Membrane #3 Being again , what exactly ?
here is post # 681 expanding membrane #3 3 highlighted < in the golf ball picture of post 1007, the universe would be the white surface, the 4 # umbrellas# the different fields of view. at least 4 observers required to see the whole universe.
In post # 681 below
# 1 is timespace of the future that the universe expands into into. aka energytime.
#2 is the
past timespace that the membrane sphere #3 has moved through from the BB # 4, an area, volume, that is now void of gravity, other fields and any information.
#3 is the zero thickness membrane that is thought of to contain all matter of the universe. ( zero thickness because it's zero dwell on its movement into the future).
#4 is the point in timespace of the
BB big beginning, now empty.
#5 is showing the observer's location (Hubble telescope in this case of deep space viewing)
#6 is the location of the MAC1 oldest,
far star seen so far, so far away in time (2/3 to the horizon #9, which is allowing us to see only back to the BB cbmr).
#7 is the exit point in the past, timespace, where the image of the
far star that Hubble captured,
originated, on the then smaller universe #8.
#8 is the size in time of the universe when the light that Hubble received from MAC1 was emitted.
#9 is our horizon from our current position in the universe, with a radius of ~13 BLYs along the membrane surface. (the rim of the umbrella)
#10 is the possible position of the farthest star, ~ 40 BLYs away, halfway around the universe / membrane sphere. > 2 horizons away.
#11 is a correction point accounting for the curvature of the membranes surface vs circumference. (also for 3/3.14 hex vs circle)
#12 is the position of an astronomer elsewhere in the universe, that also could see that
far star, but from the other side. lucky lady!
#0 is the shortest path that the photons took from the small beginning in early universe #8 at point #7 to the observation point at our hubble detector at # 5. ( track could have been longer because of proper motion).
Far star's images' light came from point #7, but was seen as coming from #6, along the membrane #3, the direction #6 in the current position of the
far star.
refutations, falsification attempts invited. tempting you.