I'm still interested (and she seems interested), then I play it by ear, ask her to grab a coffee after, something like that. . The "no" isn't too harsh, since I try to stay as gentlemanly as I can, and it's usually along the lines of "well, there's this other thing my friends want me to do tonight... sorry! but it was nice meting you!", and it's all good, if she's not interested enough to deviate for her plans (or fake plans), I just don't worry about it too much.
Tell me things you've heard from the opposite sex when trying to pursue them and failed.

Not that I heard anything... but they turn their back or space off.

But, darkie.. Jesus Christ. Read my other posts. Stop pursuing women. Instead, pursue a great life independent of women.
Not that I heard anything... but they turn their back or space off.

But, darkie.. Jesus Christ. Read my other posts. Stop pursuing women. Instead, pursue a great life independent of women.

I'm gonna have to now the one I wanted to date is outta the picture, I'll never see her again :\ Ugh I'll do this
Rejection isn't so bad if you have no emotional attachment to the girl. If you have a crush on someone for a long time, and spend a lot of time working up the nerve to ask her out, it's going to hurt when she says no.

On the other hand, if you meet someone for the first time, flirt a little bit, and casually ask her out, and she rejects you, you can just shrug it off. It really doesn't even matter what she says, because it's hard to take anything personally when you don't even have a personal connection between you.

Recently I was at a party, and I approached a girl, but she gave me gave me a look, as if to say "um...yeah...I'm completely not interested in you", and then turned her back on me. It's rejection, but it's so much easier to deal with, because there is nothing on the line, and you aren't emotionally invested in her yet.

Another recent one for me was not really what she said, but what she didn't say. Things were going well until she just broke off contact with me. That's pretty hard to deal with, at least for me. That's as bad as anything she could possibly say to my face. It must be karma, because I did the exact same thing to a girl two years ago. I feel really bad about that, because now I know what it feels like.

darksidZz said:
I'm gonna have to now the one I wanted to date is outta the picture, I'll never see her again :\ Ugh I'll do this
See, there you go dwelling on it, like I told you not to. :rolleyes: Find someone else you want to date. She's gone right now - just another part of your experience, but it doesn't have to negatively affect you right now. :cool: