200,000 Anti-U.S. Demo In Baghdad




To chants of "No to America, we want an Islamic state", Hundred of thousands of demonstrators flooded the streets of Baghdad yesterday, demanding the immediate withdrawal of US forces.

The protests began after Friday prayers and were the largest demonstrations since Saddam Hussein's regime was toppled 10 days ago.

The protests came as Kurdish forces in the north handed over to US forces a senior Ba'athist, Samir al-Aziz al-Najim, the fourth of the top 55 most wanted leaders of Saddam's regime to be captured.

Islamic clerics are making no secret of their belief that the Iraq that emerges from Saddam's shadow should be an Islamic state.

Ahmed al-Kubaisi, a Muslim preacher, told worshippers yesterday that America had invaded Iraq to serve the interests of Israel.

His followers streamed out of his mosque carrying banners reading "No to America" and "No to Secular State. Yes to Islamic State". Another banner was addressed directly to American forces: "Leave our country, we want peace".

the demonstrations showed that hatred for Saddam does not necessarily translate into support for America's presence in Iraq. Moreover, the Shia clergy are making increasingly determined moves to fill the country's power vacuum.
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Yes i read about this too and i remember i also said before that something like this will happen. :m:
Poetic justice.:)

Meanwhile, occupation forces and their masters search frantically for justification for, and spoils of, the invasion, before the welcome really runs out. Hurry! Hurry! ("wait, we weren't trained for this") Yella-yella!

US Presidential Election Countdown!
I'd just like to point this out to anyone who wants to giggle.
Get the picture of the cheering Iraqis with the 5-10 people in a close up shot at a time pictures, then the wide angle 20,000 protesting iraqis and tell me which seems to be the more popular sentiment ^_^.
Looks like the propoganda war is running out of steam and lies pretty quick now.
Don't worry, America will move on to the next villain-source-of-all-our-problems soon, and will continue this inane process until the US economy runs utterly out of steam.
...and the 150 pro-american Achmed Chalid militia who cheered and demonstrated when the statue of saddam was brought down... Surely they could be mobilized to launch a "massive" counter demonstration to show the will of the iraqi people on foxnews?
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How many times does President Bush have to say that the Iraqi people will be running their own Government, before you people understand?

The fact that these people now have the right to protest against american forces, is incredible. Where as if you protest against Saddam you get killed. And don't give me that "The troops shoot at them though!" crap. The troops (Who are people, regular people) would not kill innocent men, women, and children. Unless they were being shot at first.

Oh and yeah, when american forces do pull out (Because thats what they want) they can go right back to bitching about how much looting is going on.
Your right, Katavan. That statement that you made was sooo true. I believe that Bush can change water to wine. And that what he says is the law.

Hahaha. Bush just said that your post meant absolutely nothing! And was just a sad attempt at humor! He also called your mom dumb, and told her to go back to working those corners. I believe that!

No, in all seriousness. I do believe Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Powell/Rice/Jesus/The Jews/Israeli Jews/Jaws (Not Jews)/The Jews that Hitler Killed/Barney because he's a jew.
Okay, lady's and gentlemen, Katavan can't tell a joke from an elephant's ass.

Actually, I backed Clinton in the 96 election. But in the 2000 election, I voted constitution party (Basically I threw away my vote because neither candidate was a good choice). But that's besides the point!

I don't blindly follow the President. I hate his environmental policies (He has none). The fact is this: Bush says that there will not be an American presence in Iraq after reconstruction is finished. We are there to help the Iraqi people right now. The fact that some of them protest, shows that they are open to do whatever they want.

Oh, and your Mom, she gives good ***
2 million shiites are going on pilgrims to celebrate their freedom, thanks to Mr. Bush.

Bush says that there will not be an American presence in Iraq after reconstruction is finished.

Let's all believe Bush!! He wouldn't lie, right??

Seriously, how long is this "reconstruction" supposed to last?? Five, ten, or twenty years?? Or maybe it will only last until all of the oil contracts are signed between US oil companies and the US occupational regime in Iraq. I wonder if Iraq will have to honor those contracts after the US occupation ends?? Would any experts in international law care to answer that question?
Um ....

You forgot the other 10 milion or whatever that didn't protest.
In Oregon, during the 1990s, a Libertarian movement (not associated with the party, as I recall) tried to pass a bill that would count all registered voters who did not vote in any given election as votes "against" spending; if the ballot question was "Should the state raise this tax to this point?" the non-voters would be counted as "no", but if the question was, "Should the state rescind this tax?" the non-voters would be counted as "yes". Quite obviously, they needed those non-voters to be counted as "yes" votes in order to get the law passed, but what of the millions of Americans who did no protesting at all during this war? Will you count them as "for America" or "against America"?

I just don't understand why some people, in the name of the People, will ignore the People.

We should not have promised the Iraqi people liberation; it would appear that at least 200,000 are smart enough to not expect true liberation.

Remember the joyous Iraqis dancing in the street as Saddam's statue fell? All 150 of them? What about the other 20,000,000?

In the future, can we please stick to points of functional value? I would like to hear what the war supporters have to say about what should be done. The Iraqi debacle is, after all, their show. And what a show it is: staged joy, hidden dissent, the noble Iraqi people looting hospitals and raping mental patients, the living history of Iraq--it's artistic and cultural treasures--stolen and looted in symbolic acts of "superiority"?

We have entered a new era of the "let them eat cake" idea: Bloody revolt is wrong unless it's an alternative to bloody invasion, but in the end, change can't come unless everyone agrees, unless of course the invading country is doing it for money, and then you just say that you're doing it for the right reasons and never really pay attention to anyone else. Look--nobody can stop the US right now because of our strength. Yet we wonder why Bin Laden nailed us? What's going to happen when someone who can do severe damage to the US has had enough? Will we be as stupidly surprised as we were by 9/11? Will we be as inanely perturbed as we are by the French? Will we be as idiotically complacent with dishonesty as we have been under Shepherd Bush the Savior of the New American Century? Let them all eat fucking cake, say the war-dogs. They can't stop us unless they sacrifice all their principles of humanity and become as soulless and bloodthirsty as our warring cabal!

It's win-win for the petty, and lose-lose for everyone else. Strange how the exploitative and self-righteous is the preferred way; it just leads to more self-righteous exploitation.

Someday, you might actually hear me say that the Iraqi Bush War was worth it, but I sincerely doubt it. By the time "success" is achieved, the death toll may be as high as if we'd left Saddam to rot in his own miserable noplace, just like we've tried doing to North Korea except for their dogged determination to make Bush look foolish. I tell them, they're trying too hard; just ask the guy to speak about anything--that'll do it.

Good luck to the Iraqi people; they'll need it with the Corporate Raiders in the neighborhood.

Remember, though, those who support this exercise in post-colonial imperialism: the miseries, as well as the glories, are your inheritance. With Hussein no longer around to hold accountable, it will be your bloodthirsty asses I hold responsible.

Tiassa :cool:
Seriously, how long is this "reconstruction" supposed to last?? Five, ten, or twenty years?? Or maybe it will only last until all of the oil contracts are signed between US oil companies and the US occupational regime in Iraq. I wonder if Iraq will have to honor those contracts after the US occupation ends?? Would any experts in international law care to answer that question?

Reconstruction is probably going to last 5-10 years. You can't expect things to pop up over night. And I'll say this again; it's French oil companies that are after that oil.


Also, please bitch about how the reconstruction is actually "Occupation." But if America left Iraq, without reconstructing it first, then we would be bitched at. Either way, you'll find a way to bitch about America. Frell you.

Bitch about the looting in Iraq, and then bitch about how we put soldiers on the streets to stop it. Don't bitch about the fact that the museum artifacts are being RETURNED!
Originally posted by Jerrek
You forgot the other 10 milion or whatever that didn't protest.

If you're implying that non-protestors do not share the protestors’ sentiment then that's a bad assumption. A statistically better gauge of sentiment is to compare the number of pro-American cheerleaders to anti-American protestors.
Such are the ways of war

Also, please bitch about how the reconstruction is actually "Occupation." But if America left Iraq, without reconstructing it first, then we would be bitched at. Either way, you'll find a way to bitch about America. Frell you.
These things must be considered before going to war. They obviously were not given serious consideration, else the issues would have been handled better.

Tiassa :cool:
Re: Such are the ways of war

Originally posted by tiassa
These things must be considered before going to war. They obviously were not given serious consideration, else the issues would have been handled better.

Tiassa :cool:

So I guess we should do like the former goverment and just shoot a cloud of muster gas into the protestors :eek: