Apocalypse Soon?

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Happiness is my point. Your disasters don't exist to happy head. All negativity can be reasoned to non existence, even to have not happened. You just need knowledge and lots of it. Happiness will take care of things.
Does that include dying of starvation or with your legs blown off by a land mine?
I am reminded of a joke but first you must know Christian Scientists don't have doctors but do have councilors to make your only perceived illness go away.

One day the councilor saw Timmy was sad so said:
"Timmy why so glum looking"
Timmy replied: " My mom is sick"
No, said the councilor: "She only thinks she is sick. I have a heavy schedule now but day after tomorrow I call and help her get her thinking correctly again. You will both be happy after that."
Two days later Timmy is sitting on the front steps as the councilor arrives and asks: "Is your mother better?"
No, Timmy replies. "Now she thinks she is dead."
Does that include dying of starvation or with your legs blown off by a land mine?
I am reminded of a joke but first you must know Christian Scientists don't have doctors but do have councilors to make your only perceived illness go away.

One day the councilor saw Timmy was sad so said:
"Timmy why so glum looking"
Timmy replied: " My mom is sick"
No, said the councilor: "She only thinks she is sick. I have a heavy schedule now but day after tomorrow I call and help her get her thinking correctly again. You will both be happy after that."
Two days later Timmy is sitting on the front steps as the councilor arrives and asks: "Is your mother better?"
No, Timmy replies. "Now she thinks she is dead."

Faith healing takes a lot of spirit and energy. Most humans are chalk full of transgression so it doesn't work. They lie, cheat, and spite one another. Their only position of perception is hatred, so no good health. Hate is a dying thing. I have healed coughing before by belief.
Faith healing takes a lot of spirit and energy. Most humans are chalk full of transgression so it doesn't work. They lie, cheat, and spite one another. Their only position of perception is hatred, so no good health. Hate is a dying thing. I have healed coughing before by belief.
So you think it is the anger one must have inside them when a land mine blows both their legs off and shreds them that blocks the restoration of their legs?
So you think it is the anger one must have inside them when a land mine blows both their legs off and shreds them that blocks the restoration of their legs?
Exactly. And all the people with two legs must have had the spirit and energy to grow them back! That's proof it works.
So you think it is the anger one must have inside them when a land mine blows both their legs off and shreds them that blocks the restoration of their legs?

All I am saying I am happy with ultimate reality. And I am happy. Put two and two together and perfection is a possibility.
All I am saying I am happy with ultimate reality. And I am happy. Put two and two together and perfection is a possibility.
So in "ultimate reality" no one gets shot dead or their legs blown off, the girl of your choice always falls in love with you and never drops you for someone richer, cars don't crash or even run out of gas, etc. In fact the world you experience is not reality?
Why are we discussing religion and spiritualism in a science thread on a science subforum?
So in "ultimate reality" no one gets shot dead or their legs blown off, the girl of your choice always falls in love with you and never drops you for someone richer, cars don't crash or even run out of gas, etc. In fact the world you experience is not reality?

My very thoughts. I believe reality is only counted by satisfaction. Anything not satisfying is reasoned to non-existence. We can be induced into a dream-heaven state, that is ultimate reality. Lucid dreaming is the fringe of ultimate reality.
Why are we discussing religion and spiritualism in a science thread on a science subforum?
Feel free to move post 1555 and all thru this to more suitable place. I don't have that power. (Moderate only B&E) I replied here as forced to not ignore reality. kx000 commented on my on subject post. - I was not happy with kx000's post not getting rebuffed.
The apocalypse only occurs for those who see the glass half empty. Or if you lack belief, or lie. Or whatever, but it won't happen because all of that stuff won't exist because God is good and mr. Good is God.

Half full. half empty. Exactly the same. Anything else is silly. Lack belief in what? Everybody lies. Anyone who claims to never lie is extremely untrustworthy. IF there is an omnipotent god, it is obviously apathetic and/or evil.
Still, this world is an ever changing position of perception. It's all about what you know, and how deep you can reason and use logic. Whoever said pandora doesn't go back in the box hasn't reasoned with it. For the sake of happiness the ebolas of the world. And the Hitler of history will become nill to all our senses. We will be left with the knowledge that Hitler is certainly gone to not.

YOUR perception is not necessarily reality. It's all about what you do not know & you obviously cannot reason & use logic.
Happiness is my point. Your disasters don't exist to happy head. All negativity can be reasoned to non existence, even to have not happened. You just need knowledge and lots of it. Happiness will take care of things.

All positivity can be reasoned to non existence, even to have not happened. YOU just need knowledge and lots of it. Your ignorant faith will not take care of things.
Does that include dying of starvation or with your legs blown off by a land mine?
I am reminded of a joke but first you must know Christian Scientists don't have doctors but do have councilors to make your only perceived illness go away.

One day the councilor saw Timmy was sad so said:
"Timmy why so glum looking"
Timmy replied: " My mom is sick"
No, said the councilor: "She only thinks she is sick. I have a heavy schedule now but day after tomorrow I call and help her get her thinking correctly again. You will both be happy after that."
Two days later Timmy is sitting on the front steps as the councilor arrives and asks: "Is your mother better?"
No, Timmy replies. "Now she thinks she is dead."

Does Timmy think she's dead?
All positivity can be reasoned to non existence, even to have not happened. YOU just need knowledge and lots of it. Your ignorant faith will not take care of things.

The thing is your just spring crap. I know words that change reality to their liking. Not for you. Leave me alone.
what apocalypse? is this website also being shut down by owner?
Why do you think it might be?
In effort to return more to thread's subject here is link to some (probably correct oil production and changes in same data by nations, a strong opinion that Religious war will completely reshape N. Africa & mid east, and near the end [about 10 minutes] Dr. Kent Moore's pitch for some of your money, I assume, but I ducked out when it seemed to be coming.): http://pro.moneymappress.com/EADIQ/WEADQ916/?pub=ead&cookie=mm&h=true
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