American Hater, Stop Hating, Where Not So Bad

Am I the only person who finds it rather ignorant, prejudice, and stupid to hate people simply because of where they live? I was born an American, I live in America with my family, and I will remain in America until I at least graduate from High School. If that somehow makes me a fat, stupid, illiterate, war-hungry, arrogant POS ... then perhaps I need to move to Luxembourg so that my eating habits, intelligence, and literacy skills can magically change for the better!

Or it could be that most people in the world--no matter who they are, where they live, where they come from, what skin color they are, what gender they are, what club they are in, etc.--will always act as if they are superior to another type and/or group of people based on assumptions, stereotypes, and prejudices.

Who knows... I certainly don't.

All I know I know is this: people need to lighten up, quit the bashing, and start acting like mature human beings.
Am I the only person who finds it rather ignorant, prejudice, and stupid to hate people simply because of where they live? I was born an American, I live in America with my family, and I will remain in America until I at least graduate from High School. If that somehow makes me a fat, stupid, illiterate, war-hungry, arrogant POS ... then perhaps I need to move to Luxembourg so that my eating habits, intelligence, and literacy skills can magically change for the better!

Or it could be that most people in the world--no matter who they are, where they live, where they come from, what skin color they are, what gender they are, what club they are in, etc.--will always act as if they are superior to another type and/or group of people based on assumptions, stereotypes, and prejudices.

Who knows... I certainly don't.

All I know I know is this: people need to lighten up, quit the bashing, and start acting like mature human beings.

I agree totally!!! One problem people will always have is that prejudice goes FAR beyond things like skin color. Even the slightest differences will always be the focus for the idiots of the world - regardless of where they are.
Honestly, Americans really just need to behave when visiting other countries. You really do come off as egotistical braggarts.
Honestly, Americans really just need to behave when visiting other countries. You really do come off as egotistical braggarts.

Can't speak for anyone else But I never acted like that. I was completely absorbed in all the interesting sights and sounds and experiences and hardly said a word other than asking questions or while ordering something to eat.
Two Americans thinking.

US1 – Dsuuuuuh,wat I tinking?
US2 – Duh, I dot know, open Bible and tell me.
US1 – Duh, it sayz here where all si…sin…sinners. Big word.
US2 – Duh, what do dat mean?
US1 – Ztupid! It mean we bad. We all go hell.
US2 – Doh, why?
US1 – Because we alive.
US2 – Zoinks!!!!
US1 – Me wanna be good. Me make money and then be smart. Then me be good.
US2 – You a gen…geniu…you smart.

This is fuckin’ hilarious.

He's dumb, but at least he has a job.
aren't you thinking about 2 DANES talking?
Sam, when Islamic Theocracy supposedly takes hold of the World, wouldn't everyone then be conformed to the rituals and codes of Islam?

Why not stop fearing hypotheticals and face reality?
The United States now occupies 702 military installations throughout the world in 132 countries, with the honourable exception of Sweden, of course. We don’t quite know how they got there but they are there all right.

The United States possesses 8,000 active and operational nuclear warheads. Two thousand are on hair trigger alert, ready to be launched with 15 minutes warning. It is developing new systems of nuclear force, known as bunker busters. The British, ever cooperative, are intending to replace their own nuclear missile, Trident. Who, I wonder, are they aiming at? Osama bin Laden? You? Me? Joe Dokes? China? Paris? Who knows? What we do know is that this infantile insanity – the possession and threatened use of nuclear weapons – is at the heart of present American political philosophy. We must remind ourselves that the United States is on a permanent military footing and shows no sign of relaxing it.
I think the goal of Islam is the same as that of Christianity.

Milk the retards for all they've got.
Give them hope in return.
yea right. when has america done ANYTHING purely to help people, and not to benefit from it somehow?

and dont drag up that BS about WW2. not only had the allies been making ground long before you guys decided it was convenient to join in. but even if the three powers did win, what would be the great loss?

Oh, talk about a loose grip on reality. Britian was hanging on by a htread and that was even with American planes and pilots helping. Russia was only able to hold what it could becuase it bought arms and supllies form the US for cheap. Yes, the British did manage to kick the germans out of Africa, but that had more to do with the fact that the generals in charge had attended Rommels lectures before the war and that Rommel was not give a proper desert tank.

When the US joiuned the war they were out producing the entire rest of the world lumped together. We made D-day possible. We practially crushed Japan in the Pacific despite the opening slavo of Pearl Harbor.

You can think anything you want, but if wasn;t for the USA Europe would be part of Germany, not vice versa
Oh, talk about a loose grip on reality. Britian was hanging on by a htread and that was even with American planes and pilots helping. Russia was only able to hold what it could becuase it bought arms and supllies form the US for cheap. Yes, the British did manage to kick the germans out of Africa, but that had more to do with the fact that the generals in charge had attended Rommels lectures before the war and that Rommel was not give a proper desert tank.

When the US joiuned the war they were out producing the entire rest of the world lumped together. We made D-day possible. We practially crushed Japan in the Pacific despite the opening slavo of Pearl Harbor.

You can think anything you want, but if wasn;t for the USA Europe would be part of Germany, not vice versa

Hello, Mr. Scott.

Very true. I've concluded that vslayer is nothing more than a little kid who knows nothing about world history. Otherwise, he would have never made either of those absolutely absurd statements.

He further supported my conclusion by failing to respond when I asked him exactly WHERE the European/UK forces were making any progress. And instead of replying like any adult would, he simply ran away and hid like a common mall rat does when confronted.

Bear this in mind about my attitude toward him: there's nothing at all wrong with being young as long as you ask questions and continue to learn. The very first sign of intelligence is the realization that there are things you don't know. And the second sign is asking questions and gathering information.

While the true mark of an unintelligent person is SPEAKING when they have no idea what they're talking about - like vslayer. He knows almost nothing and did a fine job of proving that. So yet another is added to my ever-growing ignore list.