I did think about it before I posted it.Think about what you just posted here .
If you have any objection to what I posted, just tell us what it is.
I did think about it before I posted it.Think about what you just posted here .
I did think about it before I posted it.
If you have any objection to what I posted, just tell us what it is.
I didn't say a word about voting and consensus is not about voting.Science is not about a vote on what is ....
Science requires consensus because there is no absolute "truth". We have to agree on what is true and what is not.....consensus is bull shit science .
Yes, that's the "interpretation of the evidence" that we were talking about. "Letting the facts" guide the thinking is forming a consensus about what the facts mean.Science gets down to the facts and then lets the facts guide the thinking .
I didn't say a word about voting and consensus is not about voting.
Science requires consensus because there is no absolute "truth". We have to agree on what is true and what is not.
Yes, that's the "interpretation of the evidence" that we were talking about. "Letting the facts" guide the thinking is forming a consensus about what the facts mean.
What?Now what forms the thinking on the facts ?
river said: ↑
Now what forms the thinking on the facts ?
Thoughts form the thinking. What else?
If you want an answer, you're going to have to say somethi8ng coherent.On what are these thoughts based ? Which forms the thinking , Upon the facts .
river said: ↑
On what are these thoughts based ? Which forms the thinking , Upon the facts .
If you want an answer, you're going to have to say somethi8ng coherent.
You said in post #184, "Now what forms the thinking on the facts ?" What does that mean?Tell me specifically what you don't understand . Break it down to each question .
You said in post #184, "Now what forms the thinking on the facts ?" What does that mean?
Understanding of the facts requires a consensus, so no philosophy can dominate. If a philosophy, say creationism, can not accommodate, say the fact of evolution, then that philosophy can not have a place in the discussion.What philosophy , are you bringing towards the understanding of the facts ?
river said: ↑
What philosophy , are you bringing towards the understanding of the facts ?
Understanding of the facts requires a consensus, so no philosophy can dominate. If a philosophy, say creationism, can not accommodate, say the fact of evolution, then that philosophy can not have a place in the discussion.
Wrong. The facts don't bring you individual "truth".The understanding of the facts means finding the truth that the facts give(s) you .
And the consensus doesn't care what you think.I don't care about any consensus .
The facts may be objective but interpretation of the facts is more complex. As Sherlock Holmes used to say, you can not reach a valid conclusion without enough facts.Just give the truth , that the facts give , objectively .
Nonsense. Discussion began long before philosophy.Philosophy is the essence of discussion . PHD , Doctorate in Philosophy , in any field , ology .
The understanding of the facts means finding the truth that the facts give(s) you .
Wrong. The facts don't bring you individual "truth".
I don't care about any consensus .
And the consensus doesn't care what you think.
Considering all the facts you've been given over the years and yet you persist in posting unmitigated bullshit, then it's obviously you that's wrong. Again.↑Wrong . They do .
Considering all the facts you've been given over the years and yet you persist in posting unmitigated bullshit, then it's obviously you that's wrong. Again.
For example:
There's a dead body on the floor. Objectively, there are no vital signs. Objectively, there's a hole where the heart would be. Objectively, there's a man standing over the body with a smoking gun in his hand.
What do you conclude?
In your head you can have whatever opinions you wish, but if you say them out loud, you'll be expected to defend them."Science" as in the practicing scientists, is corrupt! Religion and politics has infiltrated science. Combine that with people who would do or say anything to keep their job and cash rolling in, and what you have on your hands is a bunch of corrupt people publishing BS in order to further their personal, political, and religious agendas. Sprinkle all that with a dash of fake experimental evidence to desired taste! Fudge Factor for dessert!