American Hater, Stop Hating, Where Not So Bad

Anyhoo. I saw an interesting collection of maps the other day. Instead of showing to world in normal perspective the countries were either blown up or deflated respective how well they score in a certain characteristic.

Obviously the USA was extremely bloated when it comes to oil usuage and such, but the one I found most interesting was travel. Americans do not travel much compared to Europeans. France blew the US of the map. Even a small nation like the Netherlands was more than half the size of the USA.

I pray to baby jesus, who is an god fearing american, that this will stay this way forever.
Anyhoo. I saw an interesting collection of maps the other day. Instead of showing to world in normal perspective the countries were either blown up or deflated respective how well they score in a certain characteristic.

Obviously the USA was extremely bloated when it comes to oil usuage and such, but the one I found most interesting was travel. Americans do not travel much compared to Europeans. France blew the US of the map. Even a small nation like the Netherlands was more than half the size of the USA.

I pray to baby jesus, who is an god fearing american, that this will stay this way forever.

Did that travel map just show international travel? Because most Americans take trips to other states, which might be comparable to a European traveling to a neighboring country. Especially when you look at the trips taken to Florida and Hawaii.

Also, the only countries bordering the United States are Canada and Mexico. You go to one, and your pee freezes. You go to the other, and your shit runs. Meanwhile, the French can drive an hour and go driving on German roads at 140 mph (2,745 kph!). They can go South a bit and lay on an Italian beach. They can take a short drive through a tunnel and go make fun of British cuisine.

Another problem with the study: It may just be a measure of how much people hate their own countries! :D
Did that travel map just show international travel? Because most Americans take trips to other states, which might be comparable to a European traveling to a neighboring country. Especially when you look at the trips taken to Florida and Hawaii.

In your imagination maybe. I didn't see much difference between florida, california and the whashington area.

Compare that to crossing the border between holland and belgium, even though there is no border, you know when you crossed the border.

Anyway, europeans go all over the world. The more exotic the better.
Did that travel map just show international travel? Because most Americans take trips to other states, which might be comparable to a European traveling to a neighboring country. Especially when you look at the trips taken to Florida and Hawaii.
Spoken like a true red blooded American.
How wonderfully you sum up American cultural ignorance.
Perhaps going over to Chinatown constitutes a cultural event for you.

Maybe that’s why the U.S. sponsors so many international excursions for a few select citizens.
I hear Iraq is wonderful this time of year- or is that Iran?
Anywho…what’s the difference?

Also, the only countries bordering the United States are Canada and Mexico. You go to one, and your pee freezes. You go to the other, and your shit runs.
Stay home, deary, we wouldn’t want you to become uncomfortable.
Plan a trip to Haiti, stay at a five-star hotel and never leave the tourist compounds, eating hamburgers and French-fries. Then return home and brag about how cultured you are and how well traveled you’ve become.

Maybe a trip to your refrigerator is worthwhile, at this moment.
Go ahead and send us a postcard.
Am I the only person who finds it rather ignorant, prejudice, and stupid to hate people simply because of where they live? I was born an American, I live in America with my family, and I will remain in America until I at least graduate from High School. If that somehow makes me a fat, stupid, illiterate, war-hungry, arrogant POS ... then perhaps I need to move to Luxembourg so that my eating habits, intelligence, and literacy skills can magically change for the better!
Luxembourg is pretty dull. I wouldn't suggest it.
Regardless of what you think, the idea of this particular thread was to discuss why the US is disliked. I'd agree that it's a little harsh to hate somebody for a certain characteristic or their origins, but that's life. At least you're not being herded into a gas chamber or dragged behind cars for being American. :) Discussion isn't bad, is it?
It's strange, though. The majority of people from the US posting in this thread can't possibly conceive of the notion that there are logical reasons for a lot of people disliking the US. They flat-out don't want to hear it and take a dig at whoever posted and their country. I admit that some of the posts here are a little silly, or pretty fucking stupid, but there are some decent, irrefutable facts that only a handful of Americans (coincidentally, the ones I view as some of the most intelligent on this site) are willing to concede to.

Or it could be that most people in the world--no matter who they are, where they live, where they come from, what skin color they are, what gender they are, what club they are in, etc.--will always act as if they are superior to another type and/or group of people based on assumptions, stereotypes, and prejudices.

Who knows... I certainly don't.

All I know I know is this: people need to lighten up, quit the bashing, and start acting like mature human beings.
It's interesting you should say that. I mean, you've just proven your own point. Start acting like mature human beings? You find the discussion of negative aspects of your home country, in the eyes of foreigners, immature? To me, that says roughly the same as your fellow Americans posts - I don't want to hear it. I won't hear it.

I agree totally!!! One problem people will always have is that prejudice goes FAR beyond things like skin color. Even the slightest differences will always be the focus for the idiots of the world - regardless of where they are.
When you talk about hate, yes, it's a bad thing. When we're talking about a discussion with a commonly held viewpoint, it isn't a problem is it? I'll admit that this thread's got a little out of hand, but - what's your take on what I've said. Would you agree that the majority of Americans (in this thread, at least) just don't want to know?

Well said Read-Only.
IAC. You're hopeless. Sorry to say it, but it's painful to read your replies to Satyr.
From 2002

Did that travel map just show international travel? Because most Americans take trips to other states, which might be comparable to a European traveling to a neighboring country. Especially when you look at the trips taken to Florida and Hawaii.
You really haven't left your back yard then to say such a moronic thing.
It's not comparable at all!

Ignorance is not an American phenomenon only. I saw a survey that asked if humans have evolved.

Turkey was a clear leader in the No's, human have not evolved from 'animals'. The USA was not far behind. But Finland wasn't far from the USA. also a percentage close to the 30s.

Shining beacon in the fight against ignorance was iceland. only 7% or so said no, humans have not evolved from animals.
Of course - ignorance is everywhere!
Just saw that map during my weekly read of,
wasn't searching for anything american.

My stance is that we should talk less about how bad others are, but instead use that time to improve ourselves.
In your imagination maybe. I didn't see much difference between florida, california and the whashington area.

Compare that to crossing the border between holland and belgium, even though there is no border, you know when you crossed the border.

Anyway, europeans go all over the world. The more exotic the better.

i know when ive crossed the border OUT of belgium because the lights stop.
thats the only difference other than the crazy dutch accent :D.