A Poem Thread

Hurriedly on my way to a meeting,
I met a pause in the hallway -
She wore my crooked smile
While I carried my anxiety
My arms full of notebooks
Scattered pages poking out
Dog-eared and dirty with use
An agenda of worries
I continue to write minutes -
Hours of concerned intentions
Drawn forth by my worn pen tip
From a dark inkwell of insecurity
Contracts I write with myself
I envied that pause -
Moving counterclockwise
She had so much time
To breathe
I haven't the technological skill to highlight, Yet sculpter. I adore that writing of yours on the previous !page. Very strong in right of harmlessness in my view.

I like your writing too Liebling, allows me to word enjoy the word inkwell, to return ideas related to creation of ink, & the many tools being used to utilize ink before the 'pen.....now I am passing through the fields of life facet only to return to my here and now, :) that I am a writer too :).

I standardly write that a being would be warm when reading, not getting stuck in bias quintesentialism.

a spoem-defined as songpoem of prosaica :)

*Livingly is born*

A lovely being told meeeee
religion is fictionnnnnnnnnn

I just smiled and said
yay,,Life is more important...................................

and the friend
I knowwwwwwwwwwwww

that's why I got me rainbow shoes....................
and a spectrum voice
and my friend wrote the word lifening
on my 501blues

livingly was born

ahahah hah

skipped too m' loo
with the good earned cash we earned from realtime........

had a great Sunday...............aforenoon afore returning to work..
we'd meeeet again,
after eight

with goodwill in our pockets

lifening we born

I like your poem, the way you use separations and extend words is really interesting to me. Well done.

Winter Confusion

the sound of wind
gathering up muster
blowing potential
drops to splatter
form coats of ice
on the windows to my soul
trapping me inside
my fragile warm shell
while piles of snow
coalesce quietly
burying me in lonely
the world
doesn’t even know
I am
like the west coast
made weak
by the shifting planet
depleted of resources
its suitors unconscious
of the wounds struck
deeply I feel
cored open
my tears like lava
weeping to the surface
Altering time
A minute stretched golden
Into hours of soft unabridgedness
Moments we remember
Like breathing
Naturally in unison
A chorus of sycophantic seconds
Melting the clock
A encomium of eons
We can touch the sun
It's rays ageless to our body
Absorbed not reflected
Parsimonious happiness
Our skin cools
We forget the minute
Minute in its ocean
Of infinite
Construct time
A gauge of notions
Sense of place in existence
Sans logic
A mere marking
Hour after our
Last heartbeat
Just another tick
Only held in memorium
The sense of which
Makes no room
for time
Greed Fails

there are people, whom runnnnnnnnn
and runnnnnnnnnn in life
demanded by archaic choice of perception......
delaying principle progress in more ways than acceptable.........

users using people that aren't users
taking from beings whom know that taking from others is wrong.

lay your weary archaic behavioral war to end.....
for fighting doesn't bring progress like
ethic does...........

some think they are right, and they can't offer valueable words when they are acceded with greater principle words,
and their choice for insecurity or pompousness........

!ceceede to contemplate worth

can only be done solely
to ascend failed supremacy attitudes.......

confession of failure apply's to some
apology doesn't work unless their is a mutually freeing ethic spaken or written.

For a being to choose away from the idea of humaneity in his or her herency, or
he whom chooses another away from the liberty

is he whom was runnnnnnn or rannnnnnnnnn
Olde Spice

An long long time ago
an whale posed passed on what seemed 'food and land for free
Herenow odds are variable
an whale these days may lay passedoceansgrey lay passed in hap of land it's vast...
like a...... _*_ .......... newmark (bigger than an is_land.......). it liked to float around for a time....
it liked to lay at stop,
and allow the muds to name it's passing en' garde of new land....bigger than an island

Yet as....the eye that takes too much surfices such parahde..

eating, a gaven again.

it's like a human alcohol liquor nutritive plan of technological accessorizing,
excessive economy..tic tacking....industrialization..........

little human behavioral perfection..
sooooo little
and such much ineffectuality where such really need be.

Wellthen back to the brokerage
with all the romantic titles and steeds of archaic resign, of bustleing hedges
and ne'er aven a ride, of what is basic.....




now what is inbetween in human matters, never has been quite acceptable.

The space of life is Life, either making it )life( or weaning it

a way, I sale in will of Life.

Good is a blessing one is to create...

?!how is it we've ridden so faaaar...

is what these days we seek to amend...........

some never way away from the sum.

1 is 1

= so it is.

that one isn't another
and each isn't same

humans are will of earths survival in a way
never'a whole day spent,
of choosing engarde of perhaps missing a walk outside.

_ (human)
= (nature)

human nature is far from equal to the rights of the divinity of naturalaw,
therefore we lifeing to our gift of presence as mattering beings midst the gift of human life as it 'is

In satients, a sapient being, is wrongly homogenous if choosing too long too far away from sentience.
one cannot quite author under sentience of substance
therefore matter :D isn't always substantial...
thereof to choose fairty ahead of disdain.

the recommendation was just spice relative to the idea of vegetarianism.....
now a tarian is aeria of christing in thinking and writing for variable assured certainty......
beginning anything

homogenous ..choice... isn't really human.
a child used to be refered to as a :D sapien


. and words do seem as archaic as unfound pertinence from time to time"
)history used to be defined as -archaiya

what is no longer is gone
what never was quite right,
doesn't and somewhat didn't quite exist..
therefore presence is valuable...only of it's value

The exemplar for human creativity, isn't a bad equation: 1+1=1

g'day mates of lifening and livingly
en' rite of le' planet 'earth.


one day at a time I life n' make life ne'ver leaving anything to pale and dye n' make myself go outside n'ever leaving anything to pale and dye. :)..
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.".Ago It was like today.".

before the reigns came.
busying in the wrong way.
then some oneaday.
it was of.
when a littlewhale of piece of unhoused land is gaven housery.
and one knows tagging animals ended at the doctor dolittle production.
pulling land,, is that which is newhouse of ?what design.
a cherished something or other......>.. nhow is it all just sets itself,.. ohhh somewhat ave afore.
Oh' the travest of uspscaleing while basic' law becomes has become so ''excessively shy of basics.
hectic the hill o' what would the monument of truth really say if it could speak.
.Of whenst land had been of different name.
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happy birthday to me.
happy birthday to me.
this day is the eleventh of the first month of the year.
I know how olde' am I, I know how olde am I.
as time moves forward,,
anyone can sing this happy birthday song..

for then I can sing now....
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you...

perhaps finding an olde' happy birthday song, again..
makes the whole idea of ''you a little nicer.

happy birthday to me..
to me as you need never fall away from
the idea of 'the beauty
of truth'
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The Pale Rider
The righteous will fall
And darkness shall rise
I destroyed them all
I must kill to survive

My legacy shall be written in blood
The screams of the dying come forth in a flood
No man or god with be safe from my wrath
If you wish to die than stand in my path

No mercy will come to those that i find
Are you so certain I'm out of my mind?
Let it be known, that death has come
The end is near, for i will spare none

I am the Pale Rider, the soldier named Death
Remember my face, for i own your last breath
There's no redemption for those who are damned
There's no resurrection for those of this land

Now hear my cry
I'm taking command
It's time to die
To purge this dark land

The glory of man shall never me seen
For the glory of man, was only a dream

Darkness will rise
The righteous will fall
I am the Pale Rider
I answer the call.

Nathaniel Thomson
The Eternal Battle of the Wits

Quarter wits view things from one perspective alone
while half wits see things in two colour monochrome.

Three quarter wits see things in a third way
while few can see all four colours anyway.

Some entirely witless unfortunates
devoid of any original thoughtfulness
champion judgements made through three quarter wits cautiousness.

Witless advice from three quarter wits is unfit
when it recommends promoting quarter wits, to wit.

Soon all the half wits appear very blue
only one shade of colour when previously there were two.
The continuance of strife.
my achievement of and by mentioning to valuable people
valueable things to end strife, makes me feel better about whom I am.
Some people demand that I have hidden or repressed emotional issues, of classical range.
not really, I rather be a more balanced individual.
I have no need for aggressive emotions, for I reason.
And I work on myself by honoring the practicality's of life to stay of worthy perception.
and therefore feel comfortable that I am not the only one whom has this confidence.
Yet I'm sleepy after a days work for the idea of the reach towards greater humaneity.
Ah the choice to look at strifes of life for the subjective matter and with reason' matter to change strifes of existence.
Violence isn't a human right really it isn't, and doesn't bring any progress, all it does is stagnate what greater basic structurist worth,
can save us and our fair planet.
aside from the work for worth.
Ah I am greatful for worths like clothing, food, and my work of fair earning for a place to live
midst a new day of sunshine, even the blessing of a grey rainy day kissed by sunshine far away my trust so close to me
I go outside and take a walk breath of fresh air, see trees and decide life is heaven.
so much work, so much unnecessary lonliness feels I been for so long, seeing my life worth midst my struggles for integrity isn't difficult.
maybe I might take a cigarette, hmm just to puff not really inhale and decide hmm..life is heaven.. after a days effort.
strife needn't be a continuance,
what beauty, Ah life isn't a question.
what beauty, Ah life isn't a question.


Eyes closed, scythe in hand…
Nihilistic no man’s land…
Tapestries frayed…
Life underplayed…
Participating in an ideal…
Happiness or an Achilles heel…?
Two template lobes meet…
Separating chaff from wheat…
Subjective contours fronted…
The hunter and the hunted…
The most holy purpose bereft…
Two in field, one taken, and one left.
Symphony of thoughts…
Come now. Connect the dots.
There’s no mistake.
Life’s glorified for its own sake.
Backwards rowing…
Never knowing…
How many forgotten days…?
Hello World! Hip-hip…array.
The Most Beautiful World in the World

Harry Nilsson

You come to the end and the light there is dimmer
The chances are slimmer of findin' your way
You find that you stay out of trouble and danger
'Cause everything's stranger than it used to be
You're a scary old place out there, world
But I couldn't be happy without you
And I swear all my thoughts are about you
The most beautiful world in the world
Well, the light can be bright there and everything right there
The end of the night there might be a big band
Or a heavenly choir or it might be the fire
But no matter what happens, I bet, it's okay
You're a scary old place out there, world
But I couldn't be happy without you
And I swear all my thoughts are about you
The most beautiful world in the world
Your mountains when you're mad
Your rivers when you're sad and those deep blue seas
I love you for your snow, your deserts down below
I love the way you wear your trees
The most beautiful world in the world
And though there are times when I doubt you
I just couldn't stay here without you
So when you get older and over your shoulder
You look back to see if it's real
Tell her, she's beautiful, roll the world over
And give her a kiss and a feel.

..From See The Space..

ohhh my networks of false ideation
fighting like idiots, feeding disadvantage for temporary relief
far far away from what life and family are and could or can be..
fighting for idiocracy's and ignorantly farther their own disadvantages with ployant
upkeeps, and fails..
subjective educate false lean'
.'abuse of words
.stuckist placation
.leisure demands
.misuse of materiality
excuses for ignorance, denying ones own ignorances
'buckets of emotional demand.
appeaseing lack of integrity, whilst realism suffers.
exaggerated creationism
humoring itself with immature relation as a value of personality a continuum of accepted aversion
identifying itself
as if matters of war & illness are ?!natural..... when it is that invent of the beauteous reason of our U.S governments peace corporation !exists.. ?what for the adultish errors that employ drama as a ?!need..............
what book, movie, show, picture, letter, conversation, family or apparent friendship ? demand was really worth neglecting truth...........
As truth isn't selfish, harmful, greedy or disadvantageing of others,
it is that humans oppress the naturality of the continuum of good with false integrity's
therefore limiting representative means
with ignorant pleasure prior. often of sentimental bucketry.
ahhhh ohhhh adultish !error.
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were you one of the Abba singers?

a poemethrean remark.

you aren't related to anything other than yourself. congratulations.
Split party Representation

it is
anyone will accost
anyone with insult
believing someone is ruining their party or opportune
abusing ethics and integrity as a life purpose
or friendship or family they actually think they are and have and don't
unless they have someone or something to create to bitch about
acting as if writing that is saving grace or potential saving grace
is a threat because they could party instead party party
denying greed as reason for oneselfs insultive lesser educated imploy.
O' so trifled about ones rhythm of opportune deferent from it's placated hapland of false family idealsim and friendship loving living in hope
and therefore insulting life by letting go
going with the flow
loving sensual comfort
and hateing life self and others
is you
never really having had,
having a lot or not much
knowing people
yet being far far from life
and destroying it for those whom present the simple perfect means.
don't do it to for at or about someone else, your killing yourself and life.
hello happy ethic, as ethic is good
won't chtu' care to make a word that is valuable your begin of freedom.
if your occupation is insulting that your sad that the website or profession isn't party anymore

I guess You just another purgacious slutten life hater, that clutters, and coerces.

good bye good riddens


!?Have you looked!? around..
noticed all vast creations of bulidings.
ever wondered.

ever look at your own greed.
ever look at the word "greed' and what it means to this fair earth, at taste of human preferenceing
family is a cute word for humans isn't it!?

oooooo look sooo what the human family has afforded itself here on earth.

traditions of people hoping to ascend others in their ignorance
finding themselves unable to love.

human tribalness degrading society and representation,

should have ended in 1985.
some think it should have ended in 1955.

*the caust*

The slutten emotional need
from safeguard
to dial
to zest challengeing irish spring out
to lever 2000 caressing it's disguises

as if to believe the authors personal preferences or escapist problems shimmering through, textbook and life and place access and document

exaggeration due to run to human topical getaways disguised as commitment

seeking of others to criticize so as to encourage oneself as never having runn anyone or anything other than oneself.

people aren't creatures.

what does it take to admit to oneself that one is junking

the slutten emotional need
the gluttonous deference of nude interlude excitements used to escape
the embarrassing comforts chosen to encourage what life is and cannot be
the prideful placations
and interpersonal authorative crassness delegated by impatient choice
as if life were a stage that wasn't ?!stolen, by fear, fearing, and hurrying

others than oneself to behave
curious intrusive presumptive

demanding people with submissive values and missing principles

as if being real were a question
and life a fucking theatre
that one can freely enjoy playing others
to avoid what is so easy to ?!!!!!!!!!find.

don't bother
don't do it
such tendency was unwelcome
in it's begin.