A scientific definition of good and bad

Let me actually add one last thing to my idea. These emotions are the good and bad voices themselves which means that these voices are always there. Without emotions, then we cannot have these good and bad voices. A stable positive mood would be like a singer constantly humming a good tune while positive emotional states would be like the singer loudly singing a good tune.
I think your usage of the words "emotions" and "voices" doesn't line up 100% with the way they are used in psychology, but as I said, I'm not psychologist. I suggest reading through some introductory psychology textbooks to learn what they know, and how they use their terms. That should improve the clarity of communication.
I think your usage of the words "emotions" and "voices" doesn't line up 100% with the way they are used in psychology, but as I said, I'm not psychologist. I suggest reading through some introductory psychology textbooks to learn what they know, and how they use their terms. That should improve the clarity of communication.

I understand. But just to clarify my own personal definition, the positive emotions are the good voices when means those two things are synonymous while the negative emotions are the bad voices. I will also list my personal defined terms when I say "emotion" or "mood:"

Biochemicals: endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin.

Moods: This is not a feeling of elation. Rather, it is either a generalized and constant state of well being or non well being. For example, when the brain is in its normal, healthy state, this is a constant, chronic, 24/7 state of well being since this is the state the brain is normally supposed to be in. It is a state of mind induced by the biochemicals. Likewise, if you were in a constant, low-grade, depressed state of mind, then this would be a depressed mood. Mood states give our lives a constant and stable perception of good or bad value in our lives. It's no different than how we constantly see objects and our whole entire world through our sight. Take note that, in my writing, I talk only about emotions being the source of value in our lives. But moods are also to be included as well. So, when you read my theory, also incorporate moods.

Feelings/Emotions: Both terms can be used interchangeably to describe moments of elation. For example, if you felt excited over a new movie, video game, or felt intense love, then these are feelings/emotions. They are, again, states of mind induced by the biochemicals. Likewise, if you felt completely miserable due to an emotionally traumatic life event, then this would be a miserable feeling/emotion. Feelings/emotions are far more powerful and profound states of mind than moods, according to my whole theory. They give a person's life a much greater and more profound perception of good or bad value. It would be like having moments of enhanced vision through your sight. In addition to the positive mood, I also require the positive emotions to drive and inspire me to enjoy my life, hobbies, and compose.

Positive Mood And Emotion: A positive emotion would be a feeling of love, joy, or excitement. It would be a euphoric state. A positive mood would just be a stable and constant state of well being.

Negative Mood And Emotion: A negative emotion would be a feeling of despair, anger, sadness, hopelessness, or anguish. It would be a dysphoric state. A negative mood would just be a stable and constant state of non well being such as a depressed mood.
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My Brain Would Have Adapted: I have struggled for 10 whole years with misery as I've stated before. Our brains have the remarkable ability to adapt to harsh situations. For example, if you have lost a loved one in your life, then your brain would eventually adapt to the situation where you would finally perceive your life as having good value and worth despite that loss. The fact that no such adaptation has ever happened to me is solid proof that our positive emotions truly are the only things that can make our lives and artistic endeavors something good, worthwhile, and beautiful. The fact that other people still saw their lives and art as something beautiful in despite of their hopelessness/misery would have to either mean, again, that these people had at least some degree of positive emotion or they were only deluding themselves. One might say that it is instead because my worldview has never changed which prevented this adaptation. Again, I do not agree that there is some sort of adaptation that can replace our emotional experiences.

I think emotions are everything to our human existence due to all of the arguments I have presented in this packet. Even if my worldview did change, I do not think it could ever give my life any real experience of good or bad value to make my life truly matter to me in good or bad ways. It would still have to be my emotions that can do this. Furthermore, if a person believed he could not adapt to a cold, harsh, or warm environment, then such a belief would not prevent the adaptation. This would have to mean that my brain would have, again, adapted to those miserable moments which would have resulted in my life having a whole new sense of joy, beauty, good value, etc. despite that misery regardless of my established belief system. My life would now matter to me in beautiful and good ways despite that misery. The fact that such a thing did not happen to me ever is proof that no such adaptation exists. That is why it either has to be a delusion or some degree of positive emotion there for these depressed and miserable people/artists.

Usually, the brain is supposed to adapt to harsh situations in such a way that you don't become suicidal and wish to end your life. This has never happened to me. The only reason why I remained in this life during that whole 10 year struggle is because, for each and every single miserable moment I've had and fully recovered from during that whole struggle, I thought that would have been the end. In other words, once I reached a state of full recovery from one miserable moment, I thought that was the end of it and thought that the next one I would have would be the end of that one, too. But it actually turned out to be a whole 10 year long struggle which was something I was not expecting. My life was not worth living during that whole entire time. I was just merely sticking around. My life was the worst hell during that whole time completely devoid of all goodness and beauty. The fact that my brain has never adapted to make my life worth living has to mean that the inner light is absolutely vital and necessary and that there is no adaptation that can replace the inner light.

It's as though I was being constantly lured and trapped into the worst dark pit over and over again and it took such a long time for me to finally be free of that pit permanently. I think we as human beings often times find ourselves being lured into such dark pits constantly all the time and it takes a lot of work to get ourselves out. Some might tell me that the reason why my life was not anything worth living or filled with goodness and beauty during that whole struggle was due to a character defect or weakness. Again, I don't think this is so. My brain would have adapted on its own if that were the case regardless of my belief system and my character. After all, the brain is an organ that promotes our survival. So, why in the world wouldn't it adapt to make my life worth living to the point where I would not have this whole idea of ending my life if I couldn't regain my positive emotions? From this, I can honestly conclude that the inner light is truly all there is to life and it doesn't matter how strong and enduring of a person you are. Character strength can never replace the inner light.