American Hater, Stop Hating, Where Not So Bad

I am the reason people hate Americans, because I haven't read a lecture by a Pinter?

Again, reading comprehension is an important skill.

Not because you haven't read the lecture, but because you summarily discount someone or something you have absolutely no knowledge about, and stand so smug and arrogant, proud of your willful ignorance.
That's why.
I read the blurb you put up, and went to his website, so I have a pretty good handle on where he's coming from.

Why don't you try to force Pinter to read one of my books?

It seems like we need someone to hate as much as we need someone to love. There is some sort of hard wired defense mechanism, if looked at on the individual level.
Well, Ive read the Article, in its entirety. I encourage everyone to read it who wishes to have a better understanding of the Leaders of United States.
I have to say, that im Deeply Ashamed at the actions of these people. Being a realist, the facts are undeniable, which is what I was looking for all along. Even though the majority of our conversation on here has been worthless to an extent, Im glad I created it because Ive now gained a better understanding of certing things. But as I said in the begining, Where not all bad Gent.
supremebeingindeed: Wow Saytr, your really not making sense now, starting to sound desperate.

What's that psychology called... ? Dirty, deceptive, nervous... turning the tables, or rather, rear-view mirrors... Oh. The expressway in an old Mickey Mouse cartoon. Watch out, Satyr; Americans are well known for their road rage.
Saytr's comments were ignorant and foundless, he provided no backing of any of his accusations, he was referring to the American Public I have already proved him wrong on several occasions and if you read the thread you will see how. I never once said that we didnt commit heinous crimes against others. But lets not undermine all the things that we have done that were positive, I didnt start this thread Glorifying the negative now did I?
Saytr's comments were ignorant and foundless, he provided no backing of any of his accusations, he was referring to the American Public I have already proved him wrong on several occasions and if you read the thread you will see how. I never once said that we didnt commit heinous crimes against others. But lets not undermine all the things that we have done that were positive, I didnt start this thread Glorifying the negative now did I?

You are so full of poo.