The debate on whether we Touch anything solid .

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I was going to query "trolling" but you have suitably qualified it as "mad" .:biggrin:
When you have been suspended for failing to support a claim and you come back and instantly repeat the same unsupported assertion, I call that trolling. I can’t see what else it can be.
When you have been suspended for failing to support a claim and you come back and instantly repeat the same unsupported assertion, I call that trolling. I can’t see what else it can be.

What unsupported claim are you referring to ? Specifically .
When you have been suspended for failing to support a claim and you come back and instantly repeat the same unsupported assertion, I call that trolling. I can’t see what else it can be.
No, I was just trying to be funny (mind you I have never really quite understood the meaning of trolling)
To you . But not chemistry .
You know nothing about chemistry. I tied to explain to you that atoms and molecules can not physically touch because they have no surface. They have no absolute size, only a probable size. They can not touch. they can only merge.
Mod Note

Number of meaningless .

What I looked for was the meaning of contiguous by chemistry , specifically .

Wrong , the chemical definition of contiguous is actual touching .

You have received 3 infractions in this thread alone, for trolling.

Not once. Not twice. But three times!

And frankly, I am at a loss!

What part of:

Claims should be supported with appropriate evidence or else retracted, as noted in the previously issued warning.
Did you not understand?

You have repeatedly made a claim about "contiguous chemistry" - altering the meaning and trying to claim that because "contiguous" is defined as touching, that somehow or other, it means the same thing in chemistry.

It does not.

You were asked to provide actual proof that backed up your claims. You did not. People did as you requested and even wasted their time googling it, and again explain that you were wrong.

And you keep right on trolling.

So, I'm putting us all out of our collective misery. You'll get another infraction and given the points you have accrued, you'll going on another holiday.

If you keep it up, you'll end up with a permanent ban. It's on you to stop trolling.
river: Be aware, also, that you just dodged a bullet. Since you are a repeat offender, Bells could have issued you with a 20 point warning, but instead you only got 10 points this time.

If you want to try to push your luck one more time, please be aware that you now have 80 active warning points. If you repeat the same claim yet again, without trying to back it up with evidence, you risk being permanently banned (100 points = permanent ban). Maybe this is what you want. If not, then please think very carefully before posting in this thread again.
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