Scientific evidence for collective consciousness

I will believe in notions such as telepathy & collective consciousness when the following experiment can be performed repeatably in controlled scientific experiments.

The sender person not able to communicate via ordinary methods with the telepathic receiver is given a series of random 10-digit numbers by a computer & the receiver is able to provide at least half of the numbers.​
I will believe in notions such as telepathy & collective consciousness when the following experiment can be performed repeatably in controlled scientific experiments.

The sender person not able to communicate via ordinary methods with the telepathic receiver is given a series of random 10-digit numbers by a computer & the receiver is able to provide at least half of the numbers.​

Wouldn't be surprised that all 10 numbers are communicated , telepathicly.
I tend to believe that humans at one time communicated via what today would be called telepathy. This would occur via unconscious processing leading to understanding via the conscious mind, without words ever being needed. For example, two hunters in the field, who need to be quiet, will communicate with hand or whistle gestures, that allows them to communicate the upcoming dynamics of the chase. It is blend of triggers and internal processing leading to a coordinated effort.
IMO, the answer can be found in our Mirror Neural System.
A mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another.[1][2][3] Thus, the neuron "mirrors" the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting. Such neurons have been directly observed in primate species.[4] Birds have been shown to have imitative resonance behaviors and neurological evidence suggests the presence of some form of mirroring system.[4][5] In humans, brain activity consistent with that of mirror neurons has been found in the premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area, the primary somatosensory cortex and the inferior parietal cortex

This little lecture may be of interest:
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there was in incident where for some odd reason, my stepfather's boss told him about some horses that were for sale so we went out to the stables in the country. that horse let everyone get on and ride but that horse started shaking viscerally when the stepfather put his hands on it and would just take off like a lightening rod to throw him off. you could even tell that others were reacting strange who were witnessing it too and backing off suspiciously, turning away and leaving because they could see the distress and dislike of the animal. the vibe and even in the air it seemed to turn sinister.

i've never seen anything like it or since. it obviously was intuitive and scared of him. eventually the stable guy just told him to stop as he kept trying to get on this horse and it just would not let him. later, this evil man, made it a point to make sure to get hired as a side job to FORCE horses to like him. unbelievable. yes, he went out of his way to go miles everyday just to force horses to accept him!! you know how he would talk about them? like he was trying to assure himself and his ego that he was a good person by getting the horses to feel comfortable around him. i shit thee not!!

even when i had a dog, he would be very authoritative with it and point to the ground and yell, 'come here!' with brutal defiance, threat, aggression and sternness where the dog would be afraid. this is all out of ego. he would even stand there with his chest puffed out staring the dog down. this wasn't just a regular fear, you could tell it was deep fear. of course, all these things he would do very cleverly not in front of others or people in the public that mattered. ya know, church members and neighbors etc.

the only way to describe the stepfather is like some reincarnation of caligula or nero or some very malignant, insane and megalomanica psychopath. he is that dangerous and evil-natured. i've met a lot of not so good or totally honest people in my life because of my life path such, even drug dealers and none of them were as evilly depraved as he was. even most of them would think this man was way too much. it's just hard to describe this type of nature unless you've had experience with someone like this. they are extremely conniving, depraved and master manipulators with zero ethics that believe they are superior to everyone (literally everyone) except god himself. he thought he was god's right hand man and at this point, eerily may be true in that if a god is that evil, it can't really let society know, can it? really, that is their mindframe.

also, many strange paranormal phenomena which was not positive was going on around this situation. one of the first apparitions i saw was wearing a thief's stocking over it's face but as a totally dark shadow figure, twisted religious figures etc

this is how i know these things are real and the only reason i know because i've had direct experience. the universe definitely can work in ways that is unconventional or not constructive if the variables are there to create such an ugly and perverse storm.

let me put it to you this way, even the typical megalomaniac like trump is probably more innocent than what this man was.

that is also the only reason i have spent my life ruminating and trying to figure out these types of realities and occurrences. religion and paranormal has been the focus because of this shit.
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this also was one of the first indication i've learned in life that not all humans are superior to animals. there exists humans that are lower in nature than animals.

if you've ever read that book dracula by bram stoker where dracula stops and tries to calm his horses and they shake under his touch in a cold sweat, it was obscene like that. you could tell that animal did not like him at all.

these experiences also showed me that there is much going on under the surface of life than we are often unaware of. this is just not about actions but about what is inside people or lifeforms and what they really are.

all these experiences was the start of me questioning this universe, society, religion, evil and deception/lies/hypocrisy and the nature of things. questions such as why are things unfair? why do people like this exist? why is evil allowed? why the pain and suffering? why? why? why? most of the possible answers don't seem to lean toward very positive.
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What is a rigorous definition for "collective consciousness" ?

Has there been any compelling evidence produced in this thread to show that it exists based on this definition (or any other)?

(I have personally had experiences that made me wonder whether two minds could communicate without an apparent physical channel but prefer to assume that it was simple statistical coincidence .That said merely in passing.)
What is a rigorous definition for "collective consciousness" ?

Has there been any compelling evidence produced in this thread to show that it exists based on this definition (or any other)?

(I have personally had experiences that made me wonder whether two minds could communicate without an apparent physical channel but prefer to assume that it was simple statistical coincidence .That said merely in passing.)

I believe Anil Seth comes close to a rigorous definition; "when our controlled hallucination of observed phenomena agree, we call it reality" A form of collective consciousness.
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I believe Anil Seth comes close to a rigorous definition; "when our controlled hallucination of observed phenomena agree, we call it reality" A form of collective consciousness.
Yes,not bad. It is a bit like the way the banks live off our collective trust that they will feed us our funds as required even though there is no capacity to do this if everyone presents together.

We collectively maintain this illusion until the bubble bursts.

We all ** assume there is a monolithic external reality but this assumption only really holds if we do not question it too closely

** which I can't really know:wink:
I believe Anil Seth comes close to a rigorous definition; "when our controlled hallucination of observed phenomena agree, we call it reality" A form of collective consciousness.

i once asked both a psychologist and psychic/tarot reader (at different times, of course) why i couldn't see those entities anymore that i did as a child when there was so much violence in the household and were a very accurate manifestation of what was going on, the psychologist had no explanation but the tarot reader looked at the cards (answers supposedly coming from the collective universe itself where all knowledge is known) and apparently indicated that children are more open to not forming definite lines of reality so are more apt to. it make sense as what reality you define as only, is what you will notice only. i then asked (which means asking the cards/universal consciousness as the reader is just the messenger) if they were gone since i can't see them anymore and haven't since then, and this really creeped me out as it indicated they were not gone at all but i just can't see them anymore. she even said they even watch you not as in not guarding me but trying to lead you into harmful situations or bring people who will try to hurt or exploit you, around if they can. i asked why? she said it has to do with whoever these entities came from and their nature. make sense though.

but she said there is some good spirit around you too and mainly that one comes from my son. this indicates to me that energy is real. those who love or hate you will have an effect on your life, not just in the very concrete level. the positive as well as negative directed at you has an effect, even subtly or vibrationally.

for example, i remember just being physically around especially the stepfather but also his wife, i was literally physically drained all the time. that's just the effect they had because they were parasitic and predatorial. there are people who are just so invasive they can just drain your energy because they feed off the energy of others.

even now i still struggle with this as i tend to toward depression and low energy when originally i was high energy, bubbly, happy, and a go-getter. the stepfather was too high energy like a bloated pig who fed on the soul of others. the mother was just sneaky, manipulative and invasive. but they were both very, very powerful people in some creepy way that's hard to define. it was like some invisible force is all i can describe it as.
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Yes,not bad. It is a bit like the way the banks live off our collective trust that they will feed us our funds as required even though there is no capacity to do this if everyone presents together.

We collectively maintain this illusion until the bubble bursts.

We all ** assume there is a monolithic external reality but this assumption only really holds if we do not question it too closely

** which I can't really know:wink:
Yes, Seth calls it our brains performing "best guesses" of what we are experiencing.
If you have not seen his presentation yet, I can recommend it. He even demonstrates how our brains can assimilate false information and accept it as reality. I'll repost it below.
Yes, Seth calls it our brains performing "best guesses" of what we are experiencing.
If you have not seen his presentation yet, I can recommend it. He even demonstrates how our brains can assimilate false information and accept it as reality. I'll repost it below.

heh. you do realize people do that collectively and call it reality, right? like just looking at the surface and considering it reality when the truth could be the opposite?

what is ignorant is that intuition is a much more powerful tool when it comes to deciphering lifeforms especially. and this is from years of experience and has been proven to be true more than rational thought because 'lifeforms' are often not rational, so when your intuition kicks in, you best listen and pay attention to it because it's quicker to pick up than your rational mind which is often last to do so. anything else and most likely you will be believing in an illusion or hallucination (even if collectively agreed upon as reality). ironic, isn't it?

almost 99.9% of the time, before you even have concrete evidence, when your intuition is piqueing but your rational mind is contradictory or warring with your intuition, it's interesting that it almost always ends up that your intuition was correct on the draw to pick up the truth more than the rational mind was. because the rational mind is too "constructive" and way too formulated to be concerned with being logical/orderly and projecting that, whereas our intuition picks up situations, motives etc as they ACTUALLY are: imperfect, illogical, irrational and ludicrous as it may be.

what i've found to be the blindspot often is the mistaken notion that the brain itself is some sensory organ and it's not, so the ultimate in rationality. it's where it 'constructs' the info received by the environment. it's not rational if it's not able to pick up the truth no matter how "logical" the constructive thought is. and all truth isn't always just how you slice, dice and preen/prune it to order, liking or palatability. that's only one form of truth, depending on the subject matter.

BUT here is the kicker and where the problem can start: it's too tempting to reconstruct it into a formula of how we assume reality is and that is often based on a conventional or established idea of programming similar to a stencil, even unconsciously. this is why your 'sense' is a powerful tool because it is more fluid and holistic, picking up on subtlety, clues and nuances which are like a trail of crumbs before you even get to the facts that are in-your-face. the rational mind is just not that quick and the last to know.

this constructive thought pattern works well with inanimate objects/subjects but it sure as hell is a totally different ballgame when it comes to living subjects such as humans especially. totally different rules and totally different game.
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one of the major reasons why there was so much twisted paranormal phenomenon around those two manipulative people i figured out was because they didn't hold any values or standards of reality at all. none. people actually shape reality as much as being affected by it. they 'construct' it just as socially and physically. when you have no values or hold to any, then you can twist reality to anything. it doesn't have to be rational or 'acceptable'. this is what happens is after a meme is established as majority or conventional reality which has been shaped, it's assumed that's the only possibility. they were not rational or logical in the traditional sense, so this is why such strange occurrences were happening because it was a representative of the reality they were creating! twisted!

it's just like how they were easily able to manipulate just about anyone they chose to, not because they were smarter but because they eschewed all rules or values. internal rules or values are a construct which stop you from detours or perversions. when you do not hold to any, any means is used.

the only reason others are never a threat to such people is because they are the lowest internally. this creates a situation where it's easier to take advantage of others because of what others won't do versus what they will do. ironicly, the lower or baser you are, the more advantage you have in one particular way and that is you can see how others operate much better than they can see you. this is the fundamental flaw/fault in nature of why negativity and regressive tactics are effective, even if it is not beneficial overall for society, it is a form of a win for those who would rather pull down or damage others rather than improving themselves legitimately, there by raising overall standards rather than appearing raised by hurting/lowering the competition. this is why envy or jealousy are considered dangerous or evil usually.

i noticed one of the major and recurrent tactics was the use of throwing monkey wrenches/sabotage to confuse, frustrate, block, twist etc. they even did this to this one couple (and only one) they no longer were friends with. the only reason why the one is because people like this are very aware of the social climate/majority and they would not want society to turn against them or go after them for these dirty tactics, if they make too many enemies or it becomes known.
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one thing inadvertently i learned from manipulative people is how to read people, ironicly. it's because though everyone has intuition, that's actually a very honed skill of manipulative people except they use it with ill intent and for negative purposes. they are very adept at reading, looking deeper and manipulating people.

now, i can read people better simply because i had to by looking beyond the surface but i don't use it to manipulate but to avoid assholes and scum.
Write4U said:
Yes, Seth calls it our brains performing "best guesses" of what we are experiencing.
If you have not seen his presentation yet, I can recommend it. He even demonstrates how our brains can assimilate false information and accept it as reality. I'll repost it below.
Birch said,
heh. you do realize people do that collectively and call it reality, right? like just looking at the surface and considering it reality when the truth could be the opposite?

What is ignorant is that intuition is a much more powerful tool when it comes to deciphering lifeforms especially. and this is from years of experience and has been proven to be true more than rational thought because 'lifeforms' are often not rational, so when your intuition kicks in, you best listen and pay attention to it because it's quicker to pick up than your rational mind which is often last to do so. anything else and most likely you will be believing in an illusion or hallucination (even if collectively agreed upon as reality). ironic, isn't it?
And where does "intuition" reside in the brain? Did you actually watch the link I provided? From your answer, I would suggest you revisit it and pay closer attention to what Seth is saying.