Are we made in God's image?

What myths and unsupported deities that theists believe in, are due to the actual finality of death...the end, kaput!! For some reason that finality, that non existence scares and worries them.
But life and death fluctuate. It is spring right now. What do you see outside your door? I think most everyone fears death, and others fear the possibly of a return trip.
But life and death fluctuate. It is spring right now. What do you see outside your door? I think most everyone fears death, and others fear the possibly of a return trip.
Life certainly fluctuates. Death, is death. Ever been under anesthetic? Similar except there is no return.
Show where I have been dishonest in my answers.

Sorry Jan, but I don't think I can show where you've been honest in your answers.

Why do you think there would be no way for us to know?
Bearing in mind you already think you know that, and you traipse that false knowledge around as though it is true, common knowledge, and evidential. While at the same time being without, lack of, and disbelief in, the belief in God. How could you know any of this?

That was the obvious question posed to you regarding how you claim to know those alleged attributes of God. Based on your past responses, you won't answer. And if you do, it will probably be some magical, wishful thinking gobbledygook.
Death is a universal constant too. If we can accept that, then what remains to be feared? (honest question that awaits your reply)
Which means that all those grand things you mentioned are all destined for death. Where's the love in that? Is a comet that wipes out most of life on earth a sign of love?

Cancer or the coronavirus is not love, by any standard. It is pain and misery. You cannot go around cherry picking the nice things as if that's all there is.

One thing is demonstrably true: The universe has no motive or cares in the least about love. It's a cyclical function of energy conversion. Death of one thing usually means life for another thing. In order for something to live, something else must die. At best it's a zero sum gain. 95% of all species that lived in this "loving" environment are now extinct. Where's the love in that?
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Have you ever been under anesthetic? If you have, did you return? Or is that a stupid question? :biggrin:
Being under anesthetic is like having a slice of your life totally recollection, no minute lying on the operating table, the next waking up in bed. Except with death it is permanent.
And yes I have around 15 years ago for some surgery.
Which means that all those grand things you mentioned are all destined for death. Where's the love in that? Is a comet that wipes out most of life on earth a sign of love?
Would you care knowing you and everyone else are eternal?

Cancer or the coronavirus is not love, by any standard. It is pain and misery.
It is part of Life. Pain and misery exist, do they not? People die, do they not?

You cannot go around cherry picking the nice things as if that's all there is.
But those nice things exist too. Enjoy them, every moment of the nice stuff. Try not to constantly wallow in the memory of pain and misery.

One thing is demonstrably true: The universe has no motive or cares in the least about love.
Sure it does, otherwise you wouldn't understand the meaning of the word. Love exists in the Universe.

It's a cyclical function of energy conversion. Death of one thing usually means life for another thing. In order for something to live, something else must die. At best it's a zero sum gain. 95% of all species that lived in this "loving" environment are now extinct. Where's the love in that?
Maybe the Universe was making room for you and me?
Being under anesthetic is like having a slice of your life totally recollection, no minute lying on the operating table, the next waking up in bed. Except with death it is permanent.

That is your conviction.

And yes I have around 15 years ago for some surgery.

I too went into a child. The experience was interesting. I had no idea how long I was down--total loss of time sense. At least when you sleep, you retain some sense of time passage when you awake. Not while under anesthesia.
Maybe the Universe was making room for you and me?
The observable universe is some ninety billion light years in diameter, past that the most conservative model I have read concludes it is 250 times larger again and there are suggestions that it may be bigger than that...somehow I think your observation is somewhat optimistic.

I am all for positive thinking ..that's what atheists are all know no hell, no one judging you, opportunity for science to lead us out of the superstition that has had us prisoners of myth since humans evolved from an ape like creature our common ancestor with monkeys and apes...and it is nice that you are positive and cheerful but you should not fear is wonderful and I much more pleasant place than you inhabit.

That is your conviction.
The conviction that once you are dead, you are dead, finish, kaput? No, its a scientific conviction built upon the fact that is what evidence tells us, and no one has ever come back to tell us differently.
I too went into a child. The experience was interesting. I had no idea how long I was down--total loss of time sense. At least when you sleep, you retain some sense of time passage when you awake. Not while under anesthesia.
Bingo! No sense of time, or anything else, other then you will eventually, hopefully wake up. The same with death except there is no waking up. Unless you have evidence otherwise?
You suggest everyone could be eternal so does it not follow that the universe is eternal and needed no creator?
The World was once flat, to the best of our knowledge.

Strongly suggesting that a "loving god" does not.
Strongly suggesting that life is a color wheel. Everything passes with time.

It's a bit hard to do when my legs are on fire non stop 24/7 ..maybe a promise of things to COME.
I don't want to minimize your pain and misery, Alex; and certainly I wish you the best; but you appear to be handling it quite well. Judging from those picture of the stars you shared with us, you still find pleasure in life and have a lot to give others.

When I was a teen the neighbor kid and I took his telescope to the local schoolyard. He showed me the Andromeda Galaxy. It was the coolest shit ever, and I remember it to this day.

The observable universe is some ninety billion light years in diameter, past that the most conservative model I have read concludes it is 250 times larger again and there are suggestions that it may be bigger than that...somehow I think your observation is somewhat optimistic.
At this time we are limited to this world.

and it is nice that you are positive and cheerful but you should not fear is wonderful and I much more pleasant place than you inhabit.
It's more recognition each of us come from the same source: I am a creature of this Universe and this World as are you and everybody else. Everything about you can be attributed to this universe--providing you are not a multidimensional creature from a different reality. Nothing about you or me can be attributed to anything but that from which we were delivered.
Strongly suggesting that life is a color wheel
You overshot the main issue presumably because you are happy with my observation.
I don't want to minimize your pain and misery,
Well that is not very caring if I could minimise your pain and misery I certainly would do all I could to minimise your pain and misery.
but you appear to be handling it quite wel
Yes but that's only because I am somewhat of a hero ... well even more than that.
you still find pleasure in life and have a lot to give others.
I certainly find pleasure in life and feel guilty that I have had my share and also that of a few others and of course I do want to give folk the understanding of reality that they wish for and to help them to begin to think and work on a plan to free themselves of superstition as well as the cash drain involved in being an imprisoned cult member.

It was the coolest shit ever, and I remember it to this day.

You should get yourself a telescope a 6 inch or 8 inch Newtonian on a Dobsoian base as they are rather cheap and I am confident that you will find it very satisfying...You can look at the band's on Jupiter, the rings on Saturn, the mountains on the Moon and quiet a few galaxies. You just point the scope up and start exploring.

At this time we are limited to this world.

Only if you don't have a telescope.

It's more recognition each of us come from the same source: I am a creature of this Universe and this World as are you and everybody else. Everything about you can be attributed to this universe--providing you are not a multidimensional creature from a different reality. Nothing about you or me can be attributed to anything but that from which we were delivered.

That is a rather simple way at looking at things.

There is so much more to learn and experience but a mind set of spirituality causes one to be complacent lulling one into a belief that one has achieved a purpose whereas if there can be said that there is any purpose it must be to learn everything and to find truth.

The conviction that once you are dead, you are dead, finish, kaput

I find it strange that books which make a living telling about life after death never talk about life before life

I guess the reasoning goes along the lines but I have to be born first so I can die and then live in the afterlife

So if you kill a dead zombie do they have a afterlife afterlife?

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